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Morning Report for March 10, 2004

Headquarters Daily Report

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Davis-Besse Plant Status


Dockets: 05000346
[1] B&W-L-LP
License No:

MR Number: 3-2004-0016
Date: 03/10/2004

RIII- Via Teleconf. with Site


This information is current as of 7:30 am (EST) on March 10, 2004. The plant is currently in Mode 3 maintaining Normal Operating Pressure/Normal Operating Temperature (NOP/NOT - 533OF/2155 psig). At 3:18 p.m. on March 9, 2004, the plant entered Mode 2 for commencement of low power physics testing. At approximately 7:40 p.m. on March 9, 2004, the plant re-entered Mode 3 after operators determined that there was a need to re-calculate the estimated critical rod position/boron concentration. Per procedure operators re-inserted groups 2-7 control rods (group 1 shutdown safety rods remained withdrawn) and commenced a re-evaluation of estimated critical rod position/boron concentration. The licensee initiated a problem solving decision making team to evaluate this issue.

Upcoming key events include re-entering Mode 2, re-commencing zero power physics testing, achieving reactor criticality, entering Mode1, performing a readiness and effectiveness review prior to initial grid synchronization, initial grid synchronization, performing a readiness and effectiveness review prior to exceeding 50 percent power, placing a second main feedwater pump in service, reaching 100 percent power. Absent significant performance or equipment problems these events are scheduled to be accomplished in the next 5 to 7 days.

Ongoing resident inspector coverage and around-the-clock inspection and oversight of licensee activities continues with NRC resident inspectors or examiners from Region III and other Regions. This coverage is expected to be in place for approximately two weeks.

Regional Action: For Information Only

Accession Numbers:

Accession No Accession Date
ML040700429 03/10/2004


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