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March 27, 2003

MEMORANDUM TO: William D. Travers
Executive Director for Operations
FROM: Annette L. Vietti-Cook, Secretary /RA/

The Commission has approved the contents of the proposed Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences for Fiscal Year 2002, subject to the changes in the attachment.

Attachment: Changes to the Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences for Fiscal Year 2002, NUREG-0090, Vol. 25

cc: Chairman Meserve
Commissioner Dicus
Commissioner Diaz
Commissioner McGaffigan
Commissioner Merrifield
Office Directors, Regions, ACRS, ACNW, ASLBP (via E-Mail)



Changes to the
Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences for Fiscal Year 2002,
NUREG-0090, Vol. 25

  1. Move item 02-2, "Unaccounted for Fuel Pins at Millstone Unit One in Waterford, Connecticut" and item 02-3, "Accountability Failure at Nuclear Fuel Services in Erwin, Tennessee" from the AO section to Appendix C "Other Events of Interest."

  2. Corresponding changes should also be made to the correspondence.

  3. The title of page ix in the Contents should be "Acronyms and Abbreviations."

  4. Page vii, 02-1, add "Performance Deficiency Resulting in" before "Reactor Vessel Head Degradation ..."

  5. Page xi, fourth paragraph, line 7, change "meeting AO categorization" to "that the Commission determines should be reported to Congress"

  6. Page 1, 02-1, add "Performance Deficiency Resulting in" before "Reactor Vessel Head Degradation ..."

  7. Page 1, last line, add "specifically" after "layer and is not"

  8. Page 2, add the following sentence to the end of the second full paragraph that ends "... adequacy of the licensee's assessment." "The NRC has not reached a final conclusion on the significance of this condition."

  9. Page 3, first paragraph, add the following clause to the end of the last sentence after "recommendations" "and the Commission approved proceeding with the recommendations."

  10. Page 5, Date and Place paragraph, after "... Connecticut." add "Although the initial report occurred in FY 2001, the licensee's investigation and subsequent NRC inspection were not completed until FY 2002."

  11. Page 8, Nature and Probable Consequences, first paragraph, line 4, add "the protected" between "inside" and "secure"

  12. Page 8, Nature and Probable Consequences, first paragraph, delete "The material remained protected at all times by the licensee's physical security system.

  13. Page 9, second full paragraph, last sentence, add "actions" after "... ensure appropriate corrective"

  14. Page 11, first partial paragraph. The report should state whether the patient is being followed up as part of this study or other medical follow-up. The consultant said long term follow-up was indicated.

  15. Page 11, third full paragraph. This paragraph is confusing -- need to rewrite to clarify. Above paragraph says licensee did not follow procedures while paragraph below implies licensee implemented new procedures.

  16. Page 11, last paragraph, modify end of line 6 to read "... the inspector determined that this was the individual's routine practice." Also, need to add whether the NRC inspector told either the individual or licensee to discontinue that practice. As written, it appears it was "a routine" practice that was, therefore, allowed to continue.

  17. Page 12, first full paragraph, add "for the safe handling of radionuclides" after "... employees on NRC requirements"

  18. Page 14, DOT paragraph, Add any actions taken to prevent recurrence of loose head screws or shielding pot lids.

  19. Page 15, Nature and Probable Consequences paragraph, Add any long term medical follow-up being done on the individual.

  20. Page 15, Licensee paragraph, Was the individual badged, and, if so, what was the dosimetry reading? A licensee's radiation protection program should include a procedure for licensees to know the radiation exposure of their employees and not be dependent on employees to tell them if they think they've been exposed.

  21. Page 20, Nature and Probable Consequences, modify the first two paragraphs to read,

  22. "On April 10, 2002, a radiographer received an overexposure calculated at 0.70 Sv (70 rem) due to handling his radiographic equipment with the source in an unshielded condition.

    The exposure occurred while conducting radiography using an Amersham 660 radiography exposure device (camera) containing a 1.30 Tbq (35 Ci) Cobalt-60 radiography source. At the conclusion of a radiograph, the radiographer cranked the source to the shielded position without conducting a survey and then repositioned the source guide tube for the next radiograph. When he attempted to crank out the source for the next radiograph, the radiographer realized the source had not been retracted to its fully shielded position and was contained at the end of the guide tube. The radiographer notified the Radiation Safety Officer and returned to the office. The licensee then notified the State of Texas. While being interviewed for the event, the radiographer stated that although the camera's automatic locking mechanism was inoperable while performing radiography, he did not stop work and proceeded to complete the job. Subsequently, the licensee hired a consultant to check the equipment's operability and found no problem. The equipment was placed back in service with no repair necessary."

  23. Page 20, Cause or Causes paragraph, add "of the overexposure" after "... that the cause"

  24. Page 29, Revise introduction paragraph for item 1 to read, "The following events did not meet the AO reporting criteria since they were not determined to be significant from the standpoint of public health or safety." Make similar changes for items 2 - 6.

  25. Page 29, item 1., second paragraph, lines 6 & 7, delete, "considered to be among the most susceptible to the primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) mechanism responsible for the degradation"

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