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SECY 97-261

November 5, 1997

For: The Commissioners
From: James L. Blaha, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO /s/
Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B
Nuclear Regulatory Research C
Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D
General Counsel E*
Administration F
Chief Information Officer G
Chief Financial Officer H*
Human Resources I
Small Business & Civil Rights J*
Enforcement K*
State Programs L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N*
Office of the Secretary O
Region I P
Region II P
Region III P
Region IV P*
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R
*No input this week
James L. Blaha
Assistant for Operations, OEDO
Contact: T. Hiltz, OEDO

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997

Operator Licensing Examiner Training Conference

The Operator Licensing Branch (HOLB) conducted its 1997 Operator Licensing Examiners Training Conference in Hunt Valley, Maryland on

October 27-30, 1997. Approximately 60 people (regional examiners, contractor examiner managers, invited U.S. industry representatives, as well as a representative from the Canada Atomic Energy Control Board) attended. The conference is an effective tool in fostering consistency in administering the NRC's operator licensing program.

Oconee Unit 1 - Steam Generator Tube Inservice inspection Results

Duke Power, the licensee for Oconee Unit 1, previously identified approximately 960 tubes with indications of which approximately 190 were characterized by eddy current data analysis as having axial primary-water stress corrosion cracking in the roll transition. The remaining 770 tubes were recently characterized, based on preliminary metallographic examination results, as containing intergranular attack (IGA) initiating from the primary side of the tube. As a result, all 960 tubes will have to be repaired or plugged.

The licensee has submitted a license amendment request to implement an alternate tube repair criteria (ARC) similar to F* ("F-star") which is approved for some Westinghouse model SGs. The license amendment request is being reviewed by the staff. The length of the staff's review of the license amendment request could extend beyond the licensee's planned restart date, scheduled for mid-November. The licensee has begun rerolling the tubes, which is required to meet the ARC acceptance criteria, with the understanding that these tubes will have to be plugged or repaired if the license amendment request is not approved by the staff.

First Regional Seminar on Risk-Informed Regulation

On October 16, 1997, the first of several mandatory regional seminars on risk-informed regulation was conducted in Region IV. Dr. John Flack, acting Branch Chief of NRR's PRA branch, presented the seminar during a Division of Reactor Safety counterparts meeting. The purpose of these mandatory seminars is to motivate and familiarize the staff on the uses of risk-informed regulatory initiatives. The seminar provided attendees with a brief background on the PRA policy statement and associated PRA implementation plan, the scope of risk-informed regulation, staff expectations and responsibilities. In addition, headquarters SRA Pete Wilson provided an overview of objectives and expectations for the use of PRA insights in inspection activities. Participant feedback was positive and indicated a high degree of interest in risk-informed regulation.

NEI Fire Protection Information Forum

The Nuclear Energy Institute held a Fire Protection Information Forum during October 13-15, 1997. Representatives from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) attended the forum. A large percentage of the forum agenda and discussions focused on the fire protection functional inspection (FPFI) program and the performance-based, risk-informed fire protection rulemaking.

The general consensus among industry participants (more than 100 fire protection professionals and mid-level managers) did not appear to support a new fire protection regulation. NEI is conducting a survey of Chief Nuclear Officers. NEI indicated that it will use the results of that survey to establish a position regarding industry's interest in the new rule. NEI stated that it would meet with the staff to discuss the results of the survey and industry's position.

Update on Callaway Operation With Axial Offset Anomaly

Callaway continues to operate at 70 percent power. Shutdown margin continues to be eroded, but at a slower rate, approximately 3-4 pcm per day. The licensee, has restricted operational flexibility in order to increase the available shutdown margin. On three separate occasions the licensee has changed the rod insertion limits. With the latest revision, which restricts operation to 70 percent power with Control Bank D insertion limit of 201 steps, Callaway will have sufficient shutdown margin to operate until late March assuming that the shutdown margin degradation remains at the present rate. Flux maps are being taken at least every 2 weeks and the shutdown margin calculations are updated after each map.

NRR met with Westinghouse and Callaway on October 23, 1997, to discuss the axial offset anomaly in general. A core performance site inspection is planned for the week of November 17, 1997.

Westinghouse New Cladding Corrosion Model

In a telecon on October 28, 1997, Westinghouse informed the NRC that, while incorporating the new cladding corrosion model into its fuel performance code, it was noted that the higher corrosion rate leads to higher clad temperature with feedback effects that result in higher internal rod pressure. Although this does not appear to pose a problem for the regular fuel rod design associated with this new model, Westinghouse discovered in a preliminary study that the Integral Fuel Burnable Absorber (IFBA) rod, which has boron coating on the fuel pellet surface, may present some problems. In a high power and high burnup condition, an IFBA rod internal pressure could exceed a predetermined pressure limit that prevents the pellet-to-clad gap from reopening. The gap reopening could lead to violation of the 17 percent oxidation limit for LOCA containted in 10 CFR 50.46. There are about 35 affected plants with IFBA rods.

Westinghouse will continue to perform more detailed studies and to collect more data from inspections. Westinghouse is proceeding to notify its customers and the staff because of the likelihood for plants to be outside the design and licensing basis.

H.B. Robinson 2

The staff has completed the review of the H.B. Robinson 2 licensee's application for conversion to the improved Standard Technical Specifications (STS). This is the 12th conversion to the improved STS completed, which will result in 16 units operating with these technical specifications. The Robinson conversion is unique in that it served as a pilot for the development by NRR and OGC of a new format for the safety evaluation which should result in staff resource savings while at the same time providing a clearer and more succinct product. In addition, the Robinson conversion amendment included a new license condition to ensure that surveillance schedules are not unnecessarily perturbed by the conversion to the improved STS. This amendment also contains a licensee condition to enforce licensee commitments to relocate items removed from the technical specifications to the appropriate licensee-controlled documents.

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997

American Society of Nondestructive Testing Post Conference Seminar

On October 24, 1997, an Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards staff member gave a presentation on implementation of 10 CFR Part 34 at the American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Post Conference Seminar in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission representative also met with the ASNT Executive Board to discuss the status of their application to become an Independent Certifying Entity for industrial radiographers. A public workshop was also conducted addressing ongoing NRC staff efforts to resolve a petition submitted by Amersham Corporation regarding industrial radiography-associated equipment. The proposed NRC staff resolution was presented, and substantial comment was received from meeting participants. The comments were generally supportive of the NRC-proposed resolution.

Coordinated Interagency Design Basis Threat Review

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is participating in an interagency review of current Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of Energy (DOE) Design Basis Threats (DBT) as applied to DOD and DOE nuclear weapons programs and facilities, and to DOD chemical weapons programs and facilities. This effort has been divided into Working Subgroups that address specific aspects of the DBT. The Defense Intelligence Agency is the overall coordinator for the multifaceted effort, and the initial phase of the review is expected to be concluded by mid-November 1997.

On October 28, 1997, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) staff members participated in the Subgroup reviewing the "insider threat." Other Subgroups in which NMSS staff will be participating will address: foreign and domestic terrorist threats in the U.S.; external adversaries; and future threat technologies.

Memorandum of Understanding on Gaseous Diffusion Plants

On October 28, 1997, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission formally signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Energy (DOE) regarding NRC and DOE responsibilities at the gaseous diffusion plants in Piketon, Ohio and Paducah, Kentucky. The MOU was approved by the Commission on October 10, 1997, and formally signed by DOE on October 27, 1997. The MOU is effective immediately and will be published in the Federal Register.

Inspection at Vectra Technologies, Inc.

On October 27, 1997, Spent Fuel Project Office staff members began a special team inspection at Vectra Technologies, Inc., to review activities associated with the Demand for Information (DFI) issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on January 13, 1997. The DFI addressed deficiencies related to the NUHOMS dry storage system that were identified in previous NRC inspections. The current inspection team will review corrective actions taken by Vectra Technologies, Inc., related to design, fabrication, testing, and management oversight activities.

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997

Electronic Dosimetry Workshop

Although electronic dosimeters (EDs) are used as secondary or supplemental dosimeters, EDs have not been widely accepted as dosimeters of record because of their continued susceptibility to radiofrequency fields, insensitivity to neutron fields, and software problems. Recent electronic improvements have resulted in increased ED sensitivity, reliability, and capability.

On October 14-16, 1997, staff members from RES, NMSS, and NRR attended the Electronic Dosimetry Workshop, co-sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and NRC's Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. The workshop was held to discuss the technical limitations of EDs and provide recommendations under which EDs could be used as dosimeters of record. Formal presentations addressed performance characteristics of contemporary electronic dosimeters, comparisons of EDs against passive dosimeters, requirements for ED performance and type testing standards, and lessons learned in the use of EDs in nuclear power plants and reprocessing plants. In general, the workshop attendees agreed that type testing and performance standards need to be developed, manufacturers should conduct type testing, and third party oversight (possibly NVLAP) is needed before EDs are accepted as dosimeters of record.

Fuel Behavior

In late 1993, a test in the French CABRI reactor exhibited a cladding failure under reactivity accident conditions at a much lower fuel enthalpy than the 170 cal/g criterion used for some U.S. licensing analyses. Shortly thereafter, two similar tests were performed in the Japanese Nuclear Safety Research Reactor (NSRR), and they also exhibited failure well below 170 cal/g. While test conditions in none of these tests were prototypical, all three tests had been questioned in relation to experimental procedures. At the 25th Water Reactor Safety Meeting, researchers from the NSRR in Japan reported on another high-burnup fuel rod that failed at a relatively low energy under conditions of a reactivity accident. Test TK-2, which had a burnup of 48 GWd/t and an oxide thickness of 25-40 microns, failed at a fuel enthalpy of about 60 cal/g in a test where the peak fuel enthalpy rose to about 100 cal/g. This result is similar to the 60-70 cal/g failures observed in earlier NSRR tests, HBO-1 and HBO-5, which were conducted at low temperatures with narrow test pulses. In addition to the nontypical temperatures and pulse widths, some concern had been expressed about the possible interference in the test capsule of an axial extensometer. That instrument was omitted from the most recent test, Test TK-2, thus eliminating any possible interference. The earlier tests, HBO-1 and HBO-5, were included in the RES assessment that resulted in a judgment that 100 cal/g was the appropriate order of magnitude for cladding failure during reactivity accidents. Test TK-2 was performed on October 1, 1997, and additional information will be provided when hot-cell examination is performed.

Meeting with Representatives from Germany on BWR Internals Cracking

In 1996, RES established a research project to assess the potential consequences and risks associated with the cracked BWR internals when subjected to normal and accident loading conditions.

RES has been promoting international cooperative research programs to address this issue on a broader basis that can be done with the limited available resources. On October 22, 1997, RES staff members met with staff members from TUV Energie und Systemtechnik Gmbh (TUV), Germany, at the Water Reactor Safety Meeting to exchange information on TUV's study on static and dynamic stress calculations of BWR internals and the NRC's plan on dynamic analyses of cracked BWR internals. The German BWR internals have not yet exhibited any cracking. Germany's regulatory body requested TUV to perform a static and dynamic study (2D and 3D finite-element analyses) of uncracked internals. The dynamic loadings considered consist of seismic and LOCA loads. TUV is continuing the study to postulate cracks in the internals with the hope that this assessment tool will be ready should cracks be discovered in the future in any of the six German BWR internals.

NRC can benefit from the experience of the TUV study in terms of modeling and analyses of the BWR internals under static and dynamic loading conditions. Use of the TUV analyses should allow RES to shortcut the time and costs from developing the analytical models from scratch, thus allowing a more timely and efficient resolution of one facet of the cracked BWR internals issue.

Regulatory Guides Issued

Issued recently were:

Regulatory Guide 5.44, Revision 3, "Perimeter Intrusion Alarm Systems"

Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1063, "An Approach for Plant-Specific, Risk-Informed Decisionmaking: Inservice Inspection of Piping," and Draft Standard Review Plan Chapter 3.9.8 for "The Review of Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection of Piping"

Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997

Health Physics Technology Course

The Health Physics Technology Course was held at the TTC October 27 - November 11, 1997. Seventeen personnel representing Region III and the States of Colorado, Ohio, Oklahoma and Tennessee attended the course. Course instruction was provided by the TTD Senior Health Physicists and the Region II Acting Deputy Regional Administrator. The course is a core course for personnel qualifying as Reactor Health Physics Inspectors, Non-Power Reactor Inspectors, Materials License Reviewers, Materials Radiation Specialist Inspectors, Decommissioning Inspectors and Materials Exempt Licensing Reviewers. The course provides a working understanding of health physics principles applicable to routine inspections and evaluations of radiation incidents.

Briefing of Participants in the INPO Senior Nuclear Plant Managers Course

On October 27, 1997, a group of utility senior managers, attending the INPO Senior Nuclear Plant Managers Course, were briefed by Don Hickman, the Safety Programs Division (SPD) technical assistant, on SPD activities and products. The briefing included recent operational experience feedback reports, Accident Sequence Precursor (ASP) results, and risk and reliability activities. The managers were particularly interested in the results of the system reliability studies of the High Pressure Coolant Injection, Isolation Condenser, Emergency Diesel Generator, and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Systems.

Preliminary Notifications

2.   PNO-IV-97-059, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (Diablo Canyon 2), REACTOR TRIP AND NOTIFICATION OF UNUSUAL EVENT
4.  PNO-IV-97-061, Texas Utilities Electric Co. (Comanche Peak 1), PLANT TRIP AND SHUTDOWN GREATER THAN 72 HOURS

Office of Administration
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997

United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC)

On October 28, 1997, the Director of the Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards approved a request for a temporary exemption to the reporting requirements of 10 CFR 95.57(b) for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. Specifically, the letter allows USEC staff at Paducah to combine discoveries made during their "classified matter material review" and report them to the NRC on a weekly basis rather than immediately as required by 10 CFR 95.57(b). The temporary exemption expires on June 30, 1998.

Rules Activity

The Rules and Directives Branch docketed a petition for rulemaking submitted by International Energy Consultants (PRM-71-12). The petitioner requests that the Commission amend its regulations regarding special requirements for plutonium shipments. The petitioner believes this action is necessary to remove provisions that cannot be supported technically or logically from the regulations.

Chief Information Officer
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997

FOIA Requests Received during the 5-Day Period of October 24-30, 1997:

IMPAC listing. (FOIA/PA-97-408)

IG report 97-053H. (FOIA/PA-97-409)

Arizona Congressional Delegation, 1997 correspondence. (FOIA/PA-97-410)

MLTS database. (FOIA/PA-97-411)

Vogtle, memo regarding RPS & ESFAS, TIA 97-07, trip setpoints. (FOIA/PA-97-412)

Procurement/purchasing agents listing for computer related items. (FOIA/PA-97-413)

SINET database, sections 5.1 and 5.2. (FOIA/PA-97-414)

Solicitation RS-AED-97-263, emergency diesel generator course. (FOIA/PA-97-415)

Horsepower needed to generate 100 MW through 6GW of nuclear power. (FOIA/PA-97-416)

Irradiated fuel transportation, adequacy of environmental impact statements. (FOIA/PA-97-417)

EPRI's coatings program, 4-22-97 meeting. (FOIA/PA-97-418)

Braidwood plant, 11/9-11/87 site visit. (FOIA/PA-97-419)

Investigations, 1/1/88 through 3/11/97 related to named individual. (FOIA/PA-97-420)

Alliant Techsystems, Inc. depleted uranium report. (FOIA/PA-97-421)

Office of Human Resources
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997


Office of Public Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997

Media Interest

The Discovery Channel will be filming a documentary on the NRC and emergency planning at nuclear power plants.

The Houston Business Journal is doing a story on DOE disposal of low-level waste in Texas.

School Volunteers Program

Charlotte Abrams, NMSS, attended Science Night at Rock Creek E.S. and talked about geology and rocks.

Commissioner McGaffigan used the reactor model and the "Grandmother's Attic" classroom activity to discuss the NRC's mission and the fundamentals of nuclear technology to eighth graders at Williamsburg M.S.

Bill Snell, Region III, brought his daughter's girl scout troop to the office for an educational program which included the new NRC video, the lab, and the updated NRC brochure.

Press Releases
97-160 NRC to Hold Conference With Westinghouse to Discuss Apparent Violations at South Carolina Facility
97-161 NRC Changes Dates for November Workshop on Risk-Informed Piping Inspection
97-162 Note to Editors: ACRS Meeting Reset to November 12-13
I-97-140 NRC to Accept Public Comments at November 6 Meeting Regarding Decommissioning of Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Plant
III-97-94 NRC Staff to Meet With Public to Discuss Big Rock Point Decommissioning Activities
IV-97-62 NRC Staff Proposes to Fine OPPD $110,000 for Violations at Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant
IV-97-64 NRC, TU Electric to Discuss Apparent Violations at Comanche Peak Nuclear Plant
IV-97-65 NRC Names New Senior Resident Inspector at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant

Office of the Secretary
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997

Decision Documents Released to the Public
Document Date Subject

SRM on 97-186

Voting Record
on 97-186





Changes to the Financial Protection Requirements for Permanently Shutdown Nuclear Power Reactors, 10 CFR 50.54(w) and 10 CFR 140.11




SRM on 97-236

Voting Record
on 97-236




Proposed Retransfer of High Enriched Uranium (HEU) Scrap From Canada to the UK and Back to Canada for Medical Isotope Production at the NRU Reactor


SECY-97-245 10/23/97 Staff Options for Resolving a Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-50-63) Relating to a Re-Evaluation of the Policy Regarding Use of Potassium Iodide (KI) After a Severe Accident at a Nuclear Power Plant
Information Papers Released to the Public
SECY-97-238 10/16/97 Weeky Information Report - Week Ending October 10, 1997
Memoranda Released to the Public
M970919C 10/24/97 Staff Requirements - Briefing on Improvements in Senior Management Assessment Process for Operating Reactors, 1:30 p.m., Friday, September 19, 1997

Commission Correspondence Released to the Public

1. Letter to Ralph Hutchison dtd 10/23/97 concerns the license amendment to product tritium at the Watts Bar facility.
2. Letter to Thomas Ortciger, Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety, dtd 10/23/97 concerns a draft staff Technical Position on LLW facilities.
3. Letter to James Anderson, State of New Hampshire Assistant Consumer Advocate, dtd 10/23/97 concerns the temporary exemption to the Great Bay Power Corporation.
4. Letter to State of Connecticut Governor John Rowland dtd 10/20/97 responds to concerns regarding contamination at the Haddam Neck facility.
5. Letter to Congress dtd 10/20/97 provides the status of fee collection activities for FY 1997.
6. Letter to Robert Backus, Backus, Meyer, Solomon, Rood & Branch, dtd 10/20/97 concerns a proposed temporary exemption from 10 CFR 50.75(e)(2) to Great Bay Power Corporation.
7. Letter to Representatives Ralph Hall and Dan Schaefer dtd 10/20/97 provides a legislative memorandum in support of proposed CERCLA amendment.

Federal Register Notices Issued

1. Notice of Hearing in the Matter of Magdy Elamir, M.D.; Order Superseding Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC-Licensed Activities.
2. Proposed Rule; Financial Protection Requirements for Permanently Shutdown Nuclear Power Reactors.
3. Application for a License to Import Nuclear Waste.
4. Notice of Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste, November 20-22, 1997.

Region I
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997

Region I Holds Inspector Counterpart Seminar

On October 28-30, Region I held an Inspector Counterpart Seminar. The seminar was highlighted by a series of staff dialogues with Chairman Jackson, a presentation on the accomplishments of the Region during FY 97 by Regional Administrator Hub Miller, an interactive program led by discussion leaders from Region I, NRR, and NMSS designed to broaden and improve the abilities of Region I inspectors, and a motivational presentation by United Airlines pilot Denny Fitch.

Region II
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997

General Electric Company

On October 28, the Acting Deputy Regional Administrator, the Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards and other NMSS and Region II staff, presented the Licensee Performance Review results to senior licensee management at the General Electric Company in Wilmington, North Carolina. The results showed strong safety and safeguards performance in all areas assessed. A key to this performance was the licensee's self-assessment and corrective action process. General Electric management outlined actions underway and planned to improve performance in areas indicated in the NRC's assessment.

Tennessee Valley Authority - Watts Bar

On October 28, 1997, the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant conducted its biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise. The Regional emergency preparedness inspection team determined that all applicable regulatory requirements and on-site objectives were met, and that licensee response and performance during the conduct of the exercise was fully satisfactory.

The performance of the applicable State and local government officials was evaluated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and associated members of the Regional Assistance Committee (RAC). All exercise objectives were met, no FEMA Deficiencies were identified, and overall, FEMA/RAC determined that the State Radiological Emergency Response Plan was effectively implemented in accordance with the applicable Federal criteria.

Florida Power Corporation - Crystal River

On October 31, the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, the Regional Administrator, and managers in Region II held a meeting with representatives of the Florida Power Corporation (FPC) at the Crystal River facility. The purpose of the meeting was for FPC to discuss the status on their progress toward restart of the nuclear reactor unit and response to the NRC Confirmatory Action Letter. After the meeting, the Regional Administrator held a Quarterly Press Conference to brief the media and interested public representatives.

Virginia Electric and Power Company - North Anna

On October 26, during a 60-minute routine test of Unit 1 Emergency Diesel Generator, 1H, the radiator cooling fan catastrophically failed. Some radiator damage also occurred. Since repair activities could not be completed within the Technical Specifications 72-hour LCO, the licensee requested enforcement discretion. Region II and NRR granted a Notice of Enforcement Discretion (NOED) on October 29, to extend the allowable EDG outage time an additional 4 days. As of October 31, 1997, the licensee had replaced the four blades, repaired the radiator and was testing the EDG operability.

Region III
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997

Potassium Iodide (KI) Meeting in Ohio

On October 30, 1997, representatives of the regional and headquarters staffs met with state and local officials and members of the public at the Lake County, Ohio Health Department Offices, in Painesville, Ohio, to discuss NRC's policy on distribution of potassium iodide (KI) to the general public. Local residents are seeking a change in the state's policy which currently does not stockpile KI for distribution to the general public. State officials indicated that they would continue to study the issue over the next 3-6 months and return to Lake County to discuss their recommendations.

Management Meeting with Wisconsin Electric Power Company - Point Beach

On October 29, 1997, a management meeting was conducted in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, between management representatives from Wisconsin Electric Power Company and members of the NRC staff. The meeting discussion focused on the status of the Point Beach Nuclear Power Station performance initiatives. Also discussed were the issues to be resolved prior to restarting Unit 1.

Management Meeting with Commonwealth Edison Company - Dresden Unit 1

On October 28, 1997, a management meeting was conducted in the Region III Office, Lisle, Illinois, between management representatives from Commonwealth Edison Company and members of the NRC staff. The meeting discussion focused on the utility's progress in decommissioning Unit 1, and plans for transfer of spent Unit 1 fuel to an onsite independent spent fuel storage facility.

Management Change At Commonwealth Edison Company - Braidwood Station

On October 30, 1997, Commonwealth Edison announced that Keith Schwartz has been named as Station Manager for the Braidwood Station. This appointment is effective November 5, 1997. Mr. Schwartz's previous positions include Station Manager at Byron and Zion. The Station Manager position was recently vacated when the previous Station Manager, Tim Tulon, was promoted to the position of Site Vice President.

Office of Congressional Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 31, 1997





Combs TBA
2123 RHOB
TBA TBA Superfund Reform Act Reps. Oxley/Manton

Finance & Hazardous Materials


Gerke 11/04
2318 RHOB
9:30 UN, ITA, KMPG, Gartner Group Global Aspects of the Year 2000 Computer Problem Reps. Morella/Gordon



Gerke 11/05
2154 RHOB
10:00 TBA Merits of Switching from CSRS to FERS Reps. Mica/Cummings

Civil Service

Government Reform & Oversight

Gerke 11/06
2141 RHOB
9:30 Markup H.R. 1909, Repeal of Affirmative Action in Federal Actions Reps. Hyde/Conyers
