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                                 UNITED STATES
                         NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                            WASHINGTON, D.C.  20555

                                 March 28, 1980



In a letter dated September 13, 1979, we informed you of NRR requirements 
established as of that date based on our review of the TMI-2 accident. 
Enclosure 9 to the letter outlined the staff recommendations concerning 
improvements in the area of operator training for your information.  Since 
that time, the Commission has acted on the staff recommendations. 

It is the purpose of this letter to set forth the revised criteria to be 
used by the staff in evaluating reactor operator training and licensing that 
can be implemented under the current regulations and to establish an 
effective date for their implementation.  Other criteria that will be 
established require additional staff work are also addressed.  However, 
implementation dates cannot be provided at this time.  Commission review in 
the area of operator training and qualification is continuing and can be 
expected to result in additional criteria.  Finally, requirements will be 
established through rule making proceedings. 

Enclosure 1 details the revised criteria and the effective date for their 
implementation.  Your attention is specifically directed to Sections A, B 
and C of Enclosure 1 since these call out new criteria that will be 
implemented in the near future;, therefore, your plans regarding training 
and licensing activities should be promptly revised to conform to these 

Enclosures 2 and 3 provide guidance for establishing training programs in 
heat transfer, fluid flow and thermodynamics; and mitigating core damage. 
Enclosure 4 details control manipulations for requalification programs. 

Based on our understanding of the industry's reasons for establishing the 
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations and our review of the latest revision 
to applicable ANSI standards, we believe you share our desire to 
significantly upgrade the requirements for operations personnel. 

Therefore, we urge you to effect the implementation of the criteria as soon 
as practicable rather than wait for the stated implementation date.  Also, 
we urge you to start planning for the long range requirements so that they 
may be rapidly implemented upon completion of the rule making procedure. 

                                      Harold R. Denton, Director 
                                      Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 

1.  Requirements for Reactor Operator
      Training and Licensing
2.  Training in Heat Transfer, Fluid
      Flow and Thermodynamics
3.  Training Criteria For Mitigating
      Core Damage
4.  Control Manipulations