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Welcome to NFADB!

The National Family Association for Deaf-Blind (NFADB) is a non-profit, volunteer-based family association. Our philosophy is that individuals who are deaf-blind are valued members of society and are entitled to the same opportunities and choices as other members of the community.

 NFADB is the largest national network of families focusing on issues surrounding deaf blindness.

Mission Statement

NFADB exists to empower the voices of families of individuals who are deaf-blind and advocate for their unique needs.


Welcome to the NFADB website! We are in the process of updating our information to better serve families. Please contact us with suggestions as to what you would like to see on your website.


During the weekend of July 25-26th, we had a board meeting, graciously hosted at Overbrook School for the Blind. We used this time to refocus and move our organization forward. We also welcomed two new board members - Susan Green and Betty Hane. CLICK HERE to see a picture of the board at Overbrook.


Linda Syler, NFADB President


Join our listserv! Click here for more details

NFADB appreciates the support of the Helen Keller National Center, Sands Point, NY and the Hilton/Perkins Program of Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA. The Hilton/Perkins Program is funded by a grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation of Reno, NV.


141 Middle Neck Road, Sands Point, NY 11050
Tel 800.255.0411 | Fax 516.883.9060
Please send comments, questions, or ideas to: NFADB@aol.com