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Lead States Group Working Task Groups

The Lead States Group divided into smaller working groups to most efficiently address the implementation challenge areas as follows:

  • Promotion
  • Implementation
  • Technical knowledge
  • Communication


The promotion "P" subgroup plans to develop and maintain on-line Lead States Group newsletters and periodic mail-out articles related to the implementation of M-E pavement design. They will also seek to chronicle the benefits of DOTs moving to M-E pavement design and conduct an annual benchmarking survey.

FHWA Representative: Eric Weaver,


The implementation "I" subgroup will follow any research work ongoing in NCHRP projects related to design (e.g., NCHRP 1-40, 1-42, 1-39, etc.). They will also develop a synthesis of existing implementation plans and identify best practices. Other priorities include establishing Lead State Group distress limits based upon each agency's PMS practice, based on project distress surveys on sections that have been prioritized by their PMS.

FHWA Representative: Gary Crawford,


The communication "C" subgroup plans to establish channels of communication through formal links with industry (NCAT, NAPA, AI, ACPA, ACI, etc.), local agencies, and academia. In addition, they plan to identify States, other than the Lead States, that have formal implementation plans and share this information through nationwide workshops and web-casts, provide reports or presentations at TRB annual meetings and other venues, and act as the clearinghouse for information developed by other agencies outside of the Lead States Group.

FHWA Representative: Chris Wagner,


The knowledge "K" subgroup plans to document State calibration efforts and utilize nationwide lessons learned, as well as use the LTPP sites to help in the individual State calibration efforts and work with the FHWA's DGIT to document best practices by the states in test equipment and protocols. They also will work on identifying the gaps in the knowledge base related to the design guide, considering enhancements to the program such as: a) uncoupling various modules so that individual input and output can be reviewed, b) considering allowing batch mode input routines, and c) documenting the source code. Another task includes working with FHWA to identify and establish a pool of national experts. Finally, the "K" subgroup will strive to provide equipment and other financial support to universities, in order to develop faculty expertise and course work in theoretical and practical pavement design.

FHWA Representative: Jim Sherwood,

This page last modified on 11/01/06

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration