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                               UNITED STATES 
                          WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 

Dockets Nos. 50-317 
         and 50-318 

Mr. A. E. Lundvall, Jr.
Vice President - Supply
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
P. O. Box 1475
Baltimore, Maryland 21203 

Dear Mr. Lundvall: 


As you know, we initiated a program to upgrade the bases section of the STS 
during August 1977. We thank you for the support you have previously 
indicated for this program. The program has made only slight progress to 
date. However, based on informal contacts with staff members of one NSSS 
vendor, we understand renewed efforts are being made by this vendor and his 
affected utilities to implement this program. During these informal contacts,
a concern was expressed regarding the applicability of license fees for 
amendments which may result from this upgrading program. In response to this 
concern, we have sought and obtained approval for exempting from fees, 
amendments in fee Classes I, II, and III which result directly from this 
upgrading program. We currently expect all amendments under this program to 
fall in one of these fee classes. We hope that this exemption from fees will 
provide additional incentive for the program. We are also notifying the 
reactor vendors of this fee exemption approval. 

If you have any questions about the program or wish to discuss it further, 
please call Donald Brinkman at (301) 492-7306. 


                                        Robert W. Reid, Chief 
                                        Operating Reactors Branch #4 
                                        Division of Operating Reactors 

cc: See next page