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Endangered Species Act (ESA) home
What we're doing for salmon | What you can do for salmon
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What you can do to help salmon:

Act carefully to help protect salmon:
  • Is your house salmon-friendly?
    All of us can help stop water pollution. It’s easy to blame dirty water on industry, but a very significant portion of the problem starts right at home. Here are home & garden hints for healthy streams and salmon.
  • Think before you spray!
    Get to know friendly bugs Learn how to use least toxic pest controls.
    Think before you spray a pesticide: you may kill the insects that are helping you keep pests in check. The Local Hazardous Waste Management Program can tell you more.

  • How can businesses help?
    Learn about "green" practices with our Environmental Resources for Businesses.
  • Make sure you don't make mud
    Find out how to effectively prevent runoff and control erosion on construction sites.

Volunteer to help salmon habitat:

Help shape salmon recovery plans:
  • You're a watershed resident
    Help develop the Salmon Conservation Plan in your watershed. Your thoughts are needed on the Cedar/Sammamish Watershed or Green/Duwamish Watershed planning processes. Tell us how you think we should bring back the salmon!

Updated: May 15, 2003

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