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December 18, 2001

MEMORANDUM TO: William D. Travers
Executive Director for Operations
FROM: Annette L. Vietti-Cook, Secretary /RA/

The Commission has approved the purchase of an initial supply of potassium iodide (KI) for distribution to requesting States, as described in SECY-01-0208, subject to the following. The staff should commence negotiation for a purchase of KI that will be shipped directly to specified recipients. The staff should seek to obtain a substantial discount from the current market price on the basis that the ultimate purchase is likely to be several million KI tablets. Prior to negotiating a final price, the staff should contact the Department of Health and Human Services to determine the cost and logistics of its KI purchasing program. The staff should determine whether the NRC should utilize the same process for obtaining KI stockpiles and repackaging or whether the NRC could have HHS purchase KI, on behalf of the NRC, as part of a preexisting contract. The staff should seek to maintain flexibility as to the total amount of KI to be purchased, however, in light of the fact that the ultimate scope of the purchase will be governed by the decisions of the States (or authorized local governments or Indian tribes).

The staff should follow closely the actions by other Federal agencies regarding the distribution and/or stockpiling of KI as a part of terrorism response, including any legislation on this point. The NRC program may have to be adapted or modified in light of other government activities.

The staff should modify the letter to the States as shown in the attachment. The letter to the States should be signed out by the Director, Office of State and Tribal Programs.

Attachment: As stated

cc: Chairman Meserve
Commissioner Dicus
Commissioner Diaz
Commissioner McGaffigan
Commissioner Merrifield
Office Directors, Regions, ACRS, ACNW, ASLBP (via E-Mail)



As you know, the NRC has amended its emergency planning regulations to require that States consider consideration be given to including the prophylactic use of potassium iodide (KI) as a protective measure for the general public in the plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) (66 FR5427, January 19, 2001). that The use of KI would serve as a supplement to sheltering and evacuation. Concomitant with this action, Subject to available funding, the NRC will provide funding for an initial supply of KI for States with population within the plume exposure pathway EPZ that choose to incorporate KI for the general public in its their emergency plans. The term "States" includes local governments that have been designated by the State to request such funding and federally recognized Native American governments.

Together with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the NRC formed a subcommittee to develop and implement a program to provide KI to requesting States. The subcommittee had been awaiting the issuance of final Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidance on dosage and intervention levels, prior to implementation of the NRC KI program.

The NRC, in coordination with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is developing the means to provide KI to States. Within approximately 30 days, the NRC will should be able positioned to supply KI to States upon written request. The following information is attached to this letter for your consideration and use: FDA guidance on use of KI (Attachment 1); FEMA guidelines for KI program implementation (Attachment 2); NRC Statements of Consideration published in support of the final KI rule (Attachment 3); optional KI application form (Attachment 4); and NRC Disclaimer (Attachment 5). States are encouraged to begin their process for considering the use of KI as early as possible, recognizing that the NRC's resources for this purpose will be limited. NRC will provide KI to requesting States on a first come, first serve basis.

When If your State [insert individual state] has completed its consideration process, concluded concludes that incorporating KI for use by the general public is appropriate, for your specific local situation, and that requesting KI from NRC is desired, the NRC requests that you respond by letter addressed to: you may request the NRC to provide KI by writing to Kathy Halvey Gibson, Chief, Emergency Preparedness and Health Physics Section, U.S. NRC, Washington, D.C. 20555. Your letter must provide the following information: the nuclear power plant (NPP) site(s), the population in the NPPs' 10-mile EPZ for which you are responsible, the contact person authorized to receive the KI, and the "Ship to" address for KI delivery. Upon receipt of this information, the NRC will validate the data and make arrangements to have KI shipped to for NRC's contractor to ship KI directly to your designated contact/address. The NRC will supply two KI tablets for each person in the 10-mile EPZ(s). You may also fax your request to (301) 415-2968.

The NRC We requests that one consolidated request for KI be submitted for each State or Native American government. If decisions about emergency planning and the use of KI are the responsibility of local, rather than State authorities, the NRC we requests that the State consolidate the local requests and forward the consolidated request covering all NPPs within the State to the NRC.

The following information is attached to this letter for your consideration and use: FDA guidance on use of KI (Attachment 1); FEMA guidelines for KI program implementation (Attachment 2); NRC Statements of Consideration published in support of the final KI rule (Attachment 3); optional KI application form KI Federal Policy (Attachment 4); and NRC Disclaimer (Attachment 5). States are encouraged to begin their process for considering the use of KI as early as possible, recognizing that the NRC's resources for this purpose will be limited. NRC will provide KI to requesting States on a first come, first serve basis.

If you have questions or require assistance in this matter, please contact either Kathy Halvey Gibson, NRC, 301-415-1086 or Vanessa Quinn, FEMA, 202-646-3664.

Thank you for your consideration of this important issue.


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