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Morning Report for July 11, 2000

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         JULY 11, 2000

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE            NO INPUT
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED      RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS        X                                      
REGION I                               X                   
REGION II           X                                      
REGION III                             X                   
REGION IV                              X                   

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Part 21 Database                       MR Number: H-00-0041
Swagelok                               Date: 07/11/00

Subject: Supplement to Morning Report H-99-0093 dated November 1, 1999 - 
         Part 21 - Potential Crack in Tube Fitting Seat                  


In addition to the plants identified in our original Morning Report,     
H-99-0093 dated November 1, 1999, Swagelok Company has noted that Florida
Power and Light Company received the identified parts and that the       
Susquehanna, North Anna, Duane Arnold and San Onofre plants are also     
Contact:    Robert Benedict, NRR                                         
HEADQUARTERS      MORNING REPORT     PAGE  2          JULY 11, 2000

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Part 21 Database                       MR Number: H-00-0042
Peco Power Labs                        Date: 07/11/00

Subject: Part 21 - Improper calibration of VOTES clamps                  


VENDOR: PECO Power Labs                 PT21 FILE NO: mm-16-0            
DATE OF DOCUMENT: 05/26/00              ACCESSION NUMBER: ml003719593    
SOURCE DOCUMENT: LETTER                 REVIEWER: REXB, D. Skeen         
The valve testing vendor, PECO Power Labs, a subsidiary of PECO Energy   
Company, reported a deviation within their operations regarding the      
calibration of instrumentation for measuring valve stem deflection as    
part of the Valve Operation Test and Evaluation System (VOTES).          
Calibration of the VOTES clamp, performed by a specific technician, was  
not completed in accordance with prescribed calibration requirements. The
calibration process requires that 30 test points be measured during      
simulated application of load using the calibration fixture. The         
technician measured only 10 of 30 test points for as-found data.         
Consequently, the sensitivity of the VOTES clamp was based on an average 
of 10 test point readings rather than the required 30 test points.       
The vendor evaluated the adequacy of taking 10 readings instead of 30 and
determined that 30 readings provide an increased confidence level but    
would not assure greater accuracy. As long as the 10 readings are within 
tolerance for the subject clamp, the accuracy of the system is within    
tolerance. The calibrations performed by the technician were determined  
to be acceptable after the vendor re-calibrated a random sample of some  
of the clamps calibrated by the technician and found them to be within   
The vendor notified the two potentially affected plants, Indian Point 3  
and Fitzpatrick, whose clamps were calibrated by the technician, and     
offered to re-calibrate the VOTES clamps at no charge.                   
The NRC will post ensuing reports on this subject on its website at                               
REGION II  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  3          JULY 11, 2000

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

                                       MR Number: 2-00-0013
Westinghouse Electric Corporation      Date: 07/11/00
Columbia,South Carolina                                                   
Dockets: 07001151 License No: SNM-1107     

Subject: NEW PLANT MANAGER                                               


On July 7, 2000, Westinghouse corporate management appointed             
Mr. Robert Monley plant manager of the Columbia Fuel Fabrication         
Facility.  This appointment follows a reorganization in February 2000    
that named former plant manager Mr. Jack Allen as Vice President of      
U. S. Manufacturing.  Since the reorganization, Mr. Allen had been       
serving as acting plant manager and Mr. Monley had been Deputy Plant     

Contact:  D. Ayres                   (404)562-4718