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Morning Report for February 8, 2000

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         FEBRUARY 08, 2000

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE            NO INPUT
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED      RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS                           X                   
REGION I                               X                   
REGION II                              X                   
REGION III                             X                   
REGION IV           X

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Entergy Operations, Inc.               MR Number: 4-00-0008
Arkansas Nuclear 1                     Date: 02/08/00
Russelville,Arkansas                   By telephone from SRI              
Dockets: 50-313


Reportable Event Number: 36664                         


On February 5, 2000, at 12:10 a.m. (CST), the licensee completed a       
planned shutdown of Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 1 to replace a failed    
antirotation device on Reactor Coolant Pump D.  During the course of a   
normal plant cooldown of the reactor coolant system, operators started   
Low Pressure Injection Pump/Decay Heat Removal (LPI/DHR) Pump P-34A at   
11:38 a.m. on February 5 to place the decay heat removal system in       
service.  After the pump was started, operators received a high          
temperature alarm on the pump's inboard bearing, stopped the pump, and   
declared it inoperable.  The redundant LPI/DHR Pump P-34B was started and
pump inboard bearing temperature increased and exceeded its alarm        
setpoint.  Operators secured Pump P-34B and declared it inoperable at    
1:06 p.m. on February 5.  Decay heat removal was never interrupted and   
operators continued using reactor coolant pump operation and secondary   
system heat removal via a once-through steam generator to the condenser. 
During review of the event, the licensee determined that the bearing     
lubricating oil for both LPI/DHR pumps had been changed during the last  
refueling outage in September 1999.  The oil had been changed to one with
a higher viscosity in an effort to improve pump bearing wear             
characteristics. Suspecting that the change in lubricant may have        
contributed to the high bearing temperature condition, the licensee      
replaced the oil in Pump P-34A with the lower viscosity lubricant that   
was used prior to September 1999.  Operators placed the pump in service  
for shutdown cooling on February 6 for approximately 1 hour and 10       
minutes and observed that bearing temperatures stabilized at normal      
levels. The licensee then declared Pump P-34A operable for its decay heat
removal function. Decay heat removal continued with the operating reactor
coolant pumps and steam generator.                                       
On February 6, the licensee also drained the oil from Pump P-34B.        
Particulate was observed in the oil and a boroscopic inspection was      
performed of the bearings.  Based on oil analysis and the bearing        
inspection, the licensee concluded that there was no bearing damage.  The
bearing housings were flushed and refilled with the lower viscosity      
lubricant that was used prior to September 1999.  Operators attempted to 
test the pump in the shutdown cooling mode on February 7, but had to stop
it when the inboard bearing temperature again approached the alarm       
On February 8 at 12:53 a.m., operators placed Pump P-34A in service and  
initiated a plant cooldown.  The pump performed normally and operators   
stopped the operating reactor coolant pumps at 2:32 a.m. At 5:20 a.m.,   
the reactor coolant system temperature was being maintained between 180  
REGION IV  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  2          FEB. 08, 2000
MR Number: 4-00-0008 (cont.)

and 190 degrees and reactor coolant system pressure was being maintained 
between 225 and 245 psig.  The licensee is maintaining the reactor       
coolant system loops operable while repairs are made to Pump P-34B.      

Regional Action:

The Region initiated a special inspection on February 8, 2000, to        
evaluate the cause of the event and assess the licensee's response to the

Contact:  Phil Harrell               (817)860-8250
          Russ Bywater               (501)968-3290