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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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January 9, 2004






We are delighted to invite you to attend the 2004 CFC Regional Workshops. These workshops bring together Local Federal Coordinating Committees (LFCC), Principal Combined Fund Organizations (PCFO), and CFC-participating agencies to learn more about how to lead and manage a successful campaign. The workshops also serve as a forum for discussion on common issues, to share information about best practices, and, most importantly, share lessons learned.

The 2004 CFC Regional Workshops will be held in Fort Lauderdale, FL, March 7-10, and San Antonio, TX, March 28-31. Please take a moment to select your desired workshop location now, mark your calendar, and send in your registration form! Please note the registration deadlines. All registration information must be addressed to CFC Workshops, c/o Herb Sanabria, P.O. Box 2864, Atlanta, GA 30301.

Registration will begin on Sunday at Noon, followed by a course for CFC new-comers from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. This course, titled "CFC 101", is designed for those who have less than two years experience with the campaign. Also, we hope you will plan to join us for a reception Sunday evening where you can re-connect with old friends and meet your newest colleagues.

A detailed agenda will soon be available on the OPM website at Community Health Charities is once again serving as the Workshop Registration Coordinator.

As always, OPM appreciates the work of our partners on the Local Support Subcommittee of the National CFC Committee, who, under the leadership of Jan Stinson, Executive Director of the Chicago Federal Executive Board, developed an exciting program.

This year's workshops will cover such topics as draft regulations, ethics and accountability, OPM audit guidelines, the future of the CFC, and donor research. Also, a session titled "How Do I…?" will give participants the opportunity to join up to four small group discussions on a wide-range of issues that include marketing practices, reading IRS Forms 990 and audited financial statements, review of local appeals, selecting a PCFO and developing suggested giving levels. Please let us know if there is a topic you would like to be covered.

Workshop Registration and Payment

The workshop registration fee is $200 and the late registration fee is $250, payable to CFC National Committee. Registration deadlines, workshop locations, and schedules are attached for your review. Please share this information with other PCFOs in your area, as well as local federations and unaffiliated organization to encourage their attendance.

Also enclosed with this memorandum is a workshop registration form, to be returned to the address listed on the form, and a hotel registration form (for your records only). Conference planners require a workshop registration form for each participant. Should payment cover registration for more than one person, the name of each person covered by the payment must be included. Refunds will not be made for cancellations made less than one week prior to each workshop.

OPM encourages PCFOs to include estimated travel expenses in their 2004-05 budget to support participation by the LFCC chair or their designated representative at a regional meeting, along with PCFO staff. While many LFCC members may secure Federal agency sponsorship to attend the regional CFC workshops, in the event this is not feasible, LFCCs are permitted to include these expenses in the local campaign budget. Workshop costs, as well as travel, etc., are accountable as a permissible campaign expense, pending LFCC approval.

Finally, please note that hotel room reservations are the responsibility of the individual attending the workshop. Room rates are guaranteed only when reservations are made prior to the block room cut-off date listed on the previous page. When making hotel reservations, please identify yourself with the Combined Federal Campaign Workshop. Individuals requiring more information may contact our Workshop Registration Coordinators: Herb Sanabria ( and Phil Brown (Plbrown@BCPL.NET).

We look forward to seeing you soon!

REGISTRATION FORM Download PDF version of Registration Form (30KB)  Download Word version of the Registration Form (38KB)
AGENDA Download PDF version of the Agenda (111KB)  Download Web version of the Agenda (13KB)