
Military Agency Records

Interallied and Interservice Military Agencies Records

Records of the Office of Strategic Services (RG 226)

Records of the Director

Records of the Director's Office (Entry 162)

Minutes of the OSS Planning Group, intelligence reports for the President, charts, minutes of the OSS Executive Committee meetings, chronological files, White House correspondence, and reports to the White House. These records have been reproduced on rolls 18-25 of Microfilm Publication M1642. Boxes 1-9

William J. Donovan-Selected OSS Documents 1941-1945 (Entry 180)

Microfilm A3304 190 rolls of 35mm negative microfilm and Boxes 1-12
This series contain much information on activities in neutral countries and some information of the OSS relations with civilian and military agencies. Please consult the finding aid for this series in the consultation area in Room 2400. This microfilm contains some material duplicated in Entries 88, 121, 134. The Safehaven - related records are contained in roll 88, files 114-256. Specific files in roll 88 are listed below:

File # File Title or Subject
114-126 Cables
127-140 Meetings
141-159 Rebuilding of German Positions by evasion of Allied Control over exit of German assets and personnel
160-170 A Plan for Subversive Action Against Enemy Firms Abroad
171-183 Bretton Woods Resolution VI (Note 13)
184-212 Elimination of German Resources for War: Senate Hearing. (Note 14)
213-218 Statement of Bernard M. Baruch (Note 15)
219-221 Preliminary Report on Germany's War Potential: Senate
222-230 Elimination of German Resources for War: Senate (Testimony of B. M. Baruch)
231-234 Memo for Senator Kilgore
235-252 German Economic Penetration Abroad
253-257 German Economic Aggression in Latin America

Director's Office Records (Entry 190) (Note 16)
Boxes 538-739 (Microfilmed as rolls 1-129 of NARA Microfilm Publication M1642)

To preserve the Washington Director's Office records and restore their original arrangement and to make them more accessible, NARA reproduced them on to a microfilm series, designated NARA Microfilm Publication M1642. M1642 consists of approximately 170,000 pages of textual records on 132 rolls. A detailed alphabetical index, 900+ pages, has been prepared. Please consult the three-volume index in the consultation area in Room 2400. The results of a cursory examination of the index is listed below:

Subject Roll Frame
Abwehr (Note 17) in Turkey, report (3-28-44) 118 180-196
Allied-Nazi (Note 18) negotiations with Swiss concerning foreign exchange for Germany 30 875-876
American zone of Germany, need for direct access of with Switzerland (6-5-45) 22 31-32
Argentine government and its foreign policy with the Axis (7-19-45) 102 1305-1309
Argentine power in 1944 (2-27-44) 68 858-918
Argentine preparations for war (6-24-44) 68 794-796
Argentine support of Nazi-Fascist regimes (1-18-45) 119 34
Argentine-Swiss contract negotiations (3-21-45) 21 197
Art looted by Nazis in Europe (Note 19) (7-18-47) 101 1206-1207
Art Looting Investigation Unit, report on (3-10-47) 46 407
Art looting report (3-17-47) 46 410
Art looting, investigation of (8-19-46) 112 300-301
Art looted by Nazis in Europe, OSS documents relating to (7-18-45) 101 1206-1207
Art treasures in Europe (3-5-44) 33 170-175
Atrocities, General Directive concerning for all Allied Countries(3-13-42) 49 713-720
Axis agents in Istanbul, Turkey (8-17-42) 36 74-76
Axis enterprises and assets transferred to neutral countries, survey of (6-27-44) 48 627-629
Ball-bearings, Bern report concerning Swiss export of to Germany (7-15-44) 24 132
Bank accounts of Nazis (1-28-42) 75 446-551
Bank for International Settlements (4-7-43) 70 130-148
Banker in Switzerland to New York, intercept from (2-26-42) 117 1109-1127
Board of Economic Warfare and Economics Division of Coordinator of Information, relationship between (5-13-42) 48 579-586
BEW and OSS, letter to Milo Perkins (Note 20) from Donovan concerning (3-23-43) 48 595-603
BEW role, discussion of at Bureau of the Budget (9-20-42) 48 588-592
BEW, cooperation with (3-23-43) 48 1319-1327
Bosch, Robert, interrogation of, evaluation report (5-30-45) 29 382-385
Bosch, Werner, economist, interrogation of, evaluation report (7-13-45) 29 89-98
British concern over post-war economy because of huge debts (10-12-44) 24 454
British Ministry of Economic Warfare (MEW) (2-8-42) 22 947-949
British MEW report (2-19-42) 75 1089-1091
British MEW report (2-26-42) 122 383-384
Brown-Boverie Companies, evaluation report (6-20-45) 29 620-632
Budapest, Hungary, report from OSS Bern concerning alarmed Swiss colony in (10-17-44) 20 101-103
Bulgaria, statement by Bulgarian Minsiter to Switzerland concerning conditions in (5-18-4) 31 383-385
Captured documents, policy instructions concerning (11-18-44) 9 1008-1011
Captured enemy documents, German archives (4-28-45) 82 593-603
Captured German documents, OSS-Military Intelligence Division dispute (11-25-44) 121 939-1049
Cartels and private monopolies (11-11-44) 20 1125
Concentration camp at Neuengamme (Note 21) (7-3-45) 29 933-937
Currency transactions, Swiss banking restrictions concerning; report from OSS Bern (7-10-44) 24 77
Dornier Werke GmbH, Lindau, interrogation of Peter Donier, evaluation report (6-26-45) 29 703-705
Economic Intelligence at American Embassy, London (5-7-43) 18 517-518
Economic Intelligence, procurement of by the Foreign Economic Administration (JIC (Note 22)207/1) (9-7-44) 13 661-665
Economic Intelligence, procurement of by the Foreign Economic Administration (JIC 207/3) (10-12-44) 13 812-820
Ethiopia, return of loot from Italians to Haile Selassie (Note 23) (8-8-45) 83 856-896
Farben, I.G., (Note 24) investigation of (5-21-45) 136 485-494
Farben, I.G., return of Haile Selassie jewels taken by Italians 46 88-90
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Special Intelligence Service, (Note 25) review of proposal for (12-30-41) 1 182
FBI Special Intelligence in Western Hemisphere (1-26-42) 1 208
FBI, establishment of Special Intelligence Service (12-23-41) 1 166
FBI, Special Intelligence Service (1-6-42) 1 172
FBI/OSS split of responsibilities per FDR directive (10-22-41) 46 596-602
Foreign Economic Administration/OSS relationships, guidelines for (3-11-44) 48 1343
Foreign companies penetration into American industry (8-23-40) 36 123-133
Foreign service and OSS (4-28-45) 21 1189-1196
Foreign workers camp at Drachensee-Kiel area, evaluation report (7-3-45) 29 795-797
French-Swiss border, report from Bern concerning incident at (12-12-44) 20 692
Funk, Dr. Walter (Note 26), interrogation of, Evaluation Report 54 (6-13-45) 29 515-520
Graziani, Marshal (Note 27); discovery of looting by from OSS Italy (2-25-44) 25 245
General Analine and Film Corp., memo concerning by Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury (1-10-42) 50 1158-1163
German captured records, procedures for coordinating handling of (JIC [Joint Intelligence Committee] 257/11) (2-26-45) 14 210-216
German archives and records, treatment of (4-7-45) 14 1057-1076
German archives and records, treatment of (JIC 299/1) (7-9-45) 14 733-748
German archives and records, and documents, treatment of (7-25-45) 59 557-571
German embassies and other offices in neutral countries, seizure of (4-13-45) 15 314-318
German control in occupied countries, OSS study of (4-3-45) 25 495-501
German control of travel to Switzerland (12-28-44) 30 517-519
German controls in occupied contries (4-4-45) 81 933-942
German documents obtained from Swiss intelligence representative (4-15-44) 23 856-864
German economic penetration abroad (6-2-45) 108 85-515
German economic situation (2-2-45) 30 303-304
German economy, papers concerning (8-17-43) 101 779-795
German industrialists seek early cessation of hostilities (12-8-44) 30 734-735
German intelligence personalities, biographies of, from Bern (5-23-45) 52 264-266
German espionage and sabotage operations in Portugal (4-21-42) 23 105-110
German National Redoubt (Note 28) (4-19-45) 15 621-625
German National Redoubt, study of (3-25-45) 52 252-263
German occupation of France, lessons learned (6-7-45) 82 148-332
German personalities (10-9-42) 52 902-937
German plans to establish a Maquis or redoubt (3-6-45) 21 308-309
German plans to go underground, from OSS Bern (3-26-45) 25 441-442
German political developments, from Bern (2-24-45) 30 168-172
German political developments, message from Switzerland (4-19-44) 19 722-724
German post-defeat Maquis (2-15-45) 21 455-456
German properties, Alien Property Custodian seizure of (11-8-45) 32 169
German remnants fleeing to Switzerland (4-4-45) 21 123-134
German situation, from Bern (2-24-45) 21 395-404
German-Swiss border incident (12-11-44) 30 472-476
German trade and banking commodities (1943-1945) 53 301-314
German war effort, contributions of occupied countries to (2-16-42) 22 1035
German will to resist, breaking the (1-25-45) 59 669-718
Germany and Berlin, message from Bern on conditions in (4-9-45) 57 275-287
Germany's capacity to resist, weaknesses in (8-3-44) 29 1058-1089
Germany's power of resistance, from Swiss newspaper (12-11-44) 20 693
Germany's resources for war measures to control (Kilgore Committee) (May-September 1945) 108 85-515
Germany, conditions in, from Swiss official via Bern (2-16-45) 21 450-451
Germany, chaotic conditions in, report concerning, from Bern (11-25-44) 24 820
Germany, disintegration in (11-21-44) 30 750
Germany, estimate of internal situation in (4-19-44) 18 803-805
Germany, food availability in (3-12-45) 30 40-46
Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, political intelligence concerning (4-12-45) 15 600-609
Germany, industrial and Army leaders in desiring early cessation of war (11-8-44) 31 79-80
Germany, rate of mark in (11-3-44) 30 357-362
Germany, report from Bern on conditions in (12-6-44) 20 401-404
Germany, report on as of 3/1/44 (3-20-44) 52 671-672
Germany, reports concerning situation in by Berlin correspondence of Swiss newspaper (10-44) 24 446
Germany, situation in as reported by OSS Bern (4-18-44) 18 798-800
Germany, situation in western and southern (9-12-44) 81 92-96
Germany, Pilet-Golaz (Note 29) views on German prospects (11-28-44) 30 755
Germany, report from Bern that Nazis prepare to fight to finish (10-24-44) 30 1070-1071
Germany, situation in, from Bern (7-21-44) 30 904-907
Germany, war industry objectives in (January-August 1944) 103 459-543
Greek ships under Swiss charter (8-42) 53 930-936
Hitler depression (12-16-44) 30 482-484
Hitler mood swings, Bern report concerning (12-16-44) 20 800-801
Hitler opposes evacuation of Berlin (3-3-45) 30 235-236
Hitler's personality (5-3-43) 129 422-439
Hitler, bouts of depression (12-16-44) 24 974
Hoover, (Note 30) correspondence with concerning Latin America (2-4-43) 102 887-892
Hungarian Jews, report to Secretary of State from OSS Bucharest concerning possible extermination of and need for Allies to issue dire threats to Nazis 20 90-91
I.G. Farben as Nazi agents (3-20-42) 70 826-828
I.G. Farben evaulation report (5-17-45) 9 255
I.G. Farben evaluation report (5-30-45) 29 404-407
I.G. Farben aluminum works, evaluation report (8-6-45) 29 344-345
I.G. Farben, Bayer plant, evaluation report (8-9-45) 29 366-367
I.G. Farben Hoechst, chemicals and drugs, evaluation report (5-30-45) 29 423-425
I.G. Farben subsidiary, evaluation report (8-6-45) 29 358-364
I.G. Farben-Bittefeld, evaluation report (5-31-45) 29 441-444
I.G. Farben, interrogation of Dr. Butefish (6-5-45) 29 462-466
I.G. Farben - I.G. Chemie (11-9-45) 32 165-168
Industrial organizations in Germany, study of the Goering (Note 31) and von Thermann interrogations to determine role of (7-20-45) 120 1222
Insurance activity in Italy, problem concerning (11-22-44) 40 609-635
Jewish refugees, appeal of Rabbi of Athens in behalf of (7-20-44) 24 160
Jewish refugees, duplicity of Ecuador concerning settlement of (11-29-41) 68 590
Jews in Rome, German plans for (10-6-43) 23 726
Jews in Rumania and Hungary, fear of extermination of, (Note 32) warning requested (10-16-44) 87 691-695
Jews in Transnistria (Note 33), correspondence concerning (Dec. 1943-Mar. 1944) 61 404 - 407
Jews of North Africa (8-18-42) 8 726-740
Jews of North America (8-18-42) 79 567-580
Jews, markings on passports for (n.d.) 46 652-661
Jews, Nazi position concerning (11-41) 49 346-351
Jews, possible extermination of in Hungary within a few days, from OSS Bucharest (10-17-44) 24 507
Jews, letters from Grand Rabbi of Athens and Rabbi Stephen Wise (Note 34) to FDR appealing for aid (7-20-44) 30 902-903
Klockner-Deutz Motoren, evaluation report (7-24-45) 29 273-274
Krupp, Friedrich, Essen, Germany, evaluation report (5-30-45) 29 386-391
Labor, role of Axis; memo concerning procured by Arthur Goldberg (6-3-42) 68 375-391
Latin American activities (6-2-42) 53 570-700
Lisbon Acores bank cable to Federal Reserve Bank of New York (12-23-41) 65 58
London reports sent to Henry Mogenthau, Jr. (2-4-42) 117 1087-1108
Main site for coordination of continent should be in Switzerland (8-31-44) 81 60
Marguerita Project: preparing cover for agents to pass from Switzerland (9-5-44) 82 507
Military resistance in South Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and North Italy, Technical Industrial Intelligence Committee study of capabilities to support (3-20-45) 10 410-498
Morgenthau, report from Bern on Swiss article on (10-12-44) 30 982-986
Nazi leaders, foreign funds of, including statement of H.V.V. Fay concerning (3-17-42) 75 446-451
Nazi plan concerning Europe, Research and Analysis Branch Study of a (4-3-45) 121 233-242
Nazi potential to go underground, Forces Francaises de l'Interieur (FFI) plans concerning (8-15-44) 81 45-46
Nazi underground, organizational plans of (11-8-44) 30 732-733
Nazi war criminals, listing of 121 70-81
Neutral countries, military personnel in (9-7-43) 4 581-582
Neutral countries, OSS use of military personnel in (8-31-43) 83 61-85
Neutral states, OSS operations in (8-21-43) 6 659
North Africa, financial manipulations and collaborationists in (6-1-43) 33 1320-1331
Northern Italy, Swiss coverage of tragic situation in (11-29-44) 20 1073-1075
Occupied Europe, report from OSS Switzerland concerning political conditions in (1-17-44) 8 1108-1112
Office of Naval Intelligence and G-2 (Army Intelligence), relations with (1-14-43) 110 55-61
Office of Naval Intelligence and MIS (Military Intelligence Service) relations, memos concerning by McBaine and Loud/Penrose (1-15-43) 110 63-67
Office of Naval Intelligence-OSS relations (1-17-43) 110 69-70
Oil situation in Europe, effect of Allied attack on (8-3-44) 29 1090-1099
Oil situation, British estimate of enemy's (11-30-41) 92 3-9
Oil targets, addition of to Black List (12-16-44) 9 1016-1019
Oil Team Report: I.G. Farben, Heidelberg (4-23-45) 9 200
OSS activities in London, Middle East, Africa, Switzerland, Sweden, et. al. through April 1944 (5-12-44) 62 1025-1041
OSS activities in theatres of operations: Sweden, Switzerland, et. al. (6-28-44) 8 1135-1169
OSS activities in various theatres (London, Sweden, et. al.) April - May 1944 (7-1-44) 62 1072-1107
OSS operation in Sweden (3-17-44) 54 997-1002
OSS Switzerland (6-23-45) 77 1309-1313
OSS termination and transfer of its functions to War and State (9-20-45) 112 1426-1431
OSS, appointment of Donovan as Director of (6-3-42) 4 44
OSS, chronology of organization of (8-19-44) 79 976-981
OSS, directives concerning functions of (10-27-43) 57 1121-1141
OSS, Executive Order dissolving (9-20-45) 45 1104
OSS, Executive Order establishing of (6-13-42) 1 856
OSS, functions of (12-23-42) 4 150-179
OSS, functions of (10-27-43) 4 140-148
OSS, functions of (JCS 155/11/D) (10-17-43) 4 592-603
OSS, function of (JCS 155/4/D) 4 333-354
OSS, functions of (revised) (9-25-43) 4 81-89. 92
OSS, functions of (revised) (4-4-43) 4 355-371
OSS, organization of (7-42) 45 1261-1272
OSS, organization of (1-42) 4 180-201
OSS, organizational changes within (8-11-42) 15 727
OSS, reorganization of (1-6-43) 77 1001-1013
OSS/State Department relationships (12-20-44) 20 771-779
Philips underground valve plant, evaluation report (8-6-45) 29 341
Pilet-Golaz, conversation with Koecher (German Minister) about Anglo-American intentions on Normandy front (7-21-44) 30 911-913
Pilet-Golaz, political comments of, from Bern (7-21-44) 24 172
Pilson, Czechoslovakia Skod works, evaluation report (7-4-45) 29 859-863
Planning Board to control all OSS activities in Germany, including those based in Sweden, Switzerland, and Italy (10-19-44) 81 367
Political refugees in non-belligerent countries (3-1-45) 103 229-278
Pope Pius XII (Note 35) against Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin (6-5-43) 109 626-643
Portugal, role of in the war (10/41-10/43) 97 1293-1392
Portugal, various developments in (5-26-44) 31 699-706
Post-war foreign trade of the United States, factors affecting the (3-23-45) 103 545-584
Private monopolies and cartels, subcommittee on (11-2-44) 42 144-159
Pro-Nazi German businessmen, list provided by Gen. Fitin (2-8-45) 105 461-656
Puhl, Emil, (Note 36) arrived in Bern to cover German expense under terms of Swiss decree (4-23-45) 21 167-169
Puhl, Emil, arrived in Switzerland, report from Bern, concerning (4-23-45) 30 201-203
Rheinmetal-Borsig A.G., evaluation report (5-30-45) 29 391-395
Red Cross efforts in Switzerland to improve plight of POWs and internees (3-16-45) 25 397-400
Rumania, intelligence concerning from OSS Switzerland (7-8-44) 86 1064-1084
Russia refusal to resume diplomatic relations with Switzerland, Swiss reaction to (11-7-44) 24 726
Rustingstadt Danemark, important files concerning industrial relations with Germany, evaluation report (7-5-45) 29 909-912
SKF (Note 37), interest of Count Hugo von Rosen in; Bertil Lind of Swedish Match Co. (6-2-42) 118 483-490
Safehaven project (1-6-45) 21 698
Safehaven work: Strategic Services Unit reports (11-9-45) 58 767-769
Schaff, manager of BMW Group, interrogation of, evaluation report (7-9-45) 29 37-39
Siemens Reinege Werke, evaluation report (6-30-45) 29 763-766
Siments & Halske, evaluation report (7-18-45) 29 195
Slave labor in Germany (Note 38), proposal for propaganda piece on (11-13-41) 49 299
South America, Berlin infiltration of (1-5-42) 68 608-614
South America, differences between State Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation I (3-22-43) 68 678-679
Soviet execution of two Jewish labor leaders, protest concerning (4-2-43) 49 1367-1372
Soviet looting (9-17-45) 21 796-797
Soviet looting in Mukeden, report from OSS Chungking (9-17-45) 25 583
Spain and North Africa (4-7-44) 31 768-782
Spain and Portugal, economic policy concerning (9-30-44) 59 126-142
Spain and Portugal, Carlton Hayes (Note 39) agreement of November 1943 concerning (2-7-44) 58 945-1395
Spain and Portugal, OSS activities in (2-7-44) 58 945-1395
Spain and Switzerland, report of a seven month trip to (2-28-42) 106 29-31
Spain, activities in (10-5-44) 44 221-224
Spain, activities in (4-10-43) 4 831-835
Spain, bargaining over wolfram in (3-9-44) 110 437-445
Spain, conditions in (3-11-44) 110 432-436
Spain, from OSS Lisbon, Portugal (3-17-42) 22 1290-1292
Spies, German spies in (9-4-45) 57 568-569
Spain, interview with Eberhardt von Stohrer, former German Ambassador to Spain (10-19-45) 103 392-393
Spain, maintenance of German espionage organization in (9-4-45) 25 637
Spain, Morocco, and Japan, reports from (1-15-42) 122 338-348
Spain, OSS operations in (1-11-44) 83 1006-1008
Spain, OSS representatives in, views of Berle and Shaw concerning (1-4-43) 110 409-429
Spain, political analysis of from a French source (8-11-42) 18 205-209
Spain, political situation in, from a French source (8-11-42) 110 385-389
Spain, Portugal, Latin America, COI interests in (4-21-42) 112 1048-1051
Spain, proposal to invade Europe through (4-23-42) 113 613-619
Spain, recent crisis in our relations with (2-18-44) 110 432-436
Spain, report in New York Times by T. J. Hamilton recently returned from (11-19-41) 110 331-334
Spain, report on by Urguayan military attache (2-14-42) 22 1032
Spain, United States trade talsk with (1-8-45) 30 246-247
Spain, a secret shared by Sir Samuel Hoare (Note 40) et. al. about keeping Spain from joining the Axis (4-17-42) 110 346-349
Spain, communications between Donovan and Ambassador Hayes concerning future intelligence plans (11-2-44) 20 1195-1199
Spain, courier routes to; petroleum supplies; Germans in (6-2-42) 16 513-517
Spangenburg Werke, Hamburg, Germany, evaulation report (6-20-45) 29 669-671
Spanish anti-Axis propaganda (5-2-42) 49 898-906
Spanish economic position (11-10-42) 110 399-408
Spanish Falange (Note 491) in Latin America (2-5-42) 22 921
Spanish internal politics (12-17-41) 22 737-741
Spanish Morocco (7-13-44) 20 572-574
Spanish Morocco, German activity in (3-30-45) 22 193-194
Spanish Morocco, German and Italian strengths in (3-43) 35 678-759
Spanish pro-Axis secret police (4-6-42) 22 1448-1450
Spanish refineries (10-27-42) 110 19-22
Spanish situation (11-28-41) 110 249-269
Spanish support of German submarine base (9-29-42, 10-21-42) 53 18, 74
Spanish trade and shipping (8-19-43) 110 377-384
Spanish weather stations, Axis use of (10-10-44) 87 773
Speer, Albert (Note 42), interrogation of, evaluation report (6-8-45) 29 509-514
Speer, Albert, interrogation of, evaluation report (7-9-45) 29 81-88
SSU [Strategic Services Unit] agreements with State Department (October-December 1944) 69 457-470
SSU assets and organization (4/44-2/46) 35 810-1003
SSU Switzerland administrative report (August-December 1946) 74 319-345
SSU, creation of (9-26-45) 113 139-145
SSU, functions of (5-20-46) 69 964-967
SSU, future of (10-26-45) 134 949-976
SSU, organization of Directories within (11-9-45) 113 219-226
SSU-State Department relations (11-29-45) 109 987-995
SSU: its work and staff (10-26-45) 77 822-838
Standard and Shell Oil Group, evaluation report (6-20-45) 29 675-677
State Department opposition to intelligence operations in Sweden (2-1-45) 81 856
State Department organization chart, new (1-3-45) 112 892-895
State Department, OSS relations with (11-8-44) 69 699-705
State-FBI-OSS friction, ways to avoid (2-26-44) 112 780-781
State Department-OSS relationships (12-7-42) 112 1089-1091
State Department-OSS relations (11-7-44) 20 1144-1145
State Department-OSS relationship, issues concerning to be discussed (6-15-42) 77 941-946
Statistics on minerals (May-June 1943) 27 133-138
Steel production, evaluation report (7-4-45) 29 894-897
Stockholm, Sweden, report from OSS man in concerning German intentions and fears (6-4-42) 23 495
Sweden, information from Federal Bureau of Investigation (6-16-43) 113 758-760
Sweden may be forced into Nazi camp, Donovan to the President (4-6-42) 22 1459-1460
Sweden's contributions to Allied war effort (8-8-42) 113 675-677
Sweden, Austria, ETO, and MTO, SI report on activities in (3-19-45) 97 1120-1122
Sweden, Germans may invade (3-14-42) 75 1135-1136
Sweden, intercept concerning (5-16-42) 117 1149-1151
Sweden, OSS mission in (December 1943, March 1944) 79 483, 488, 497
Sweden, position of in war; oil quotas and other raw material questions (10-20-42) 113 679-755
Sweden, program for OSS in (1-17-44) 19 765
Sweden, report from (5-15-42) 23 304-305
Sweden, report of Germans planning to invade (3-11042) 22 1262-1263
Sweden, report on 1943 operations based in (1-27-44) 62 1000-1002
Sweden, situation in (5-11-42) 23 241-247
Sweden, situation in (4-25-42) 23 148
Sweden, special programs based in (1-17-44) 18 701-702
Sweden, summary of OSS operations in (7-17-45) 62 1118-1123
Sweden, Switzerland, and Japan (10-26-42) 68 650-655
Sweden: export of ball-bearings from to Germany (12-23-44) 79 513
Swedish leaders, character sketches of prepared by Eric. C. Bellquist (3-18-42) 36 286-291
Swiss bank payment to Erich Wedemeyer (3-31-43) 46 650
Swiss break dealings with Nazis (7-10-44) 30 865-869
Swiss business man, report by (10-24-42) 46 609-613
Swiss francs for certain material (10-2-43) 112 719
Swiss General Staff, reaction of to recent military events (6-27-42) 114 1007-1008
Swiss National Bank, KAPPA (Note 43) message concerning proposed shipment of German gold to (4-7-45) 106 1073-1076
Swiss nervous about German and Austrian border areas (8-9-44) 81 37-38
Swiss newspaper dispatches (10-10-44) 20 282-283
Swiss office for development (11-10-41) 46 503-504
Swiss officer, information received from a, formerly of SS Saint Carque, which arrived New York August 1, 1941; and requested to turn over to British (8-19-41) 105 982-985
Swiss operations, personal (7-25-45) 83 221-222
Swiss operations, plans, and budgets (May-August 1945) 83 223-240
Swiss relief efforts for refugees, report concerning from Bern (3-16-45) 21 209-212
Swiss securities, purchase of by New York approved by Donovan (7-17-42) 114 1005-1006
Swiss towns, precautions against Allied bombing of (11-16-44) 20 1257
Swiss towns, United States bombing of (11-16-44) 20 1271
Swiss-Allies talks in Lisbon, Portugal (7-10-44) 30 865-869
Switzerland, access between United States Zone (6-9-45) 82 7
Switzerland, access from to our occupied zone (6-22-45) 82 15
Switzerland, access from/to US zone (6-4-45) 82 333-336
Switzerland, efforts to repatriate 1,000 airmen from (9-26-44) 83 161-174
Switzerland, Glavin (Note 44) and staff to enter via Basel and related information on German surrender (3-12-45) 114 245-263
Switzerland, morale in (10-19-42) 92 742-743
Switzerland, operations in (10-6-44) 83 179
Switzerland, OSS budget for operations in (7-19-45) 83 211-217
Switzerland, OSS operations in (6-23-45) 83 204-210
Switzerland, OSS operations in, personal matters (7-22-44) 83 190-203
Switzerland, OSS operations in, review of (6-22-45) 25 773-777
Switzerland, over-all program for OSS in (1-21-44) 19 768
Switzerland, overall and special programs for OSS in, post hostilities (1-30-45) 21 707
Switzerland, overall and special programs for strategic services based in (1-30-45) 22 324-325
Switzerland, overall plan for special activities in (1-21-44) 18 707-708
Switzerland, reaction in to Secretary of State Cordell Hull's speech and other developments (4/44-6/45) 31 783-793
Switzerland, reaction to Soviet refusal to resume diplomatic relations (11-7-44) 18 1141
Switzerland, reaction to Russian refusal to resume relations with (11-6-44) 30 366-367
Switzerland, report on 1943 operations based in (2/44) 62 1009-1017
Switzerland, representatives of German Catholic Party arrive in seeking peace terms (1-6-45) 119 37-38
Switzerland, shipping of strategic material from (8-3-44) 122 691-708
Switzerland, special programs for OSS activities based in (5-23-44) 18 838-839
Switzerland, Union Bank of, Locarno; pay $500 to Erich Wedemeyer (n.d.) 46 635-637
Switzerland, two prominent German industrialists refused entry to (12-30-44) 30 785
Switzerland, personnel leaving station, including Allen Dulles (Note 45) (7-17-45) 77 516
Treasury Depart-Foreign Funds Control concerning Siberian-American Corporation (8-17-43) 70 946-951
Treblinka death camp (Note 46), Ralph Parker article in PM on (11-12-44) 121 130-131
Tungsten, Nazi effort to obtain from Thailand (12-27-44) 30 778
Turco-German friendship, Germany giving up on (1-12-42) 123 846
Turkey (11-20-42) 118 117
Turkey and Axis Europe, communications between (4-18-44) 5 209-220
Turkey bridges destroyed to interrupt chrome shipments (6-2-44) 118 205-213
Turkey chrome production (11-6-41) 118 2-38
Turkey, chrome shipments from (2-26-44) 118 179
Turkey, detail statistics on (11-14-41) 118 48-88
Turkey, disruption of rail communications between Axis Europe and (4-18-44) 59 209-220
Turkey, interests of Russian concerning German activities in (January- March 1944) 23 759-761
Turkey, Kory mission to (4-10-44) 88 2-67
Turkey, letters from Happy in (11-23-43) 113 490-492
Turkey, list of Axis diplomats in (1-6-43) 118 122-129
Turkey, operational problems of Istanbul mission in (3-3-44) 79 1111-1116
Turkey, observations of Capt. Will after his visit to (11-1-45) 69 914
Turkey, OSS operations in (6-23-43) 79 1091-1092
Turkey, planning concerning OSS in (12-14-44) 79 1150-1153
Turkey, propaganda in (10-12-41, 10-12-42) 118 110, 677
Turkey, report in German press to support mission to (4-21-43) 58 545-548
Turkey, report on by Coordinator of Information has been initiated (11-13-41) 118 41-44
Turkey, request for additional funds and staff for (10-19-43) 79 1095-1097
Turkey, speculation about entry of into war on Allied side (n.d.) 79 369-37
Turkey, trip of Angel et. al to (6-24-43) 19 104-105
Turkey, break with Germany; chrome embargo of (May-June 1945) 31 838-848
Turkey, conversation with British Purchasing Commission concerning importance of shipment of military and other supplies to (11-21-41) 118 101-104
Turkey, economic warfare in and chrome (3-9-44) 118 205-213
Turkey, position of in September 1941 (10-3-41) 118 2-38
Turkey chrome and the Maritsa Bridge (3-30-44) 118 197-204
Turkish chrome, disruption of shipments of (6-18-44) 118 214-218
Turkish hemp (2-27-43) 118 144-146
Turkish neutrality (9-9-42) 118 111-116
Turkish operations, cooperation with British on (8-14-43) 79 1214-1219
Turkish reaction to Russia and the Allies, articles concerning (8-12-43) 118 153-157
Turkish situation, conversation concerning with Shaw (1-5-43) 106 571-572
UN assets seized by Japanese (10-29-45) 8 459
UN Commission for Investigation of War Crimes (10-14-43) 118 245
UNRRA (Note 47), scope and duties of (3-19-42) 112 657-688
US Strategic Bombing Survey, organization of (10-24-45) 61 966-1034
US war-time intelligence in Europe, reorganization of (12-6-44) 107 411-412
Vatican and Argentina and Brazil (1-16-45) 119 24-25
Vatican and von Papen (Note 48)and Hitler (6-23-43) 109 626-643
Vatican attitude toward Argentina (12-19-45) 30 773
Vatican intelligence concerning attitude of Argentina toward Franco (Note 49) (12-19-44) 31 358-359, 641
Vatican report, talk with Count Giuseppe Dalla Torre (2-21-45) 103 137-146
Vatican report concerning Msgr. Badfzey on Big 3 and Italy (2-13-45) 119 102
Vatican view of French political situation (11-13-44) 20 1120-1124
Vatican views of Vichy, Germany, and Russia (11-8-44) 24 735
Vatican, discussions in with ministers from Hungary and Rumania (8-21-44) 86 1055-1058
Vatican, information from (February 13-28, 1945) 119 113-123
Vatican, peace overtures at (4-11-45) 22 138
Vatican, report from source in concerning von Papen appeal to Pope for best conditions for Germany (10-17-44) 20 92-95
Vatican, reports from (March 4-6, 1945) 119 124-128
Vatican-Polish relations, report from Caserta concerning development of (10-30-44) 30 1086-1088
Vatican, reports on views of French political situation and status of chruch in Russia (11-13-44) 24 769
Veringt Bayerische Telfonwerke, evaluation report (7-24-45) 29 229-231
Vessel (Note 50) information from the Vatican, handling of (1-5-45) 136 661-669
Vessel report concerning conversation of Pope with Mron C. Taylor (Note 51) (1-15-45) 25 113
Vessel report concerning the Vatican (1-11-45) 25 33-37
Vessel report concerning Vatican support of pro-Nazi activits in Argentina (1-20-45) 25 73-74
Vessel, code term to be used for intelligence from Vatican (1-5-45) 119 2-9
Vessel, summaries of all Vessel material sent to State, Joint Chiefs of Staff and President 119 144-259
Vessel, to be used for all information from Vatican (1-15-45) 119 21-22
Vessel, information from Vatican sources to be designated (1-15-45) 22 369
Vichy France contributions to German war economy, memo on (2-4-42) 50 989-990
Vichy France, activities of (12-18-41) 22 769-770
Vichy situation (12-41) 22 633-634
Vichy, daily cables to on variety of subjects (8-42) 133 41-226
Vichy, directive for (10-16-41) 49 209-217
Vichy, intrigues in government at (12-23-41) 50 943-945
Vichy, message from OSS representative in (10-10-42) 18 260
Vichy, political situation in (4-13-44) 58 187-189
Vichy, report from (11-2-42) 75 1161-11632
Vichy, report from OSS representative in (10-26-42) 66 486
Vichy, situation (1-27-42) 110 690-698
Vichy-Washington cables: Vatican intervention to pressure Petain (Note 52) to let up on persecution of Jews (8-7-42) 133 80-85
Vichy/Franco effort to stop British actions in Portugal (11-6-41) 33 498
Von Papen in Madrid appealing to Holy See to obtain best terms for peace, from Vatican source (10-17-44) 24 515
Von Papen in Madrid urging France to appeal to Holy See for actions to obtain best peace conditions for Germany (10-17-45) 30 999-1000
Von Twardowski, Fritz, (Note 53) conversations with in Switzerland (5-28-42) 118 469-472
War Crimes problems, R&A Report 2577 on (9-28-44) 121 93-120
War Criminals, Russian intentions to punish, R&A Report 1988 (6-27-44) 134 576-670
War Criminals, suggested educational program in connection with prosecution of (5-30-45) 121 180-195
War Refugee Board (Note 54) (1-28-44) 119 1223-1241
Western Axis oil production (2-2-44) 12 709-724
Western Europe, estimate of enemy situation in (1-18-45) 2 523
Wolfram from Spain, smuggling of (7-24-44) 24 200
Wolfram smuggling from Spain (7-6-44) 30 1094-1095
Wolfram smuggling, control of (7-6-44) 20 581-582
Wolfram smuggling, reply to Donovan message concerning (7-14-44) 30 1098
Wolfram, export of from Spain to Germany (7-24-44) 30 917-921
Wood, James E. (Note 55), work on SAFEHAVEN (9-18-45) 120 594-599
WRB: Ross McClelland (Red Cross) in Switzerland should handle GARBO (Note 56) (3-17-44) 119 1223-1241
X-2 progress report: US/Swiss economic conference, et al. (3-1-46) 102 555
Yugoslav funds held by Federal Reserve Bank (10-4-44) 85 1019-1020
Yugoslavia: Norden has news from a British officer back from partisan- controlled Serbia; 6,000 Hungarian Jews working for Germans 84 547-548

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