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                              UNITED STATES 
                          WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 

                               July 2, 1980 


The staff has completed its evaluation of the actions you have taken to 
satisfy the Category "A" items of our recommendations resulting from TMI-2 
Lessons Learned. Our evaluation was previously forwarded. 

Under the provisions of 10 CFR Part 50.36(d)(3) and in order to provide 
reasonable assurance that your facility operation is maintained within the 
limits determined acceptable following the implementation of the TMI-1 
Lessons Learned Category "A" item, we have prepared the enclosed model 
Technical Specifications (TSs). These model specifications are intended to 
provide guidance in the scope and types of required specifications for each 
facility in the areas of equipment and administrative requirements including
actions we consider appropriate if a limiting condition for operation cannot
be met. 

The proposed specifications for your facility involve: 

(1)  Emergency Power Supply Requirements 

     The pressurizer water level indicators, pressurizer relief and block 
     valves, and pressurizer heaters are important in a post-accident 
     situation. Adequate emergency power supplies ensure post-accident 
     functioning of these components. The enclosed specifications will 
     satisfy our requirements. 

(2)  Valve Position Indication 

     The installed system for indication of valve position is a diagnostic 
     aid to the operator. Although the indicating system provides no 
     automatic action, we believe that this system should be operable and 
     that periodic surveillance should be performed. 

(3)  Instrumentation for Inadequate Core Cooling 

(4)  Containment Isolation  

     We believe your specifications should include a Table of Containment 
     Isolation Valves which reflect the diverse isolation signals which your 
     design currently provides. Sample specifications and associated 
     surveillance are included. 


(5)  Auxiliary Feedwater Systems 

     These specifications treat both initiation and indication of auxiliary 
     feedwater flow. 

(6)  Shift Technical Advisor 

     The specification related to minimum shift manning should be revised to 
     reflect the augmentation of a Shift Technical Advisor.

Enclosure (1) uses the Standard TS format with blanks or parentheses 
appearing where the information is plant specific. It includes appropriate 
pages as background information for facilities that do not have Standard TS.

In addition to the specifications discussed above, we believe that your 
license should be amended by adding license conditions related to a System 
Integrity Measurements Program and Improved Iodine Measurements capability. 
Proposed wording of these conditions is enclosed as Enclosure 2. 

We request that you submit a license amendment application to incorporate 
the applicable specifications of the enclosed guidance into your Appendix 
"A" TSs within 60 dAys following receipt of this letter. The staff has 
determined that such an amendment is in the public interest and is exempt 
from fee per 10 CFR 170.11, provided the application is consistent with the 
enclosed guidance. 

If you have any questions on this matter please contact your Operating 
Reactors Project Manager. 


                                   Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director 
                                   Division of Licensing 
                                   Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 

1. Model TSs 
2. Proposed Wording of 

cc w/enclosures: 
service lists 

                                                              Enclosure 2 


                            CATEGORY "A" ITEMS 

Systems Integrity 

The licensee shall implement a program to reduce leakage from systems 
outside containment that would or could contain highly radioactivity fluids 
during a serious transient or accident to as low as practical levels. This 
program shall include the following: 

     1.   Provisions establishing preventive maintenance and periodic visual
          inspection requirements, and 

     2.   Integrated leak test requirements for each system at a frequency 
          not to exceed refueling cycle intervals. 

Iodine Monitoring 

The licensee shall implement a program which will ensure the capability to 
accurately determine the airborne iodine concentration in vital areas under 
accident conditions, This program shall include the following: 

     1.   Training of personnel, 

     2.   Procedures for monitoring, and 

     3.   Provisions for maintenance of sampling and analysis equipment. 

Backup Method for Determining Subcooling Margin (OPTIONAL) 

The licensee shall implement a program which will ensure the capability to 
accurately monitor the Reactor Coolant System subcooling margin. This 
program shall include the following: 

     1.   Training of personnel, and 

     2.   Procedures for monitoring.