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Morning Report for May 12, 2000

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         MAY 12, 2000

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE            NO INPUT
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED      RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS                           X                   
REGION I                               X                   
REGION II                              X                   
REGION III          X                                      
REGION IV                              X                   

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Wisconsin Public Service Corp.         MR Number: 3-00-0025
Kewaunee 1                             Date: 05/10/00
Kewaunee,Wisconsin                     Conference Phone Call W/ Licensee  
Dockets: 50-305

Subject: STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION RESULTS                         


Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) completed the cycle 23 inservice     
inspection of their Westinghouse Model 51 steam generators (SGs). The    
licensee is scheduled to replace the SGs in the Fall of 2001.            
Historically, significant tubesheet crevice degradation resulted in the  
installation of approximately 2000 Westinghouse Hybrid Expansion Joint   
(HEJ) sleeves during the late 80s. Since that time, approximately 500    
additional ABB welded sleeves have been installed. In light of the recent
Indian Point 2 tube rupture event, the licensee consulted with Framatome 
prior to inspecting the SGs. As a result, the licensee enhanced some     
inspections with a high frequency probe, performed a secondary side tube 
support plate flow slot examination for evidence of hourglassing and had 
the 1998 SG inspection data reviewed. No evidence of degradation similar 
to Indian Point was observed.                                            
An initial 20% sample of SG "B" HEJ laser weld repaired sleeves resulted 
in identification of flaws in excess of 1% and expansion of scope to 100%
per Technical Specifications as reported on 5/2/00 in accordance with 10 
CFR 50.72. Likewise, inspection of SG "A" hot leg crevice area exceeded  
1% and was reported on 5/8/00.                                           
As a result of the inspection effort, the licensee plans to plug 37 tubes
per Technical Specifications and elected to plug an additional 93 tubes  
as a preventative measure. Preventative plugging included six locations  
in SG "A" visually observed with wetted tube ends however, no detectable 
degradation was identified during the eddy current examination. One      
Westinghouse plug in SG "B" was also found wetted and will be replaced.  
The licensee also plans to recover about 30 tubes previously plugged in  
each SG. SGs "A" and "B" will be returned to service with approximately  
28% tubes plugged and 25% tubes plugged respectively. KNPP SGs are       
analyzed to be plugged up to 30%.                                        

Regional Action:

Routine inspector coverage                                               

Contact:  JOHN JACOBSON              (630)829-9736
REGION III  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  2          MAY 12, 2000

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Consumers Power Co.                    MR Number: 3-00-0026
Big Rock Point 1                       Date: 05/11/00
Charlevoix,Michigan                    Fax from Licensee                  
Dockets: 50-155

Subject: New General Manager Appointed for Big Rock Point                


Kurt M. Haas has been named the General Manager - Big Rock Point         
Decommissioning Project, effective June 1, 2000. Mr. Haas will replace   
Ken Powers, who is retiring from Consumers Energy effective June 1. Mr.  
Powers has accepted a position at the Department of Energy's Rocky Flats 
site in Colorado.                                                        
Mr. Haas has been with Consumers since 1976, and is currently the        
Director of Engineering at the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant. In his new 
role he will oversee the restoration and dry fuel storage projects at Big
Rock Point.                                                              

Contact:  WILLIAM SNELL              (630)829-9871