About The Council

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The Workforce Opportunity Council sponsors the NH Works system through use of Workforce Investment Act funds.

The Governor established and certified the Workforce Opportunity Council (Council) as the State's Workforce Board under WIA on September 22, 1999. The Council is chaired by a businessperson and has 43 members, of which 22 members are business representatives. The Council also includes top officials from agencies that oversee workforce development programs. Board members were generally selected according to the following criteria: geographic representation, industry sectors, company size, and workforce and economic development expertise.


To serve as a catalyst to establish a secure and sustainable workforce that can meet current and future skilled labor needs and provide a competitive advantage for New Hampshire businesses.


To promote life-long learning by partnering with businesses, agencies, and organizations to bring the state's education, employment and training programs together into a workforce development system that will provide the means for residents of New Hampshire to gain sufficient skills, education, employment and financial independence.


  1. To establish a workforce development system that is market driven, customer responsive, performance based, and aligned with the skilled labor needs of New Hampshire.
  2. To prepare New Hampshire's youth, the emerging workforce, for employment and further education.
  3. To prepare transitional workers for employment that leads to job retention, wage progression and self-sufficiency.
  4. To assist business and industry in upgrading the skills of the current workforce.
  5. To improve labor market exchange and labor market information for all businesses and individuals.
  6. To maximize effective coordination and utilization of public and private dollars, leverage resources and identify additional and alternative sources of support to sustain the workforce development system.
  7. To promote statewide workforce development programs, increase awareness of ongoing initiatives, and provide information on workforce issues to the private sector and the general public.

With the exception of four legislative appointees, the Governor appoints the members of the Workforce Opportunity Council.

The members serve three-year terms. Nominations are accepted for new board members as terms expire. Interested parties may contact info@nhworkforce.org for additional information.

Governor John Lynch
Dick Anagnost, Anagnost Companies, Chairman
George Bald, NH Dept. Resources & Economic Development
Denise Benson, Member at Large
Richard Brothers, NH Employment Security
Kevin Cash, IEBW Electrician Union
David Cioffi
George Copadis, NH Dept. of Labor
Senator Betsi DeVries, NH Senate
Dick Dunfey, Manchester Housing Authority
Debra Grabowski
Ruth Griffin, Member at Large
Rep. William Hatch, NH House of Representatives
Gale Hennessey, Southern NH Services
David Juvet, Business & Industry Association
Jay Kahn, Keene State College
Eliza Leadbeater, Granite Media Center
Carl Lindblade, Flying Yankee
Rep. Larry Converse, NH House of Representatives
Alan Reische, Esq., Sheehan, Phinney, Bass & Green
Senator Deborah Reynolds, NH Senate
Steven Schubert, UBS
Steve Shulman, The Hampton Group
Dr.Richard Gustafson, NH Community Tech. College System
Nick Toumpas, Dept. of Health & Human Services
Lyonel Tracey, NH Dept. of Education
James Wagner, Androscoggin Valley Economic Recovery


The Youth Council is a subgroup of the Workforce Opportunity Council. Appointed by the Governor, members include representatives of youth-serving agencies, parents and members of the Workforce Opportunity Council.

The members serve three-year terms. Nominations are accepted for new board members as terms expire. Interested parties may contact info@nhworkforce.org for additional information.

Marty Boldin, City of Manchester
Kevin Cash, IBEW 490 Electrician Union
Kathy Condon, Project PRIDE
Michael Currier, Child & Adolescent Behavioral Solutions
Dwight Davis, Masiello Group
Steve DeMasco, Steve DeMasco's Shaolin Studios
Michele Desmond, Manchester Housing Authority
Kathryn Dodge, NH Postsecondary Education Commission
Kathy Jablonski, UNH Cooperative Extension
Sen. Sylvia Larsen, NH State Senate
Paul Leather, NH Department of Education
Hon. Willard Martin, Martin, Lord, Osman, P.A.
Donna McAdam, Dover Adult Learning Center
Darlene Miller, Manchester Community Technical College
Debra Naro, Community Alliance for Drug-Free Youth

State Plan for Program Years 2007 & 2008

Under the Workforce Investment Act, New Hampshire is required to submit a new 2-year plan to the U.S. Department of Labor, which incorporates both WIA Title I and Wagner Peyser workforce development strategies.

For 2007, the The Plan must be modified to reflect current conditions and USDOL requirements. The submitted plan and its attachments may be accessed below. The Plan is a large document and may take time to download.

Please note that Attachment A, the signature page, is part of the Plan. However, it is also listed separately, with Governor Lynch's signature.

Table of Contents

Submitted Plan

Attachment A - Signature Page

Attachment B - Chart of NH's Workforce System

Attachment C - State Board Executive Committee Members

Attachment D - State Board Youth Council Members

Attachment E - NH Works Operator Consortium Members

Attachment F - State Board Demand/Performance Assessment Committee Members

Attachment G - State Board Members

Attachment H - Jobs Ranking

Attachment I - Industries

Attachment J - Equal Opportunity Civil Rights Complaint Procedure

Attachment J (con't)- Equal Opportunity Non-Civil Rights Grievance Procedure

Attachment J (con't)- Equal Opportunity Sexual Harassment Policy

Attachment K - Veteran's Plan (narrative)

Attachment L - WIA Performance Goals

Attachment L - Wagner-Peyser Performance Goals

Attachment M - Public Comments and Responses

Requests for Proposals
Check BREAKING NEWS on the home page for any new requests.

Annual Report

For a copy of our Program Year 2006 Annual Report, Click here
Please note this is a large file and may take a few moments to download.

For a copy of our Program Year 2005 Annual Report, Click here
Please note this is a large file and may take a few moments to download.

For a copy of our Program Year 2004 Annual Report, Click here

For a copy of our Program Year 2003 Annual Report, Click here

For a copy of our Program Year 2002 Annual Report, Click here

For a copy of our Program Year 2001 Annual Report, Click here

For a copy of our Program Year 2000 Annual Report, Click here
Please note this is a large file and may take a few moments to download.

Contact Us

Anyone who would like more information on the Workforce Opportunity Council, its programs or initiatives can obtain that information via email to info@nhworkforce.org



Workforce Opportunity Council Inc.
Copyright 2009
America's Workforce Network