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                              UNITED STATES 
                          WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 

                            November 24, 1980 

Docket No.  
Plant Name:    SEE ATTACHED LIST  


The Commission published on November 19, 1980 (45 FR 76602), a revised 
section 10 CFR 50.48 and a new Appendix R to 10 CFR 50 regarding fire 
protection features of nuclear power plants. The revised Section 50.48 and 
Appendix R will become effective February 17, 1981, which is 90 days after 
publication. A copy of the Federal Register Notice is enclosed (Enclosure 

The provisions of Appendix R that are applicable to the fire protection 
features of your facility can be divided into two categories. The first 
category consists of those provisions of the Appendix that are required to 
be backfit in their entirety by the new rule, regardless of whether or not 
alternatives to the specific requirements of these Sections have been 
previously approved by the NRC staff. These requirements are set forth in 
Sections III.G, Fire Protection of Safe Shutdown Capability; III-J, 
Emergency Lighting; and III-O, Oil Collection Systems for Reactor Coolant 
Pump. The fire protection features of your facility must satisfy the 
specific requirements of these three Sections by the dates established by 
Paragraph 50.48(c), unless an exemption from the Appendix R requirements is 
approved by the Commission. You should note the provisions for tolling the 
time for completing the modifications required by these three Sections of 
Appendix R set forth in Paragraph 50.48(c)(6). 

The second category of Appendix R provisions applicable to the fire 
protection features of your facility consists of requirements concerning the
"open" items of previous NRC staff fire protection reviews of your facility.
An open item is defined as a fire protection feature that has not been 
previously approved by the NRC staff as satisfying the provisions of 
Appendix A to Branch Technical Position BTP PCSB 9.5-1, as reflected in a 
staff fire protection safety evaluation report. The fire protection features 
of your facility that are in this category must satisfy the specific 
requirements of Appendix R by the dates established by Paragraph 50.48(c), 
unless an exemption from the Appendix R requirements on those features is 
approved by the Commission. 

Enclosure 2 is a summary listing of the open items concerning the fire 
protection features of your facility based on a review of our records. Also 
included is our position on the specific requirements that must be satisfied
in order to resolve these open items. If you have any questions or disagree-
ments with this enclosure, please advise us within 30 days of your receipt 
of this letter. 

                                  - 2 - 

With regard to the fire protection modifications that have been previously 
approved by the NRC staff, Paragraph 50.48(d) specifies a new schedule for 
their completion. This paragraph, when it becomes effective, will supersede 
the currently, effective section of the regulations that temporarily 
suspends completion dates for previously approved fire protection 
modifications that are given in facility license conditions (45 FR 71569, 
October 29, 1980). The Commission expects that all such modifications will 
be completed in accordance with this new schedule, unless an extension has 
been requested and granted by the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor 
Regulation [see Paragraph 50.48(d)], or an exemption has been requested and 
granted by the Commission pursuant to Section 50.12 of the Commission's 

If you have previously requested extensions of dates for completion of 
modifications that are required by license conditions for your facility 
which were not approved, and you have determined that these extensions are 
still necessary and justifiable, it will be necessary for you to reapply for 
any such extensions in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 50.48(d).

All requests for Commission action resulting from this rule are subject to 
the schedule of fees specified in 10 CFR 170.21. If you have any questions 
concerning the subject matters of this letter, please contact the NRC 
Project Manager for your facility. 


                                        Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director 
                                        Division of Licensing 
                                        Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 

1. Notice - Fire Protection 
2. Summary of Staff Require-
     ments to Resolve Open 

cc w/enclosures: 
See next page 

50-295 - Zion Unit 1 

50-304 - Zion Unit 2 

50-280 - Surry Unit 1 

50-281 - Surry Unit 2 

50-272 - Salem Unit 1 

50-261 - H. B. Robinson 

50-305 - Kewaunee 

50-286 - Indian Point 3 

50-247 - Indian Point 2 

50-248 - Farley Unit 1 

50-315 - D. C. Cook Unit 1 

50-316 - D. C. Cook Unit 2 

50-334 - Beaver Valley 

50-250 - Turkey Point Unit 3 

50-251 - Turkey Point Unit 4