A Simple Tornado Plan
This simple plan is a start and this is not intended to be the plan you use. Your tornado plan will vary depending on the challenges at your home, office, school, business, or place or worship. A good tornado action plan should include the following: Who is responsible, How you will receive the warning, How everyone will be alerted, Where people will go, When to return to normal, When the next drill and plan review will be.
ABC�s Tornado Action Plan
1.  The Administration Department, will ensure that the NOAA weather radio is operating.  
2.  If the weather radio alarm for a tornado warning is received, the administrator, will use the canned air horn to alert the staff of the tornado warning.  
3.  All activity must stop while persons move to their pre-designated safety area(s), shown below.  
4.  The administrator, will continue to monitor NOAA weather radio. The administrator will assign a person(s) to check to ensure all persons have made it to their pre-designated area(s). This person will preform the checks and report to the administrator either in person or from a pre-designated area.  
5.  All persons will remain in the safety area(s) until an all clear is given by the administrator.  
6.  When the warning is cancelled, or the administrator is confident that the threat has passed, the administrator will sound an all clear blast from the canned air horn. The administrator will assign a person to check each pre-designated area(s) to ensure that they receive the all clear signal and all are safe. This person will then report back to the administrator.  


  Additional items to consider
Keep in mind that there are no absolutely safe areas, only safer areas, away from potential known hazards.
Schools and businesses should consider maintaining a list of employees, students, and visitors and take a roll-call after the all clear to make sure that everyone is safe.

  • National Weather Service
  • Gaylord, MI Weather Forecast Office
  • 8800 Passenheim Road
  • Gaylord, MI 49735-9454
  • 989-731-3384
  • Page Author: APX Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail: w-apx.webmaster@noaa.gov
  • Page last modified: 1-Nov-2005 8:24 PM UTC
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