Western Forest Insects
Guidelines for Authors

view a .pdf version (141k)of these guidelines

  Notify Iral Ragenovich (iragenovich@fs.fed.us; 503-808-2915) of the section of the book that you would like to revise, so this can be noted on the website. This will help us keep track of contributors, and help avoid duplications of effort among authors.

  Go to the website and find the section of the WFI book that you will revise under the "Original Version (1977)".

  Create a Word document, file it, and copy the section of the Western Forest Insects book that you will revise into that document.

  Make your changes to the existing WFI text using the "Tracking Changes" on your tool bar. Use the "Final Showing Markup" selection. (See the revision of balsam woolly adelgid as an example of revised text)

  When making changes, please check on these particular things:

  1. Verify the spelling of scientific names and other words in general - this is a scanned version of the book so there will be scanning errors.
  2. Verify the correct and most recent scientific and common name. [Please visit the Western Forest Insect Working Conference, Common Names Committee webpage (http://www.fsl.orst.edu/wfiwc/admin/cnamecom.htm) for more information on common names.]
  3. Approved common names should appear in bold; unapproved common names that appear in the common venacular should appear in bold but within brackets; i.e. (ghost moth)
  4. Add new information on additional hosts, insect range, or other pertinent information.
  5. Highlight references to photos in yellow, so these can be located easily.

  Also, check the "Notes" section under the "Original Version" (if present) to see if any notes have been added regarding your specific insect. We will continue to add notes as information becomes available.

  If you add references, include those references in the text, and send the full citation to Iral. We will track and add those to the "References" section of the book.

  If you have links to the references or to photos, include those links in your rewrite and we will track those for the electronic version.

  At the end of your revised section, include a list of any people that have reviewed your revision.

  We will need new photos; so if you have any of those that can be used, or know of links to ones that can be used, please provide that information.

  Send your revised section to Iral (iragenovich@fs.fed.us) and we will post it on the "Revised Version" section of the website.

This webpage was last updated on January 15, 2008.

horizontal rule with trees

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