Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

Astrobiology Science and Technology for Exploring Planets (ASTEP)

University of Hawaii
  1. 2007 Annual Report Projects

    A Supertree Analysis of the Metazoan Phylogeny

    Acquisition of Witec Confolcal Raman Scanning System

    Assessing the likelihood of supernova impact of protoplanetary disks

    Characterizing the Mineral Phases in Placozoans

    Chemistry and biology of ultramafic-hosted alkaline springs

    Chondritic Meteorites as Records of Aqueous Activity on Asteroidal Parent Bodies

    Diversity and phylogeny of the

    Ecology of a Hawaiian lava cave microbial mat

    First Workshop on Titan- Observations, Experiments, Computations, and Modeling

    FMARS Long Duration Mission: a simulation of manned Mars explora

    FMARS Long Duration Mission: a simulation of manned Mars exploration in an analogue environment, Devon Island, Canada

    Formation and Detection of Hot-Earth Objects in Systems with Close-in Jupiters

    Formation of Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Hydrogen Peroxide in Electron Irradiated Crystalline Water Ice

    Formation of Planetesimals in a Dynamically Evolving Nebula

    Geomicrobiology of neutrophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria at Loihi Seamount

    Habitability and Water Delivery in Binary-Planetary Systems

    Ice in Sublimation Environments

    Icelandic subglacial lakes

    Identification of the D3h Isomer of Carbon Trioxide (CO3)

    In situ voltammetry integrated with a cabled nearshore observatory

    Induced Vibronic Circular Dichroism in Ice Bioclathrates as a Potential Remotely Observable Biosignature

    Installation of Cameca ims 1280 ion microprobe

    Laboratory Simulation of Ammonia-Water Ices Relevant to the Outer Solar System

    Laboratory Simulation of Interstellar and Solar System Ices

    Laboratory Studies of Solid Ammonia Relevant to Interstellar and Solar System Ices

    Martian Slope Streaks

    Mechanistical Studies on the Irradiation of Methanol in Extraterrestrial Ices

    Molecular Deuteration on grain surfaces

    Monte Carlo Markov Chain modeling of grain surface chemistry

    On the Formation of Glycolaldehyde (HCOCH2OH) and Methyl Formate (HCOOCH3) in Interstellar Ice Analogues

    Origin of Irregular Satellites

    Outreach for ANSMET 2006-2007

    Proteins in Extreme Environments

    Rapid response to remotely detected seafloor eruptions

    Subseafloor basement (basalt) biosphere studies

    TES study of intracrater low albedo deposits, Amazonis Planitia, Mars

    The Formation of Acetic Acid (CH3COOH) in Interstellar Ices

    THEMIS thermal inertia study of sulfates identified in Valles Marineris, Mars

    Understanding the Effect of the Atmosphere of a Growing Jupiter on Capturing Planetesimals

    Unveiling the evolution and interplay of ice and gas in star-forming regions

    Water-Rock Chemistry and Habitats for Life

    Post Doc Projects

    Identifying the Missing Young Low-Mass Stars

    A Search for H3+ from the Atmospheres of Hot Jupiters

    A search for Main Belt Comets in Pan-STARRS 1

    Improved comet astrometry for Pan-STARRS 1

    Recovery of comet 85P/Boethin for the Deep Impact Extended Mission

    Star-Planet Interactions (SPI) as a Probe of Extrasolar Planetary Magnetic

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