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                               UNITED STATES 
                          WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 

                               August 9, 1982


          (Generic Letter No. 82-14 ) 

In recent months the volume of document submittals to the NRC, combined with
confusion relating to copy requirements and submittal methods, has caused 
delays in document processing. 

To ensure expeditious processing of formal submittals, please comply with 
the requirements set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I. Informal advance submittals 
may be made, however, with the agreement of the NRC Project Manager. 
Informal submittals must be labelled "Addressee Only" and are not considered 
part of the formal submittal. 

Enclosure 1 summarizes the above requirements, and identifies our other copy
needs not prescribed in the regulations. Alternatives for meeting these 
requirements, such as submittal of microforms, are described in Enclosure 2.

Should you have any questions regarding the proper administrative procedures
for making formal submittals or reports to NRC, please contact your Project 


                                   Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director 
                                   Division of Licensing 
                                   Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 

As Stated  


                                                               Enclosure 1 

                           FOR NUCLEAR REACTORS 

A.   Power and Test Facilities                    Minimum Copies for NRC1/ 

     1.   Information required by Attorney 
          General for Antitrust Review                      20 

     2.   Tendered application for Construction 
               Permit and approval of Preliminary 
               Standard Design and Early Review 
               of Site Suitability Issues 

               General Information                          10 
               Environmental Report                         20 
               50.34 Technical Information                  15 

     3.   Accepted application for Construction 
               Permit and approval of Preliminary 
               Standard Design and Early Review of 
               Site Suitability Issues 

               General Information                          15 
               Environmental Report and Amendments          41 
               50.34 Technical Information                  40 
               PSAR Amendments                              60 

     4.   Tendered Application for License and 
               approval of Final Standard Design 

               General Information                          10 
               Environmental Report                         20 
               50.34 Technical Information                  15 

     5.   Accepted Application for License and 
               approval of Final Standard Design 

               General Information                          15 
               Environmental Report and Amendments          41 
               50.34 Technical Information                  40 
               FSAR Amendments                              60 
               Emergency Plan and Amendments                13* 

     6.   Application for amendment of License or 
               Construction Permit 

               General Information                          19 
               Safety Analysis Information                  40 

     *Includes three copies to be sent directly to Regional Administrator 

                                    - 2 -  

     7.   Application for transfer of Construction 
          Permit or License (50.80)                    Reference item 5 
     8.   For copies not specified in NRC Regulations, Reg. Guide 10.1, or 
          the licenses, 40 copies are needed (e.g., Applications for 
          Termination of License, Responses to Request for Additional 
          Information, Responses to Generic Letters, and Responses to 
          Orders), except for the following: 

               Safeguards Contingency Plan                       6 
               Physical Security Plan                            6 
               Guard Training and Qualification Plan             6 

B.        Nonpower Facilities                               Copies for NRC 

          Applications for Construction Permit or 
               Operating License 

               General Information and Amendments                19 
               50.34 Technical Information (OL) and Amendments   19 

1/Copy requirements are in addition to the three signed originals, if 

Unless otherwise specified, all submittals should be addressed to the Office 
of Director as designated, ATTN: Document Control Desk, U. S. Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C. 20555. 

Submittals may be delivered in person at the NRC's offices at 1717 H Street 
N. W., Washington, D. C., or at 7920 Norfolk Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland, 
between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 

All copies required should be provided in a single submittal. Multiple 
package shipments should be numbered sequentially within sets with the 
package containing the signed original(s) clearly designated. 

                                                               Enclosure 2 


(a)  Copy Requirements - Submittal requirements may be met by the following:
     (1)  For documents other than drawings, maps or photographs, if fewer 
          than ten copies are required (i.e., reports as noted in Regulatory
          Guide 10.1, Revision 4), one signed original and one master 
          microfiche may be submitted. The Document Control Desk should 
          always receive any microfiche submitted. 

     (2)  For documents other than drawings, maps or photographs, if more 
          than forty copies are required, one master microfiche may be 
          submitted in lieu of paper copies in excess of forty. 

     (3)  Copy requirements for computer output may be met by submitting one
          hard copy and one master microfiche. 

     (4)  Copy requirements for (larger than 11 x 17) engineering drawings 
          or maps may be met by submitting four hard copies and one master 
          aperture card assuming no information is lost (.e.g., color codes,

     (5)  All requirements may be met by the submission of all the required 
          hard copies. 

(b)  Microform Specifications - Microfiche and aperture cards, if used for 
     submittal purposes, should conform to the following specifications: 

     (1)  Microfiche 

          (i)  Microfiche containing source documentation should conform to 
               the NMA Type 1 format (ANSI/NMA MS.5) consisting of 98 frames
               arranged in 7 rows and 14 columns. 

         (ii)  The reduction ratio should be 24:1 for all microfiche. 

        (iii)  The microfiche should be standard 148mm x 105mm. 

         (iv)  The microfiche should be silver-halide master placed in 
               individual acid free envelope. 

          (v)  The microfiche should be titled in the following manner: the 
               first line should contain, from left to right, the NRC Docket
               number, Report Name, Revision level and date. The second line
               should contain, from left to right, the original document 
               date, report name (cont.), and fiche sequence (e.g., 01 of 
               09). Three or four lines may be used for title information as

                                    - 2 - 

        (vi)   Title information should be eye readable on a clear 

       (vii)   The submittal of microfiche containing proprietary material 
               should be coordinated with the Document Management Branch, 
               Division of Technical Information and Document Control, U. S.
               Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 20555 to set format and 
               procedures for submittal. 

      (viii)   Foldouts, if any, should be segmented and filmed in logical 

        (ix)   The first frame should be blank, and the second frame should 
               contain the resolution target (NBS 1010A.) 

(2)  Aperture Cards - Engineering drawings and/or maps should be submitted 
     in accordance with Military Specifications Mil-C-9877B and Mil-C-9949. 

     (i)  The following reduction ratios should be used in the production of
          35mm aperture cards: 

          -    Up to and including 610mm x 457mm (24" x 18") (C or A2 size) 
               should be filmed at a ratio of 16:1. 

          -    Over 610mm x 457mm and up to 914mm x 610mm (36" x 24") (D or 
               Al size) should be filmed at a ratio of 24:1. 

          -    Over 914mm x 610mm and up to 1,219mm x 914mm (48" x 36") (E 
               or AO size) should be filmed at a ratio of 30:1. 

          -    Over 1,219mm x 914mm (to be filmed in sections according to 
               NMA-MS110) should be filmed at a ratio of 30:1. 

     (ii) The aperture card should be a silver-halide original. 

    (iii) Title information should be placed at the top of the card and 
          contain, left to right, docket number, drawing identifier, drawing
          number, drawing date and/or revision.