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Morning Report for June 18, 1999

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         JUNE 18, 1999

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE            NO INPUT
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED      RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS        X                                      
REGION I                               X                   
REGION II                              X                   
REGION III                             X                   
REGION IV           X                                      

MR Number: H-99-0053

                           NRR DAILY REPORT ITEM
                           GENERIC COMMUNICATIONS

Subject: Information Notice 99-19, issuing

NRC INFORMATION NOTICE 99-19: Rupture of the Shell Side of a Feedwater   
Heater at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, dated June 23, 1999             
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information 
notice to alert addressees to the recent rupture of the shell side of a  
feedwater heater at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant.                       
Technical contact: K. Parczewski, NRR        Nick Fields, NRR            
                   301-415-2705              301-415-1173                
REGION IV  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  2          JUNE 18, 1999

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Entergy Operations, Inc.               MR Number: 4-99-0018
Waterford 3                            Date: 06/18/99
Dockets: 50-382

Subject: AUTOMATIC REACTOR TRIP AT WATERFORD 3                           


On June 14, 1999, the Waterford 3 plant experienced an automatic reactor 
trip when the supply breaker to a nonsafety 6.9kV electrical bus tripped 
open, causing it to deenergize (Event Notification 35820). Loss of the   
bus resulted in loss of power to two of the four reactor coolant pumps   
and a subsequent reactor trip. The plant responded as expected following 
the loss of the electrical bus and the reactor trip.                     
Following the trip, the licensee performed diagnostic testing and        
troubleshooting on circuits and components that could have caused the    
loss of the electical bus. These activities did not reveal any condition 
or component failure that could have caused the 6.9kV electrical bus to  
deenergize. The licensee was unable to identify the root cause of the    
event. The resident inspectors monitored the licensee's activities and   
reviewed their conclusions. No issues were identified.                   
The licensee restarted the plant and connected the main turbine generator
to the electrical grid on June 16. On June 17, Region IV conducted a     
conference call with plant personnel to discuss the scope and results of 
the root cause evaluation. No issues were identified.                    

Regional Action:

Resident inspectors will continue to monitor licensee followup activities
associated with the reactor trip.                                        

Contact:  PHIL HARRELL               (817)860-8250