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Terms and Conditions

One-page, 43kb PDF version of this document: Training Terms and Conditions (27kb PDF).

King County GIS Center

KCGIS Center Provided Training Services
Standard Training Terms and Conditions

Training Services To Be Provided: The contents of each King County GIS Center training class are outlined in the class descriptions (see: However, KCGIS Center reserves the right to adjust the syllabus of any class at its sole discretion and without notice.

Warranty:  King County GIS Center has resources and staff with the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide the training services offered. Notwithstanding, all training services are provided “as-is,” without a guarantee or warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. KCGIS Center is not responsible for the performance of any student after attending a class.

Limitation Of Liability:  King County GIS Center shall not be liable for any indirect, special, or consequential damages which may arise from its performance under this agreement.

Client Responsibility:  The customer is responsible to ensure that:

  • Students meet the prerequisites and recommendations as outlined in the training class description.

  • Students attend each training session at the set schedule and participate in training activities as directed by the instructor.

  • Students will make themselves aware of and adhere to the KCGIS Center Training Facility policies related to health, safety, security, and emergencies.

  • Students will not copy, in whole or in part, any copyrighted class material acquired during the class.

  • Client cancellations must be received in writing and must be received by KCGIS Center no less than two weeks before the start of the class. The client may substitute a suitably qualified alternate for any student enrolled at any time up to commencement of the class. Registered students who cancel with less than two weeks notice, or who fail to attend the class even though registered, will be billed for the full cost of the class.

KCGIS Center reserves the right to terminate the training class for any attendee it feels is not fit to attend.

Registration and Payment:  The price for each King County GIS Center training class is published on the KCGIS Center website (see: KCGIS Center reserves the right to change the published training price at the beginning of each calendar year, or upon advance notice if costs change significantly at other times.

To register, a Training Registration form must be sent to the KCGIS Center as directed on the form.

Payment for King County employees is made by interfund transfer. Payment must be received no less than two weeks before the scheduled start date of class. Non-King County Government agencies must provide a check for the full amount of the training cost made out to the King County Finance Department. Payment by check must be received no less than two weeks prior to the scheduled class start date.

All students will receive a confirmation e-mail one week before each class.

Cancellations:  If the number of registered students is not adequate to justify the cost of presenting a class prior to the scheduled start date, the class will be cancelled and rescheduled at a later date. All registered students will be notified immediately of any cancellations. If a class is cancelled by KCGIS Center, registered students will be given the option to register in a future class or to receive a full tuition refund.

If, where notice has not been given but KCGIS Center is not able to start or continue a class as scheduled due to illness or unavoidable absence of the KCGIS Center instructor, or for any other reason beyond KCGIS Center’s reasonable control, KCGIS Center will attempt to remedy the situation by either rescheduling the class or refunding tuition.

Note:  King County GIS Center may include client names in future informational material, unless requested otherwise by client.

Current Revision - October 15, 2007

Revised October 15, 2007


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