Contact: John Blair,
                                 Fact Sheet


The National Semiconductor Metrology Program at the Commerce
Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology is a key
enabler for the semiconductor development and manufacturing goals
described in the Semiconductor Industry Association's National
Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors. NSMP programs provide the
semiconductor industry with the high-resolution, precise and
increasingly sensitive measurement tools needed to create the tinier,
more powerful computer chips of the future. NSMP's goal is to help the
U.S. semiconductor industry keep its multibillion dollar competitive
edge into the 21st century.

Examples of NSMP-supported work at NIST include:

* Detector Improves Chemical Analysis

NIST recently filed a patent for an X-ray microcalorimeter that fits
easily onto existing scanning electron microscopes and can provide
chemical composition information with at least 10 times better energy
resolution than the most widely used commercially available instruments.

The NIST instrument determines the chemical composition of a sample
based on the energy of X-rays given off as the sample is scanned with a
beam of electrons. Its improved resolution stems from the use of a
superconducting detector that undergoes a rapid change in electrical
resistance when heated by the absorption of a single X-ray. The
instrument uses a NIST-developed mini-refrigerator that cools the
detector chip to an operating temperature near absolute zero. Such cold
temperatures are necessary to achieve high resolution.

Commercially available X-ray spectrometers used in industry provide
either ease of use by detecting a broad range of X-ray energies or
high-energy resolution (2 to 20 electron volts). The NIST instrument
achieves both.

Although the instrument will be useful to a wide range of industries,
semiconductor manufacturers have been following the NIST project closely
and will be prime customers for the new technology. Better resolution of
X-ray energies should translate into improved chemical analysis of
contaminant particles during semiconductor processing, an increasingly
important quality control factor as circuit dimensions continue to
shrink. The NIST system fully discriminates overlapping X-ray emission
spectra of silicon and tungsten important for identifying tungsten
silicide, a common material in integrated circuits. It also improves
identification of "light" elements such as carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.

NIST currently is looking for industrial partners to share in the
commercial development of the new instrument.

Technical Contact: John Martinis, (303) 497-3597,

* Software Unifies 'Scattered' Data for Chip Makers

The ability to accurately define optical scattering--how light is spread
after hitting a surface--by a silicon wafer provides invaluable data for
the successful manufacture of semiconductor chips. Unfortunately,
optical scatter instruments lack standardization, making it difficult to
compare values obtained by devices from different companies. A new NIST
software package soon will offer chip makers a way to reconcile and
compare data derived from different systems.

The software uses an algorithm that compensates for the unique
characteristics of individual optical scatter instruments and yields
readings free of any variance. The purified data can be obtained for
silicon wafers exhibiting microroughness.

The American Society for Testing and Materials is currently
incorporating this method into documents describing wafer inspection
systems. The software is expected to become available by the end of
August 1997.

Technical Contact: Thomas A. Germer, (301) 975-2876,

* New Measurement Capabilities for Tomorrow's Microchips

NIST, the Energy Department's Sandia National Laboratories and the
private sector's SEMATECH have developed a new measurement artifact to
support the future manufacture of faster, more powerful microchips than
can be built currently.

The proposed reference material is now being evaluated by NIST and by a
private-sector consortium of 13 semiconductor manufacturers and
metrology tool companies. The goal of the linewidth artifact is to help
U.S. chip makers calibrate their own microchip-measuring equipment for
assessments of features as tiny as 1/1,000th the width of a human hair.

Made of a single-crystal silicon film, the proposed reference material's
geometric regularity offers flat, smooth surfaces ideal for comparative
measurement of the incredibly tiny critical dimensions (known as CDs) of
transistors that make up microchip integrated circuits.

Current metrology reference materials, created by photo patterning and
plasma etching polycrystalline films, are not as uniform. Distortion or
variability in measurements becomes severe when the feature being
measured falls beneath 0.35 micrometer (about 1/300th the width of a
human hair). The proposed reference material facilitates
intercomparisons between methods by reducing the complicating factor of
geometrical variability and has the goal of providing a traceable
reference point for comparing different methods. It is not intended to
address problems arising while measuring features encountered in typical
production wafers whose materials and geometries are different from
those of this artifact.

A Single-Crystal CD-Reference Materials Consortium was established in
response to numerous requests to evaluate a prototype of the reference
material. Sample test chips have been distributed to the 13 corporate
consortium members. Under the terms of a cooperative research and
development agreement, each member will make a minimum of 20
measurements on segments of the chips. Comparative measurements will be
made concurrently with conventional metrology methods: low-cost
electrical techniques, optical transmission microscopy, scanning
electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy.

Consortium members also promise to assess the commercial utility of the
prototype reference samples and to suggest design and fabrication
enhancements that eventually could lead to the development of a
traceable-to-NIST Standard Reference Material.

Testing results will be reviewed by the consortium at a meeting during
the July 14-18, 1997, SEMICON West 97 trade show and conference in San
Francisco, Calif.

Technical Contact: Loren W. Linholm, (301) 975-2052,

* Moire Method Reveals the Strain

The strain of daily cycles can be very fatiguing--for metals as well as
for people. When those metals are critical components connecting
integrated circuits within multichip devices, fatigue can cause costly

NIST researchers are working with several U.S. companies to develop ways
to detect and model strain in chip to chip connections. One promising
method is electron beam moire, a technique that allows quantitative
analysis of strain within connections on a microscopic scale. The moire
technique exploits the same principle that causes plaid suit coats to
vibrate into wavy rainbow patterns on television--the fact that
interference is generated when an image scanner matches up with lines on
the subject being imaged.

In a recent study, a high-density interconnect structure for a multichip
module was examined. A cross section was prepared with a grating of
closely spaced parallel lines and viewed in the scanning electron
microscope. The normal image of the copper and polymer layers was
visible with a moire fringe pattern superposed on top, like broad
translucent bands or stripes. When the specimen was heated, the
different materials in the structure actually expanded by different
amounts. The appearance of the structural features was unchanged because
the expansions were much less than 1 percent. However, the number and
shape of the moire fringes changed visibly because the moire effect
amplified small changes in shape. For example, in this experiment, if
the whole structure had expanded by 1 percent, five additional fringes
would have appeared. Potential weak points in the structure were
revealed as the areas where the moire fringe pattern changed the most
with heating.

NIST researchers are using the moire method to verify computer models
that predict strain to help manufacturers ensure the reliability of
interconnections without the necessity of testing new circuit designs to

Technical Contact: David Read, (303) 497-3853, 

* Polarized Signatures May Lead to Tinier Chips

Optical scattering is used by the semiconductor industry to measure the
microroughness of a silicon wafer as well as detect particulate
contaminants and subsurface defects. However, the ability of optical
scattering instruments to do the job is limited by problems with
sensitivity. Light scattering due to microroughness can obscure or
overwhelm the scattering caused by particles.

NIST researchers have discovered a way to cleanly distinguish the
scattering shown by microroughness from that of particulate
contamination or subsurface defects. Using a novel technique called
bidirectional ellipsometry, they have found that light scattered by
microroughness has a characteristic, well-defined, polarization
"signature." They also learned that other scattering sources, such as
particulate contaminants and subsurface defects, scatter light with
unique polarizations different than those exhibited by microroughness.

With this knowledge, the researchers designed an instrument that is
blind to the microroughness optical scattering pattern. Therefore,
nanoscale particles on silicon wafers can be detected and measured
without the former problem of interference. A provisional patent has
been filed on the device.

What this means to the semiconductor industry is that particles with
diameters less than 0.1 micrometer soon may be routinely discernible.
The Semiconductor Industry Association roadmap declared that, in the
future, such ability would be a breakthrough advance toward the
manufacture of tinier integrated circuits.

In addition to its usefulness in process inspection of silicon wafers,
bidirectional ellipsometry is expected to become a powerful technique
for identifying and characterizing defects in optical components, disk
storage materials and film coatings.

Technical Contact: Thomas A. Germer, (301) 975-2876, 

* CRADA to Speed Standard Reference Materials to Microelectronics Industry

NIST and VLSI Standards Inc. are working together to develop improved
thin dielectric film standards that the microelectronics industry can
use for calibration of optical instruments needed to develop and control
thin-film growth processes. Traceable film thickness standard artifacts
are critically needed to support the instrumentation needs identified in
the National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors. The industry
requires traceability to NIST for film thickness measurements, which are
difficult to make and interpret correctly. Errors in these measurements
greatly affect the electrical properties of integrated circuits and thus
the yield of salable chips.

Under a cooperative research and development agreement, the NIST/VLSI
Standards collaboration aims at developing a procedure for NIST to team
with private industry to help produce NIST-traceable reference
materials. The two organizations agreed under the CRADA to develop a
test sample set including key thicknesses from earlier thin-film SRMs to
provide a link with previous experience, but which also includes 7.5
nanometer and 4.5 nanometer films. They also collaborated to determine a
viable and effective measurement protocol that provides a means for
establishing NIST traceability of thin-film standards at these and
future technology nodes.

The results of the collaboration between NIST and VLSI Standards will be
available in August as NIST Special Publication 400-100.

Technical Contact: Barbara Belzer, (301) 975-2248,

* Consortium Measures Chip Overlay Features

Four companies and SEMATECH have joined NIST in a new consortium to
develop the measurement instruments needed to pack more features into
tomorrow's semiconductor chips. Corporate members include Bio-Rad
Laboratories, Digital Instruments, KLA Instruments and Optical
Specialties Inc. The Scanning Capacitance and Electromagnetic Sensor
Consortium plans to research new ways to measure accurately the relative
location or overlay of features placed on successive chip layers.
Members will compare the merits of two new overlay measurement methods--
scanning capacitance probes and electromagnetic sensors.

Enhancement in semiconductor wafer metrology will strengthen the U.S.
leadership in the production of overlay-metrology tools and indirectly
help maintain the nation's number one position in the multibillion
dollar global semiconductor industry. The consortium provides domestic
companies access to essential technology resources and to results
significantly earlier than publication or other conventional means of
dissemination would make them available worldwide, including to foreign

Technical Contact: Loren W. Linholm, (301) 975-2052,

* Microscope Stage Doubles Chip View

A new scanning electron microscope stage, jointly developed by NIST, E.
Fjeld Co., of North Billerica, Mass., and SEMATECH, will permit users of
a widely used laboratory SEM to cover nearly all angles when examining
their samples. The new stage doubles the viewing range of the typical
SEM stage and increases the tilt to better than 90 degrees from the
horizontal, as compared to the current 60 degrees. Such improved
performance capabilities are expected to increase the utility of SEMs as
measurement and research tools. NIST has been working with SEMATECH, the
consortium of U.S. chip makers and their equipment suppliers, to improve
the measurement performance of SEMs and other microscopes used in
semiconductor manufacturing.

Technical Contact: Michael Postek, (301) 975-2299,

*  Index of Refraction Advances for Photolithography

Measurement of the index of refraction--the property that determines how
a lens of a particular material focuses light--is critical to efforts to
develop photolithographic exposure tools for the manufacture of
future-generation integrated circuits. NIST scientists have made
measurements of the index of refraction of fused silica and calcium
fluoride at wavelengths near 193 nanometers.

NIST, in collaboration with MIT Lincoln Laboratory and SEMATECH, seeks
to develop the infrastructure required to utilize 193 nanometer laser
emission for 0.18 micrometer integrated circuit feature sizes (for
products such as gigabyte memory chips). These index-of-refraction
results keep industry on track to meet the National Technology Roadmap
for Semiconductors' target date of 2001 for commercial production of
these chips.

The NIST researchers have made temperature- and wavelength-dependent
index-of-refraction measurements on optical materials that are required
for such photolithography. Engineers require such precise data to design
accurately components for the photolithographic tools. To make the index
of refraction measurement accurate to 10 parts in a million, the
researchers upgraded a precision refractometer, which is capable of
temperature control of 0.1 degrees Celsius. For the longer term and for
shorter wavelengths, they are developing interferometric methods capable
of higher accuracy.

Technical Contact: Rajeev Gupta, (301) 975-2325, 

* Improved SRMs to Test Silicon Wafer Resistivity

The resistivity of silicon wafers is a vital concern to the multibillion
dollar semiconductor industry. This summer, NIST will release five new
Standard Reference Materials that will enable manufacturers to calibrate
resistivity test instruments to 0.3 percent, or better, with 95 percent
confidence. This advance, an improvement over previous resistivity SRMs,
cuts resistivity measurement uncertainty by approximately a factor of
five. The upgraded measurement capacity significantly surpasses the
accuracy and precision requirements set forth at the 1991 "SEMATECH
Workshop on Silicon Materials for Mega-IC Applications."

The new standards will have better uniformity of resistivity and
thickness, larger characterized area and smaller certification
uncertainty than previous resistivity standards. The
soon-to-be-distributed SRMs are 100 millimeters in diameter and are
intended for the calibration or performance verification of four-point
probes and eddy current testers. Unlike the current resistivity SRMs
that are certified for value only at the wafer center, the new SRMs
provide certified measurements at the center and on circles of 10
millimeter and 20 millimeter diameters for better compatibility with
automated resistivity uniformity mapping instruments.

The following standards are to be released this summer: SRM 2541 at 0.01
ohm centimeters, SRM 2542 at 0.1 ohm centimeters, SRM 2445 at 25 ohm
centimeters, SRM 2546 at 100 ohm centimeters, and SRM 2547 at 200 ohm

Technical Contact: James Ehrstein, (301) 975-2060,