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                                  UNITED STATES
                          NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                             WASHINGTON, D.C.  20555

                                  April 5, 1989

                                   PROCUREMENT OR NON-PROCUREMENT PROGRAMS


All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power 


This information notice is provided to alert addressees to a United States 
General Services Administration (GSA) data system that provides information 
on parties (manufacturers, vendors and contractors) that have been excluded 
from receiving Federal contracts or assistance.  It is expected that licensees 
will review the information for applicability to their procurement practices 
and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems.  However, 
suggestions contained in this information notice do not constitute NRC 
requirements; therefore, no specific action or written response is required.


Over the past several months, there has been an increasing NRC concern 
focusing on the potential for poorly manufactured or fraudulent/counterfeit 
parts being used in the nuclear industry.  This notice provides information on 
the GSA data systems that have been established to assist users when procuring 
components or when selecting a contractor. 

The GSA publishes a document entitled, "List of Parties Excluded from Federal 
Procurement or Non-Procurement Programs."  This document, published monthly 
and supplemented weekly, provides a consolidated compilation of companies 
found to have been party to a variety of violations of Federal regulations 
including fraud, antitrust infractions, embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, 
false statements, and other offenses indicating a lack of business integrity.  
It can be purchased by annual bulk subscription by contacting the 
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.  
20402.  The telephone number is (202) 783-3238.  

The document consists of two sections.  The first section, "Parties Excluded 
From Procurement Programs," lists contractors that are excluded 
government-wide, unless noted, from Federal procurement and/or sales programs.  
Such an exclusion 

.                                                            IN 89-39
                                                            April 5, 1989
                                                            Page 2 of 2

may be based on the administrative debarment or suspension of a contractor by 
an agency in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 9.4, Federal 
Property Management Regulation (FPMR) 101-45.6, GPO Instructions 110, 11A, or 
U.S. Postal Service (PS) Publication 41.  An exclusion may also be the result 
of action by a Federal agency under the authority of statute, executive order, 
or regulation applying to the procurement programs.

The second section, "Parties Excluded From Non-Procurement Programs," lists 
persons (individuals and entities) excluded government-wide, unless otherwise 
noted, from certain types of Federal financial and nonfinancial assistance and 
benefits.  An exclusion may be based on an administrative debarment or sus-
pension by any Federal agency or the voluntary exclusion of a person under 
regulations implementing Executive Order 12549.  This section also includes
actions under the authority of a statute, another executive order, or a 
regulation applying to non-procurement programs.

A listing of Cause and Treatment Codes is provided in the document to indicate 
the type of action taken against a party, the authority under which action was 
taken, and the party's status determination.  

Licensees may wish to establish whether their suppliers or contractors are 
listed and take appropriate actions to establish adequate confidence in the 
quality of products or services procured from such companies.

No specific action or written response is required by this information notice.  
If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the technical 
contact listed below or the Regional Administrator of the appropriate regional 

                                   Charles E. Rossi, Director
                                   Division of Operational Events Assessment
                                   Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical Contact:  W. Haass, NRR
                    (301) 492-3219

Attachment:  List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
.                                                            Attachment 
                                                            IN 89-39
                                                            Page 1 of 1

                             LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED
                             NRC INFORMATION NOTICES
Information                                  Date of 
Notice No._____Subject_______________________Issuance_______Issued to________

89-38          Atmospheric Dump Valve        4/5/89         All holders of OLs
               Failures at Palo Verde                       or CPs for nuclear
               Units 1, 2, and 3                            power reactors.

89-37          Proposed Amendments to        4/4/89         All U.S. NRC 
               40 CFR Part 61, Air                          licensees. 
               Emission Standards 
               for Radionuclides

89-36          Excessive Temperatures        4/4/89         All holders of OLs
               in Emergency Core Cooling                    or CPs for nuclear
               System Piping Located                        power reactors.
               Outside Containment

88-86,         Operating with Multiple       3/31/89        All holders of OLs
Supp. 1        Grounds in Direct Current                    or CPs for nuclear
               Distribution Systems                         power reactors.

89-35          Loss and Theft of Un-         3/30/89        All U.S. NRC 
               secured Licensed Material                    byproduct, source 
                                                            and special 
                                                            nuclear material 

89-34          Disposal of Americium         3/30/89        All holders of an
               Well-Logging Sources                         NRC specific 
                                                            authorizing well-

89-33          Potential Failure of          3/23/89        All holders of OLs
               Westinghouse Steam                           or CPs for PWRs.
               Generator Tube 
               Mechanical Plugs

89-32          Surveillance Testing          3/23/89        All holders of OLs
               of Low-Temperature                           or CPs for PWRs.

89-31          Swelling and Cracking         3/22/89        All holders of OLs
               of Hafnium Control Rods                      or CPs for PWRs 
                                                            with Hafnium 
                                                            control rods. 

OL = Operating License
CP = Construction Permit 