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Lead States Group Meeting Strategies

  1. Work with NCHRP, AASHTO, and FHWA.
  2. Utilize nationwide lessons learned.
  3. Identify gaps in the knowledge base and new research needs.
  4. Assemble knowledge base of comparisons of predicted versus known (historical) performance for individual state projects.
  5. Develop a model implementation plan.
  6. Author a newsletter to disseminate knowledge and promote M-E design procedures.
  7. Develop a benefits statement aimed at the CEO/chief engineer level.
  8. Benchmark research and implementation activities nationwide.
  9. Provide a pool of experts for states to consult.
  10. Establish protocols for setting up field pavement sections and collecting results.
  11. Centralize the collection and organization of performance data on dedicated pavement sections, establish long-term trends versus computed values, and refine calibrations.
  12. Become aware of new materials, mix design procedures, and the need for future re-calibration.
  13. Act as a liaison with private industry activities.
  14. Identify training activities related to state implementation.
  15. Identify and raise awareness of the benefits of M-E design compared to empirical design through teaching and training.
  16. Promote university involvement in materials and pavement design activities, particularly at the undergraduate level.
  17. Integrate pavement management data in the design process.
  18. Sponsor user groups, workshops, and conferences for implementation.
This page last modified on 06/08/06

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration