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Morning Report for October 10, 2006

Headquarters Daily Report

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Surry Nuclear Station Will Remain Shutdown To Initiate Refueling Outage Following Partial Loss of Offsite Power


Surry 1, Surry 2
SURRY, Virginia
Dockets: 05000280, 05000281
[1] W-3-LP, [2] W-3-LP
License No:

MR Number: 2-2006-0006
Date: 10/07/2006

Call from Licensee


Refer to Preliminary Notification, PNO-II-06-003, Partial Loss of Offsite Power to Surry Units 1 and 2 Safety System Emergency Busses and Unit 2 Manual Reactor Trip, for a description of the event and actions that the NRC has taken as a result of the event.

The licensee has continued investigation into the root cause of a Unit 2 secondary system transient that led to a manual trip of the Unit on October 7, 2006. The licensee has not identified the cause. The licensee has concentrated their investigation around the main turbine governor control system. Additionally, during the event two control rods remained several steps out from the bottom of the core. Subsequent testing of one of the control rods determined that it could not be moved from a higher level in the core. The licensee continues to determine a root cause for the condition of the one control rod.

The licensee has determined that they will remain shutdown and start the Unit 2 refueling outage.

Accession Numbers:

Accession No Accession Date
ML062830378 10/10/2006


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