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NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) Collection
Catalog of Images

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Meteorological radiosonde balloon being released. OCEANOGRAPHER around the world cruise
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A fog sampler mounted on the bow of the PEIRCE. Fog sampler was designed to capture mist droplets. Fog captured would be analyzed for acid content
Penobscot Bay, Maine 1985
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Stormy seas on the east coast. Pier has been broken in half
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Sea smoke, sea ice, and icicles. NOAA Ship SURVEYOR in some co-l-l-l-d weather
Bering Sea, Alaska 1977
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The great Mississippi River flood of 1927. Lifeboats transported to Natchez from New England and Great Lakes. C&GS officers took part in rescue efforts
Natchez, Mississippi 1927
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The great Mississippi River flood of 1927. Train backed into flooded area and boats floated off. C&GS officers took part in rescue efforts
Natchez, Mississippi 1927
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The great Mississippi River flood of 1927. Tent camp of refugees on river levee
Natchez, Mississippi 1927
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The great Mississippi River flood of 1927. Town across river from Natchez completely flooded
Natchez, Mississippi 1927
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The great Mississippi River flood of 1927. Wild deer on the levee
Natchez, Mississippi 1927
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Selections from a German cloud atlas In: "Wolken und andere Erscheinungen....", Thomas Forster, 1819 Figure 4
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Selections from a German cloud atlas In: "Wolken und andere Erscheinungen....", Thomas Forster, 1819 Figure 3
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Selections from a German cloud atlas In: "Wolken und andere Erscheinungen....", Thomas Forster, 1819 Figure 5
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The cover of "Wolken im Luftmeer" The embossed cover of a German cloud atlas produced for the German Air Forces. Library Call No. QC923 .W65 1917 .
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Plate Nr. 90 of "Wolken im Luftmeer", a World War I German cloud atlas A beautiful book produced by flyers for the German Air Forces in 1917 Library Call No. QC923 .W65 1917 .
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Flying above a sea of clouds - altostratus from an aircraft Plate Nr. 103 of "Wolken im Luftmeer", a German cloud atlas Produced by flyers of the German Air Force. Library Call No. QC923 .W65 1917 .
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Capturing the moment - beauty in the midst of war A German bi-plane returning home at the end of the day Plate Nr. 140 of "Wolken im Luftmeer", a German cloud atlas Atlas produced for the German Air Force. QC923 .W65 1917 .
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Cumulus Lenticularis - a remarkable roll cloud over the Sierras Formed by the Sierra Wave north of Independence, California Strong updrafts associated with this cloud type
Independence, California 1952?
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Cumulus Lenticularis - a remarkable roll cloud over the Sierras Formed by the Sierra Wave north of Independence, California Strong updrafts associated with this cloud type
Independence, California 1952?
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Altocumulus Lenticularis Associated with strong winds and standing waves in atmosphere
Rocky Mountains, Fort Collins, Colorado February 21, 1940
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Altocumulus - bands of altocumulus clouds with cirrus filaments in the center
Death Valley, California 1960's?
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Altocumulus in the Rockies
Cheyenne, Wyoming 1960's?
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Wave clouds extending from southwest to northeast The base of the clouds at 10,000 to 12,000 feet
Washington, D.C. November 30, 1959
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Altocumulus Lenticularis with some cirrus above
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Cirrus Uncinus - cirrus in the form of hooks or filaments
Mount Wilson, California 1960's?
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An aircraft view of high cirrus and stratocumulus undercast with altostratus
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Reflections of cirrus clouds in a small lake at sunset
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Cirro-cumulus associated with jet stream
The lighthouse at Brunswick, Georgia February 27, 1961
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Altocumulus adding to the beauty of a glorious sunset
Brunswick, Georgia November 3, 1959
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Stratocumulus following cold front passage
Brunswick, Georgia March, 1947
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Cumulus Congestus - summertime on the southeast coast
Brunswick, Georgia August 17, 1959
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Towering Cumulus at sunset
Coconut Creek, Florida May 1978
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Cold Front squall line
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A collision of air masses - warm and cold fronts meet
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A towering cumulonimbus cloud with well-developed anvil shape
Indianapolis, Indiana 1949
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Cumulus congestus
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Cumulonimbus with anvil top
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Twin cumulonimbus clouds with anvils at sunset
Near Asheville, North Carolina
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Towering thunderhead with anvil top
Western desert of United States
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Anvil topped thunderstorm at twilight after sunset. Looking to the WNW from Beaucatcher Ridge.
Asheville, North Carolina 1975 August
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Cumulus Congestus capped with pileus
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Thunderhead with anvil from the air
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Squall line with potentially tornadogenic clouds
Manila, Philippine Islands May 28, 1935
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Mammatocumulus - often associated with tornado development
St. Joseph, Missouri June 20, 1934, 7:25 P.M
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Mammatocumulus - often associated with tornado development
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Mammatocumulus - often associated with tornado development
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Altocumulus clouds
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Altocumulus clouds
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Thin altocumulus clouds

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007