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Morning Report for March 1, 1999

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         MARCH 01, 1999

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE            NO INPUT
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED      RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS                           X                   
REGION I            X                                      
REGION II                              X                   
REGION III          X                                      
REGION IV                              X                   

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Public Service Electric & Gas Co.      MR Number: 1-99-0005
Salem 1 2                              Date: 03/01/99
Hancocks Bridge,New Jersey                                                
Dockets: 50-272,50-311

Subject: PLANT MANAGEMENT CHANGE                                         


On February 26, PSE&G informed Region I that Chris Bakken, Salem Plant   
Manager, will be leaving effective March 11 to become the Site Vice      
President - Operations at D.C. Cook. Pending permanent management        
changes, Dave Garchow will be the Acting Salem Plant Manager. Mr. Garchow
had been the Salem Plant Manager prior to Mr. Bakken.                    

Regional Action:

This Is For Informational Purposes Only.                                 

Contact:  Glenn Meyer                (610)337-5211
REGION I  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  2          MARCH  1, 1999

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

New York Power Authority               MR Number: 1-99-0006
Fitz Patrick 1                         Date: 03/01/99
Lycoming,New York                      SRI PC                             
Dockets: 50-333

Subject: ONSITE FIRE LASTING LESS THAN 10 MINUTES                        
Reportable Event Number: 35419                         


On February 27, 1999, at 9:56 p.m., the 'A' circulating water pump, one  
of three at the plant, tripped and the control room dispatched a nuclear 
plant operator (NPO) to the determine the cause of the pump trip.  The   
NPO observed flames emanating from the pump motor electrical lead box    
cover; the onsite fire brigade responded and extinguished the fire with a
CO2 extinguisher within eight minutes of the start of the event.  Plant  
power was reduced to 65% while the pump was out of service.              
Subsequent inspection of the electrical lead box for the motor revealed  
that the pump tripped as a result of a failed connection on the Y winding
motor connection, which is the center connection where all three phases  
are joined.  The aluminum lugging used on the copper cable appears to    
have failed, causing an insulation breakdown and resulting in electrical 
arcing to the electrical lead box cover which burned a hole in the cover.
NYPA repaired the damaged electrical connection and returned the pump to 
service early on the morning of March 1.  NYPA used thermographic        
techniques to verify a similar condition was not developing on the other 
two circulating water pumps.                                             

Regional Action:

The resident inspector responded over the weekend and will continue to   
follow NYPA's root cause evaluation and extent of condition review in    
this matter.                                                             

Contact:  John Rogge                 (610)337-5146
REGION I  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  3          MARCH  1, 1999

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Rochester Gas & Electric Corp.         MR Number: 1-99-0007
Ginna 1                                Date: 03/01/99
Ontario,New York                       SRI PC                             
Dockets: 50-244

Subject: ERRORS IN MAIN STEAM LINE BREAK ANALYSIS                        


On February 22, 1999, with the reactor at approximately 75 percent power,
the Ginna Station was notified by its NSSS vendor (Westinghouse) of two  
modeling errors in the analysis for a main steam line break (MSLB) inside
containment with an assumed single failure of a feedwater regulating     
valve (FRV).  These errors had a nonconservative impact on calculated    
peak containment pressure.  The first error involved the omission of a   
previously unaccounted for volume of high temperature feedwater between  
the main feedwater pump discharge valve and the main FRV.  The added     
energy released to the containment by the flashing of feedwater          
downstream of the main feedwater pump discharge valve raised calculated  
containment pressure.  The second error was incorrectly assuming a       
15-second closure time for the main feedwater pump discharge valve       
isolation valves after an automatic safety injection occurs, when the    
actual closure time is 85 seconds.  This meant that actual feedwater flow
would continue for 70 seconds longer then what was assumed in the        
After addressing these errors, the current Westinghouse analysis shows   
that the peak containment pressure limit of 60 psig would not be exceeded
during a MSLB with a failed open FRV at power levels up to 70 percent    
power, and that sufficient shutdown margin existed to prevent a restart  
accident.  These results were achieved by assuming a maximum heat sink   
temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  For reactor power levels between  
70 percent and 100 percent power, peak containment pressure will not     
exceed 60 psig, if service water temperature (recirculation temperature) 
is limited to less than 45 degrees Fahrenheit.  Currently, recirculation 
temperature near the service water bay is 39 degrees Fahrenheit, while   
lake temperature is 35 degrees Fahrenheit.  Thus, plant operation remains
within its design basis for these conditions.                            
The licensee has placed a temporary administrative restriction of 40     
degrees Fahrenheit maximum on recirculation temperature to ensure        
adequate margin existed. As part of a regularly scheduled refueling      
outage, the licensee initiated a plant shutdown on March 1. During the   
shutdown, RG&E will continue to work with Westinghouse to resolve this   
issue prior to restart.                                                  

Regional Action:

Resident inspectors are monitoring licensee activities.                  

Contact:  Scott Barber               (610)337-5232
REGION III  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  4          MARCH  1, 1999

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Indiana                                MR Number: 3-99-0012
Michigan Electric Co.                  Date: 03/01/99
Cook 1 2                               sri via telecon                    
Dockets: 50-315,50-316

Subject: American Electric Power Names New D.C. Cook Vice President      


On March 1, 1999, Mr. Robert Powers, Senior Vice President - Nuclear     
Generation for American Electric Power announced that Mr. A. Christopher 
Bakken will become the new DC Cook Site Vice President. Mr. Bakken       
succeeds Mr. John Sampson, who was named American Electric Power         
Indiana/Michigan State President. Mr. Bakken was previously employed at  
Public Service Electric & Gas Company's Salem Generating Station as the  
General Manager Salem Operations.                                        

Regional Action:

Information Only                                                         

Contact:  A. Vegel                   (630)829-9620
REGION III  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  5          MARCH  1, 1999

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Commonwealth Edison Co.                MR Number: 3-99-0013
Dresden 3                              Date: 03/01/99
Morris,Illinois                        E-Mail from RIO                    
Dockets: 50-249

Subject: Completion of Refueling Outage on Unit 3                        


On February 25, 1999, Dresden operators synchronized the Unit 3 main     
generator to the electrical grid at 9:43 p.m. ending the Dresden Unit 3  
refueling outage (D3R15). The outage officially commenced on January 30, 
1999, when operators tripped the turbine main generator off-line. The    
outage, completed in 26 days, was the shortest duration refueling outage 
in ComEd history. Major activities completed during the outage included: 
refueling of the reactor; general maintenance on the 3C low pressure     
turbine; bellows assembly replacements in the main condenser; hydrolazing
of the condenser tubes; and plant material condition improvements. As of 
March 1, 1999, plant power was at approximately 80 percent power and     
startup testing was in progress.                                         

Regional Action:

The resident inspection staff monitored the outage activities and plant  
startup and startup testing activities..                                 

Contact:  M.Ring                     (630)829-9703
REGION III  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  6          MARCH  1, 1999

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Northern States Power Co.              MR Number: 3-99-0014
Prairie Island 1 2                     Date: 03/01/99
Welch,Minnesota                        Phone call from Res.Inspector off. 
Dockets: 50-282,50-306

Subject: Management Changes Announced                                    


Northern States Power Company (NSP) has named Joel Sorensen to the newly 
created position of Site General Manager at Prairie Island. The          
appointment is effective today. Mr. Sorensen had previously been plant   
manager. In his new position, he will have the plant manager and the     
managers of security, training, nuclear generation services, and other,  
non-technical areas reporting to him. Northern States Power Company has  
also named Mr. Don Schuelke to the plant manager position. Mr. Schuelke  
had previously been the general superintendent of radiation protection   
and chemistry. In his new position, he will have responsibility for      
operations, maintenance, engineering, radiation protection, and          
chemistry. Mr. Albert Johnson of the Prairie Island radiation protection 
staff has been named to replace Mr. Schuelke.                            

Contact:  Roger Lanksbury            (630)829-9631
REGION III  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  7          MARCH  1, 1999

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Northern States Power Co.              MR Number: 3-99-0015
Monticello 1                           Date: 03/01/99
Monticello,Minnesota                   Phone call from Res. Inspector off.
Dockets: 50-263

Subject: Management Changes announced                                    


Northern States Power Company (NSP) has named Mr. Mike Hammer to the     
newly created position of Site General Manager at Monticello. The        
assignment is effective today. Mr. Hammer had previously been plant      
manager. In his new position, he will have the plant manager and the     
managers of security, training, nuclear generation services, and other,  
non-technical areas reporting to him.                                    
Northern States Power Company has also named Mr. Byron Day to the plant  
manager position. Mr. Day had previously been the general superintendent 
of plant operations. In his new position, he will have responsibility for
operations, maintenance, engineering, radiation protection, and          

Contact:  Roger Lanksbury            (630)829-9631