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Morning Report for December 15, 2000

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         DECEMBER 15, 2000

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE            NO INPUT
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED      RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS        X                                      
REGION I                               X                   
REGION II                              X                   
REGION III                             X                   
REGION IV                              X                   

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Part 21 Database                       MR Number: H-00-0078
Hunt Valve Company                     Date: 12/15/00

Subject: Part 21 - Shipments of 1-inch UF-6 valves have cracked          
         packing nuts                                                    


VENDOR: Hunt Valve Company          PT21 FILE NO: mm-28-0                
DATE OF DOCUMENT: 12/07/00          ACCESSION NUMBER:                    
SOURCE DOCUMENT: EN 37576           REVIEWER: REXB, T. Koshy             
Hunt Valve Company, Inc., a valve manufacturer and vendor, reports       
finding cracks on the hex flats of packing nuts used with UF-6 valves    
manufactured under contract to the United States Enrichment Corporation, 
Inc. (USEC). The vendor states that the total number of valves included  
in these shipments is 2,300 of which 1,300 are known to be from the      
affected heat codes (see table below). All other inventory is accounted  
for and isolated. These valves were located at USEC and are being        
returned to the vendor for replacement nuts.                             
Upon notification from the vendor, USEC did a 100 percent check of the   
cylinders on-site at Paducah and Portsmouth. Paducah did not find any    
cylinders which contained the faulty valves. Portsmouth found one and has
taken the necessary steps to ensure safety. The vendor is currently      
investigating the source of the defect.                                  
Heat Code                   Lot Serial [No.]    Date Shipped    Quantity 
(Total Supplied)                                                         
 AXP (735 pcs)              200027-36           11/22/00         97      
                            200027-37           11/22/00        100      
(233 in stock 12/4/00)      200027-38           11/22/00        100      
(100 on a shipment in                                                    
 shipping)                  200027-39           11/22/00        100      
                            200027-40           11/22/00        100      
AFD (972 pcs)               200027-5             5/31/00         10      
                            200027-19            8/14/00          9      
(294 in stock 12/4/00)      200027-20            8/14/00          7      
                            200027-21            8/31/00         30      
                            200027-22            8/31/00         44      
                            200027-23            8/31/00         39      
                            200027-24            8/31/00         33      
                            200027-25            8/31/00         29      
                            200027-26            10/5/00         53      
                            200027-27            10/5/00         52      
                            200027-28            10/5/00         67      
                            200027-29            10/5/00         54      
                            200027-30            10/5/00         62      
                            200027-31            11/3/00         58      
                            200027-32            11/3/00         45      
HEADQUARTERS      MORNING REPORT     PAGE  2          DEC. 15, 2000
MR Number: H-00-0078 (cont.)

                            200027-33            11/3/00         23      
                            200027-34            11/3/00         35      
                            200027-35            11/3/00         28      
The NRC will post ensuing reports on this subject on its website at                               