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Coal Tar Pitch Volatiles Coal Tar Pitch Volatiles
Additional Information

Related Safety and Health Topics Pages Other Resources The following is a list of literature references pertaining to coal tar pitch volatiles (CTPVs).
  • Jongenteelen, F.J. "Biological exposure limit for occupational exposure to coal tar pitch volatiles at cokeovens." Int-arch-Occupational and Environmental Health 63.8(1992): 511-516.
  • Armstrong, B. and G. Theriault. "Compensating lung cancer patients occupationally exposed to coal tar pitch volatiles." Occupational and Environmental Medicine 53.3(1996, March): 160-167.
  • Baranski, B., et al. "Correlation between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons concentration and airborne particle mutagenicity in rubber factory." Pol Journal of Medicine and Environmental Health 5.4(1992): 357-362.
  • Rogaczewska, T., D. Ligocka, and K. Nowicka. "Hygienic characteristics of carbon black used in tyre production." Pol Journal of Occupational Medicine 2.4(1989): 367-375.
  • Tremblay, C., et al. "Estimation of risk of developing bladder cancer among workers exposed to coal tar pitch volatiles in the primary aluminum industry." American Journal of Industrial Medicine 27.3(1995, March): 335-348.
  • Armstrong, B., et al. "Lung cancer mortality and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons: a case-cohort study of aluminum production workers in Arvida, Quebec, Canada." American Journal of Epidemiology 139.3(1994, February 1): 250-262.
  • Spinelli, J.J., et al. "Mortality and cancer incidence in aluminum reduction plant workers." Journal of Occupational Medicine 52.4(1995, April): 255-261.
  • Ronneberg, A. "Mortality and cancer morbidity in workers from an aluminum with prebaked carbon anodes-part I: Exposure assessment." Occupational and Environmental Medicine 52.4(1995, April): 242-249.
  • Ronneberg, A. "Mortality and cancer morbidity in workers from an aluminum with prebaked carbon anodes-part II: Cancer morbidity." Occupational and Environmental Medicine 52.4(1995, April): 250-254.
  • Ronneberg, A. "Mortality and cancer morbidity in workers from an aluminum with prebaked carbon anodes-part III: Mortality from circulatory and respiratory diseases." Occupational and Environmental Medicine 52.4(1995, April): 255-261.
  • Rogaczewska, T. and D. Ligocka. "Occupational exposure to coal tar pitch volatiles, benzo/a/purene and dust in tyre production." International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 7.4(1994): 379-386.
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  Coal Tar Pitch Volatiles
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Content Reviewed 03/19/2007

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