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NIDCD Celebrates ‘Better Hearing and Speech Month’

In celebration of “Better Hearing and Speech Month,” the May issue of NIH News In Health is featuring an article called "Coping with Hearing and Speech Problems." The article describes how often communication disorders occur in this country as well as how to get treatment. Read the article here.

In addition, be sure to visit NIDCD's new exhibit, featuring NIDCD research and free materials, which will be on display all month at the NIH Visitor Information Center on the first floor of the Natcher Center (Bldg. 45), Room 1AS-13, near the Medical Center Metro station, in Bethesda. For more information, call (301) 496-1776 or visit this Web site:

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Celebrating 20 years of research: 1988 to 2008