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                                  UNITED STATES
                          NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                             WASHINGTON, D.C.  20555

                                 August 24, 1988

                                                 REFURBISHED VALVES 


All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power 


This information notice supplement is being provided to present additional 
information regarding the valves discussed in Information Notice 88-48.  It is 
expected that recipients will review this information for applicability to 
their facilities and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar 
problems.  However, suggestions contained in this information notice do not 
constitute NRC requirements; therefore, no specific action or written response 
is required. 

Description of Circumstances: 

Information Notice 88-48 discussed information from Pacific Gas and Electric 
(PG&E) about a potential problem with 2-inch valves that were leaking steam at 
the bonnet and packing.  

The NRC received a letter from the Henry Vogt Machine Company (Vogt Company), 
dated August 1, 1988, stating its position on the Diablo Canyon valve matter 
and providing additional information on the distinguishing features of its 
valves.  The letter received from the Vogt Company is attached.  The letter 
also indicates the Vogt Company belief that the Diablo Canyon valves were 
counterfeit and not refurbished Vogt valves and corrects a reference to the 
Vogt figure number in the original information notice. 

.                                                       IN 88-48, Supplement 1
                                                       August 24, 1988 
                                                       Page 2 of 2 

No specific action or written response is required by this information notice.
If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the technical 
contact listed below or the Regional Administrator of the appropriate regional

                                   Charles E. Rossi, Director 
                                   Division of Operational Events Assessment 
                                   Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 

Technical Contact:  Edward T. Baker, NRR 
                    (301) 492-3221 

Attachments:  1.    Henry Vogt Machine Co. letter dated 8/1/88
              2.    List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices 
.                                                       Attachment 2
                                                       IN 88-48, Supplement 1
                                                       August 24, 1988
                                                       Page 1 of 1

                             LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED
                            NRC INFORMATION NOTICES 
Information                                  Date of 
Notice No._____Subject_______________________Issuance_______Issued to________

88-68          Setpoint Testing of Pres-     8/22/88        All holders of OLs
               surizer Safety Valves with                   or CPs for nuclear
               Filled Loop Seals Using                      power reactors. 
               Hydraulic Assist Devices 

88-67          PWR Auxiliary Feedwater Pump  8/22/88        All holders of OLs
               Turbine Overspeed Trip                       or CPs for nuclear
               Failure                                      power reactors. 

88-66          Industrial Radiography        8/22/88        All NRC industrial
               Inspection and Enforcement                   radiography 

88-65          Inadvertent Drainages of      8/18/88        All holders of OLs
               Spent Fuel Pools                             or CPs for nuclear
                                                            power reactors and
                                                            fuel storage 

88-64          Reporting Fires in Nuclear    8/18/88        All holders of OLs
               Process Systems at Nuclear                   or CPs for nuclear
               Power Plants                                 power reactors. 

88-63          High Radiation Hazards        8/15/88        All holders of OLs
               from Irradiated Incore                       or CPs for nuclear
               Detectors and Cables                         power reactors, 
                                                            research reactors 
                                                            and test reactors.

88-62          Recent Findings Concerning    8/12/88        All holders of NRC
               Implementation of Quality                    quality assurance 
               Assurance Programs by                        program approval 
               Suppliers of Transport                       for radioactive 
               Packages                                     material packages.

88-61          Control Room Habitability -   8/11/88        All holders of OLs
               Recent Reviews of Operating                  or CPs for nuclear
               Experience                                   power reactors. 

88-60          Inadequate Design and         8/11/88        All holders of OLs
               Installation of Watertight                   or CPs for nuclear
               Penetration Seals                            power reactors. 
OL = Operating License
CP = Construction Permit