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                               UNITED STATES 
                          WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 

                              AUGUST 20 1980 

Docket No. 50-293 

     Mr. G. Carl Andognini 
     Boston Edison Company 
     800 Boylston Street 
     Boston, Massachusetts 02199 

     Dear Mr. Andognini: 

     Enclosed, for your information, is a copy of the "Mark I Containment 
     Long- Term Program Safety Evaluation Reports Resolution of Generic 
     Technical Activity A-7," NUREG-0661, dated July 1980. This report 
     describes the results of the staff's review and the bases for the staff
     s requirements relative to the generic suppression pool hydrodynamic 
     load definition and assessment procedures for the Mark containment 
     design for boiling water reactors. 

     Additional copies of this report can be obtained, at a cost of $6.50 
     per copy, from the GPO Sales Program, Division of Technical Information 
     and Document Control, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, 
     DC 20555. 

                                        Thomas A. Ippolito, Chief 
                                        Operating Reactors Branch #2 
                                        Division of Licensing 

Enclosure:     NUREG-0661 

cc w/o enclosure
See next page 


                                  - 2 -                     AUGUST 20 1980 

Mr. G. Carl Andognini
Boston Edison Company 


Mr. Paul J. McGuire
Pilgrim Station Acting Manager
Boston Edison Company
RFD #1, Rocky Hill Road
Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 

Henry Herrmann, Esquire
Massachusetts Wildlife Federation
151 Tremont Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02111 

Plymouth Public Library
North Street
Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360

Resident Inspector
c/o U. S. NRC
P. O. Box 867
Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 

Dr. H. O'Conner
Boston Edison Company
800 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02199