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Introducing APA Advertising and Exhibit Sales Services

Bringing the Diverse Specialties of Psychology Together

For more than 100 years, the American Psychological Association (APA) has represented psychology in the United States. Based in Washington, DC, APA has more than 150,000 members, making it the largest association of psychologists worldwide. Advancing psychology as a science and profession and as a means of promoting health, education, and human welfare is the organization's primary goal.

Evident in the 54 subspecialties of APA, the psychology field is quite diverse. Psychologists and other mental health professionals in the discipline embrace all aspects of the human experience. In their work, they confront a wide array of topic areas, including addiction, anger, emotional health, development, learning, conflict resolution, depression, family issues and divorce, forensics and criminal justice, obesity, personality disorders, sexuality, sleep, stress, and trauma, to name a few. They can also be found in every conceivable setting, ranging from scientific research centers to the criminal justice system, from private practices and mental health facilities to manufacturing and Fortune 500 companies, and from schools and educational institutions to hospitals and senior care facilities.

Staying abreast of the changes and advancements made in these vast areas of psychology is easy thanks to the many tools APA offers its members, tools such as the Monitor on Psychology, the flagship magazine of the APA; gradPSYCH, a magazine launched in 2003 for graduate students in psychology—tomorrow's psychologists; more than 55 scholarly and professional journals aimed at specific niche markets within the field; the APA Web site (www.apa.org), providing services for the profession and the public; APA mailing lists, with segmentation available to help define audiences and increase response rates; and the APA annual convention, helping members stay connected.

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