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Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Breeding Site and Territory Summary (2006)

The Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) is an endangered bird that breeds only in dense riparian habitats in six southwestern states (southern California, extreme southern Nevada, southern Utah, southwestern Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico). This report synthesizes information on all known Southwestern Willow Flycatcher More...

  • Willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii)

Monitoring black-footed ferrets during reestablishment of free-ranging populations: Discussion of alternative methods and recommended minimum standards

Although the monitoring of black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) populations following reintroductions has not been haphazard, several ferret recovery groups since 1994 have recommended development of uniform standards prescribing minimum methods, intensities, and frequencies of monitoring that would provide data on population size, mortality More...

  • black footed ferret publication

Wyoming Sagebrush Fire

Periodic fire is a natural part of sagebrush steppe ecosystems in the Great Basin. However, a suite of human-caused factors has dramatically changed fire regimes in many of these systems. Decades of fire suppression and livestock grazing have produced dense, single-aged sagebrush stands and invasion by cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) has increased More...

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Wind River Ecosystem Restoration

This is a research summary who's project objectives are to: 1) Coordinate watershed stakeholders in order to guide the implementation of watershed restoration actions that are consistent with stakeholder objectives, 2) Monitor physical habitat conditions and natural production of juvenile, smolt, and adult steelhead in the Wind River sub-basin, More...

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Evaluation of Ultraviolet Radiation as a Factor in Amphibian Decline in Montana Habitats

Many montane amphibians breed and develop through early life-stages in shallow temporary pools where they are subjected to high UV irradiance conditions. This issue overview addresses the concern of montane amphibians developing deficiencies in methodology, and the direct effects of increased ultraviolet radiation on developing amphibians More...

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SAGEMAP: GIS Database for Sage Grouse and Shrubsteppe Management in the Intermountain West

SAGEMAP - Spatial Data for Sage Grouse and Shrubsteppe Systems is needed for research and management of sage grouse and sagebrush steppe habitats in the western United States. This website is a product of the NBII Great Basin Information Project. Find out more from this resource on sage grouse as endangered species, habitat information, More...

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Perennial Pepperweed: A Growing Threat to Wildlife Refuges

This issue overview describes Perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium L.), also known as tall whitetop, as an invasive weed that is found throughout California and in all of the western United States and its effects on wildlife refuges. Native to portions of Europe and southwestern Asia, pepperweed was accidentally introduced into the United More...

  • Pepperweed infloresence in flower

Colorado Invasive Species Mapping Project

This research project website stresses the importance of developing early detection methods to prevent the spread of non-native species. Land managers currently control the spread of invasive non-native plant species after they have already become established instead of trying to prevent the establishment of the species. Lists of probable invasive More...

  • Geodatabase Schema (Colorado icon)

Effects of Fuel Management Treatments in Pinon Juniper Vegetation at a Site on the Colorado Plateau

Pinon-juniper woodlands have expanded beyond their historical range in the western United States, due partly to land management practices such as fire suppression that began with settlements of the region in the late 1880s. This woodland expansion has replaced sagebrush steppe vegetation, leading to decreased wildlife habitat, soil seedbanks, and More...

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Monitoring Migrant Shorebirds in the Western United States: a pilot study

The International Shorebird Survey (ISS) in the eastern and central United States and the Maritimes Shorebird Survey in southeastern Canada have been conducted for more than 20 years and provide a wealth of information about how to survey shorebirds in these areas through both national and regional monitoring programs. Enormous progress has been More...

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Midwinter Bald Eagle Surveys

The Bald Eagle Census, served up by the US Geological Survey and coordinated by the 2007 Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey, counted bald eagle populations in 37 States. The survey is a unique source of long-term data on bald eagles and provides an opportunity to monitor changes or threats to habitat at important wintering areas. Users have access to More...

  • Bald Eagle image

Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team

An overview of the population status and trend monitoring efforts for grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem during the 2002 field season. Contains statement of problem, objectives, methodology, communication plan, and highlights and key findings.

  • grizzly bear