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Morning Report for July 31, 2002

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         JULY 31, 2002

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE            NO INPUT
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED      RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS                           –                   
REGION I            –                                      
REGION II                              –                   
REGION III                             –                                      
REGION IV                              –                   


Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Consolidated Edison Co. Of N.Y.        MR Number: 1-02-0008
Indian Point 2                         Date: 07/26/02
Buchanan,New York                                                         
Dockets: 50-247

Subject: IP2 IMPROPER FUEL ASSEMBLY HANDLING                             


 For the past several weeks, Westinghouse fuel handlers, under contract  
with Entergy, have been making spent fuel assembly moves following       
receipt of a Technical Specification change regarding the crediting of   
soluable boron in the spent fuel pool (SFP). An aspect of this work is   
inspections performed as follow-up to Information Notice 2002-09,        
"Potential for Top Nozzle Separation and Dropping of a Certain Type of   
Westinghouse Fuel Assembly", date February 13, 2002.                     
On July 23, 2002, in the process of relocating a fuel assembly in the    
SFP, it was found that another fuel assembly (G28) was already occupying 
the intended location. A review of fuel handling records showed that     
assembly G28 was incorrectly marked as having already been moved from    
that location; steps were then taken to move G28 to its intended         
destination. The next day, a further review of fuel assembly records     
revealed that assembly G28 was one of the assemblies identified at IP2 as
having indications of the type of inter granular stress corrosion        
cracking identified in the above Information Notice. These assemblies    
require the use of a special assembly handling device for lifting and    
moving these assemblies. However, this precaution was not performed for  
this assembly.                                                           
Entergy placed a hold on the movement of fuel assemblies in the SFP while
they completed a review of this occurrence for appropriate corrective    
actions. Entergy stated that at no time was there potential for          
criticality and that they remained within their Technical Specification  
requirements. Their actions included completion of an extent-of-condition
review; revised steps for verification that future assembly lifts are    
done with the proper handling equipment; enhanced communications to      
Entergy management when off-normal conditions are encountered; and,      
thorough reviews of off-normal conditions before proceeding with fuel    
movement activities.                                                     
NRC inspectors verified Entergy actions. Regional and NRR management     
received a briefing on the corrective actions from Entergy management    
prior to the resumption of fuel handling.                                

Contact:  Peter W. Eselgoth          (610)337-5234
          Peter J. Habighorst        (914)739-9360