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SECY 97-247

October 23, 1997

For: The Commissioners
From: James L. Blaha /s/ Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO

Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B
Nuclear Regulatory Research C
Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D
General Counsel E*
Administration F
Chief Information Officer G
Chief Financial Officer H*
Human Resources I
Small Business & Civil Rights J*
Enforcement K*
State Programs L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N*
Office of the Secretary O
Region I P
Region II P
Region III P
Region IV P
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R
*No input this week

James L. Blaha
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

L. Trocine, OEDO

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

Meeting with Westinghouse and Union Electric

Two members of the Reactor Systems Branch and the Project Manager met with Westinghouse and Union Electric staff in Pittsburgh on October 7-8, 1997, to discuss the model used for the shutdown margin calculations at Callaway. The normal model must be modified to reflect the effects of the axial offset anomaly (AOA) which Callaway is experiencing. The major safety effect of AOA is the erosion of shutdown margin. Major findings were the following:

(1) the delay between a flux map measurement and the model update results being used should be shortened as much as possible and (2) the model as it was being used was non-conservative with respect to future shutdown margin predictions. While there has been sufficient shutdown margin to date, the plant is approaching the point at which the calculated shutdown margin will meet the Tech Spec limit of 1300 pcm. The licensee is considering several options including changing pH level, lowering power further, decreasing the rod worth uncertainty, and decreasing the conservatism involved in the release of the trapped boron.

Since the meeting, Westinghouse has informed the staff that the model has been changed so that future predictions of shutdown margin should be conservative. The flux map taken October 7 of Callaway indicated the shutdown margin was 1460 pcm. Shutdown margin is being lost at the rate of 3-4 pcm per day, thus the Tech Spec limit will be reached by mid-November if nothing changes. An NRC team inspection is being considered for the week of November 17, 1997.

Meeting with Illinois Power (KP) on Offsite Power\Grid Reliability

On October 2, 1997, Electrical Engineering Branch, NRR, Region III, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory staff met with Illinois Power (IP) representatives to discuss Offsite Power Issues at IP Headquarters in Decatur, IL. The NRC attendees were J. Calvo, R. Jenkins, C. Poslusny and R. Gardner. Mr. Gardner of Region III participated in this meeting in accordance with the staff requirements memorandum dated May 22, 1997, requesting greater regional involvement with grid reliability issues.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss with IP the existing grid operation and a future grid procedure changes anticipated due to the impact of deregulation on the IP grid operation as well as their future interface with the independent system operator (ISO) and related regional reliability organizations. In addition, the staff toured the load dispatch control center for the IP grid. In addition, the attendees discussed how recent electrical power industry changes due to deregulatory forces may change the reliability of the power system grid.

The following points were noted during the subject meeting:

Oconee Unit 1

Steam Generator Tube Inservice Inspection Results

Duke Power, the licensee for Oconee Unit 1, informed the NRC staff this week of a potentially significant finding identified during the inservice inspection of the unit's two once-through steam generators (OTSG). "Plus Point" eddy current probe examinations of tubes in the upper tubesheet area in one of the two OTSGs identified approximately 900 tubes with indications. The licensee has characterized approximately 150 of the tubes as having indications with primary-water stress corrosion cracking in the roll transition. The nature of the indications in the remaining tubes, however, is unknown. Based on currently available eddy current inspection data from other OTSG inspections, the licensee stated during a phone call with the NRC that it suspects that the indications may be indicative of deposits or intergranular attack degradation initiating from the primary side of the tube. Several tube pulls are scheduled to confirm the nature of these unknown indications. Preliminary metallographic examination results should be available late next week.

If the unknown indications do confirm to be the result of tube degradation, the licensee would have to plug or repair all 900 tubes. Since plugging all of the tubes would reduce nearly all tube plugging margins for Oconee Unit 1, the licensee has indicated that it will request a license amendment to implement an alternate tube repair criteria similar to F* ("F-Star") approved for some Westinghouse model steam generators. The staff has reviewed a number of F* amendments in the past for Westinghouse model steam generators, but because this is a first-time review for OTSGs, the review may identify new or different issues than those identified for the Westinghouse steam generators. These potential issues would not be identified until NRC staff has an opportunity to review the topical report. This could extend the length of the review process beyond the licensee's planned unit restart date scheduled for mid-November.

Braidwood Unit 2

Steam Generator Tube Inservice Inspection Results

Braidwood Unit 2 contains four (4) Westinghouse Model D-5 steam generators which contain Inconel 600 thermally treated tubing with hydraulic tubesheet expansions. Commonwealth Edison, the licensee for Braidwood Unit 2, informed the NRC staff this week that they identified circumferential indications in the hydraulic expansion at the hot leg top-of-tubesheet. At the time the conference call took place they had identified fourteen (14) indications and inspections were still ongoing.

The significance of this issue is that this is the first U.S. plant with Inconel 600 thermally treated tubing that has experienced circumferential cracking in this region. The licensee indicated that according to eddy current estimates the indications appeared to be fairly small. The licensee plans to conduct in-situ pressure testing of some of the indications to demonstrate structural and leakage integrity.

Nine Mile Point 1

The schedule of the current outage at the Nine Mile One nuclear plant had been extended due to an expansion in the scope of repairs necessary to the plant's four emergency condensers. The plant was shut down on September 15, 1997, due to a leaking tube in one of four emergency condensers. Tests, inspections, and subsequent evaluation has led to the decision to replace the tubes of all four condensers. Replacement of condenser tubes is expected to take approximately 10 weeks, and the plant is expected to return to service in late December.

Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2

On October 9, 1997, at 11:02 p.m., the Unit 2 D21 Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) failed during a test run following planned maintenance. The failure involved a fire in the EDG exhaust stack and manifold. The cause of the fire was unburned fuel oil from the failed #1 lower piston that mixed with exhaust from the other cylinders. Operation personnel manually separated the EDG bus from the grid, secured the engine, and extinguished the fire using a portable fire extinguisher. All flames were extinguished within 2 minutes. An Alert was declared at 11:10 p.m. because emergency core cooling system equipment was inoperable due to the fire. Inspections confirmed no abnormalities to the class 1E power supply and the Alert was terminated at 3:05 am on October 10. The Unit 2 EDG 21 is on a 30-day LCO, and the remaining 3 Unit 2 EDGs have been tested per TS requirements.

The initial findings indicate that the #4 lower piston seized due to failure of a cotter pin securing the nut to the bolt on the connecting rod assembly.

This led to bearing destruction, and damage to the crankshaft, connecting rod, and cylinder liner. PECO has a work crew at the site to refurbish the damaged EDG and estimates a 3-week repair time based on damage observed. The licensee still expects to complete the repairs and testing within the 30-day LCO window. The NRC lead on the investigation is with the Division of Reactor Safety, Region I. The Division of Reactor Projects - I/II and Division of Engineering (EMEB and EELB) are being kept informed of the damage findings and repair progress.

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

International Atomic Energy Agency Safety Guide on Radiation Protection in Medical Exposure

On October 6-10, 1997, a Division of Industrial Medical and Nuclear Safety staff member chaired the International Atomic Energy Agency Advisory Group Meeting in Vienna, Austria, to review a draft of the Safety Guide on Radiation Protection in Medical Exposure. Participants included representatives from Austria, Finland, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, the World Health Organization, and the Pan American Health Organization. The objective of the Safety Guide is to give practical guidance to regulatory authorities and collaborating national and professional organizations on compliance with International Basic Safety Standards regarding medical exposures. The Safety Guide covers the exposure of individuals for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, exposures incurred by comforters and caregivers, and exposures incurred by volunteers in biomedical or clinical research.

Material Control and Accounting Inspection Course

On October 6-10, 1997, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission presented a Material Control and Accounting Inspection course to representatives of the Russian regulatory agency GOSATOMNADZOR (GAN) in Moscow, Russia, under the auspices of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program. The course, developed in response to a GAN request, provided information on how the NRC performs inspections at fuel fabrication facilities. The course was well received, and GAN officials requested that it be offered during 1998 in Novosibirsk, Russia.

Pathfinder Mines Corporation/Nuclear Regulatory Commission Meeting

On October 9, 1997, Division of Waste Management (DWM) staff members met with representatives of Pathfinder Mines Corporation (PMC) at the Lucky Mc uranium mill site in Wyoming. The Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA) is evaluating the seismic stability of the PMC Lucky Mc tailings impoundment, and a CNWRA technical reviewer accompanied the DWM staff. At the meeting, PMC discussed and clarified its response to DWM staff comments on slope stability of tailings impoundment at the Lucky Mc site in relation to Condition 54.A. of Source Material License SUA-672. PMC will make a revised submittal after re-evaluating its slope stability analysis taking into account the DWM staff comments and the clarifications.

Meeting with Washington Public Power Supply System Regarding Dry Cask Storage

On October 14, 1997, Spent Fuel Project Office (SFPO) staff members met with Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS) regarding plans to implement dry cask storage of Washington Nuclear Project No. 2 (WNP-2) spent fuel under the general license provisions of Part 72. WNP-2 will lose full core discharge capability in February 2000 and currently plans to initiate cask loading in December 2000. WPPSS is considering several dual-purpose (storage and transport) designs which are currently in the certification process and intends to select a vendor in December 1997.

The SFPO staff questioned the viability of the WNP-2 schedule because neither certification nor rulemaking has been completed on the designs WPPSS is considering. The SFPO staff also noted that cask fabrication activities for a design to be used under the Part 72 general license cannot begin until after the design is certified.

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

International Workshop on Characterization and Measurement of Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media

A critical aspect of decommissioning reviews involving sites where ground water contamination is a possibility is the estimation of ground-water flow and transport properties for use in dose assessment models. Presently, the NRC staff is evaluating the efficacy and practicality of various models addressing dose via the ground-water pathway. A condition common to most decommissioning sites is unsaturated porous media. Other Federal agencies (e.g., EPA, DOE, NASA, USGS, and DOD) are also addressing ground-water pollution problems. To further this effort, the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, along with the Agricultural Research Service/USDA, University of California at Riverside, DOE, NASA, EPA, USGS, and the U.S. Army Research Office, is co-sponsoring the "International Workshop on Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Porous Media." The workshop will be held in Riverside, California, on October 22-24, 1997. The workshop will bring together an international body of scientists (approximately 200 participants representing 25 countries) wrestling with the problem of how best to characterize, measure, or estimate the hydraulic properties of soils and rocks. The scientists will critically review current measurement techniques and discuss alternative theoretical and empirical methods for deducing hydraulic properties from measured data. Workshop proceedings will be published. Copies of the workshop program are available from T. Nicholson, RES, and on the workshop home page at

Regulatory Guides Issued

The following two draft regulatory guides were issued in early October:

Draft Regulatory Guide DG-3010, "Spent/ Fuel Heat Generation in an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation"

Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1070, "Sampling Plans Used for Dedicating Simple Metallic Commercial Grade Items for Use in Nuclear Power Plants"

Six regulatory guides (Regulatory Guides 1.168 through 1.173) dealing with digital computer software used in instrumentation and control systems were also issued in early October.

Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

Technical Training Division

As part of Russian Priority 5 (Establishment of Regulatory Training Program) of the Lisbon Initiative, six specialists from Gosatomnadzor (GAN) of Russia visited the Technical Training Center (TTC), Region II Office, and the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant on October 6-10, 1997. The purpose of the visit was for senior GAN regional personnel to see first hand how the NRC trains inspectors and to discuss GAN plans for implementing small training organizations in each of its regions. The GAN personnel included Mr. Peter Alexachin, Head of GAN Division, Headquarters, Moscow; Mr. Vladimir Kroutikov, Deputy Head of Ural Regional Office; Mr. Viktor Katkov, Chief State Inspector, GAN Volga Regional Office; Mr. Boris Kariouk, State Inspector, North-European Regional Office; Mr. Igor Bystrioukov, State Inspector, Don Regional Office; and Mrs. Olga Trofimova, Officer, International Relations Department, Headquarters, Moscow. The group visited the Region II Office where they were briefed on regional implementation of inspector training, toured the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, and discussed inspector qualification activities with the Resident Inspectors. At the TTC, they toured the facility, discussed the Technical Training Division's (TTD) methods for development and presentation of courses, continued discussions of the NRC's inspector training program and implementation of GAN's regulatory training system, and discussed future activities under Priority 5. This is the last planned activity for Russian Priority 5.

The second presentation of the Field Techniques and Regulatory Practices Course (G-103) was held at the TTC on October 6-10, 1997. The course was developed at the request of NRR to support the Resident Inspector Development Program. The course was attended by ten students from the Regions and one from NRR. The course was conducted by Sonalysts, Inc., assisted by staff from NRR and the TTD. The course uses a workshop/case study approach to emphasize student application of important, job-relevant skills and knowledge in realistic case study scenarios. Course modules begin with the introduction of an area of interest from a technical standpoint. Students then divide into small groups to assess information and develop action plans with priorities for action. Individual students are then assigned an independent aspect of the case study to resolve, document in writing, and possibly address in front of the class. Students are required to conduct interviews with selected role playing individuals, research completed operator logs, review surveillance/maintenance documents, or evaluate licensee commitments, etc. Following the student presentations, one of the NRC instructors addresses NRC policy issues, inspection results, and class questions. Constructive criticism is then provided, and class participation is encouraged. It is anticipated that the course will become part of the inspector training required by IMC 1245.

Dr. Rodican Reed of TTD coordinated and monitored presentation of a Nuclear Criticality Safety Course in Kiev, Ukraine, on October 13-17, 1997. The course was presented by personnel from Oak Ridge Institute of Science and Engineering for personnel from the Ukrainian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety at the Ukraine Radiation Training Center. This was one of the final activities to be completed in support of Lisbon Initiative Ukraine Priority 2 (Establishment of Regulatory Training Program).

A Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Technical Managers (P-107) course was held at the Professional Development Center on October 15-17, 1997. Twenty-four NRC managers attended the course. The three day course is designed to introduce the NRC technical manager to PRA concepts including reactor and non-reactor applications. The course includes an introduction to PRA methods used in system modeling, accident progression analysis, accident consequence analysis, and performance assessment. In addition to furnishing a good understanding of the mechanics of a PRA, the course provides information on the more detailed training available to the technical staff, the current agency policy on the use of PRA, information on how the agency has used PRA in making decisions, and the value of and methods for using PRA to get the most benefit from available resources. Also included is a discussion of PRA strengths, limitations, and uncertainty. The course also discusses agency applications of PRA methodology. The course has been made mandatory for all NRR, AEOD, and NMSS managers. Seven sessions of the course are scheduled for FY 1998. TTD added four courses to the FY 1998 schedule in order to meet the goal of having 2/3 of the agency's technical managers attend the training in FY 1998. Dates for the remaining FY 1998 courses can be found in the TTD Course Catalog and on the TTD web page.

Incident Response Division

Participation in Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Conference

An AEOD/IRD staff member participated as an invited speaker in a Nuclear Energy Institute Crisis Communications Conference held on October 13 and 14, 1997, at the OMNI Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. The conference was attended by approximately 90 licensee public information officers. The AEOD staff member addressed issues related to public information in response to radiological incidents.


1.PNO-I-97-056C, Unknown, Royal Green Metal Recyclers, RUPTURED AMERICIUM SOURCE (UPDATE)

2.PNO-II-97-056, Tuomey Regional Medical Center (An Agreement State Licensee), THERAPEUTIC MISADMINISTRATION



Office of Administration
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

Acceptability of Plant Performance for Severe Accidents; Scope of Consideration in Safety Regulations (Part 50)

A document withdrawing an advance notice of proposed rulemaking that outlined alternative approaches to generic regulation addressing the challenges from severe accidents for future light water reactors was published in the Federal Register on October 14, 1997 (62 FR 53250). The advance notice of proposed rulemaking was withdrawn because the Commission decided that a regulatory change to provide generic performance requirements during postulated severe accidents is not warranted at this time.

Contract Awards

Contract No. NRC-21-98-300 entitled, "Verbatim Reporting Services," was awarded to Ann Riley & Associates, Ltd. The fixed-price requirements contract in the amount of $359,980.68 is effective October 16, 1997, through October 15, 1998, with 4 one-year option periods for a total contract value of $1,799,903.40. This commercial item small business set-aside procurement was completed in four months. Award was made using the following streamlining initiatives: electronic transmittal of Statement of Work (SOW); use of commercial product description, reduce proposal preparation time, waive audit requirements, and award without discussions.

Contract No. NRC-31-97-246 entitled, "Data Entry, Programming, and Microcomputer User Support Services," was awarded to US Robotech, Inc. The fixed price contract in the amount of $143,449.68 is effective September 30, 1997 through September 29, 1998, with 4 one-year option periods for a total contract value of $756,028.56. This 8(a) set-aside procurement was completed in two months. Award was made using the following streamlining initiatives: electronic transmittal of SOW, use of commercial product description, reduce proposal preparation time, waive audit requirements, award without discussions.

Chief Information Officer
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

FOIA Requests Received during the 5-Day Period of October 10-16, 1997:

Procurement, list of responsible individuals. (FOIA/PA-97-392)

Optical computer equipment, models & locations of WANG WIIS, Cygnet/Atg, and Philips. (FOIA/PA-97-393)

Maine Yankee, OI reports 1-96-025 and 1-95-050. (FOIA/PA-97-394)

Arctic Slope Inspection Services, license no. 50-29015-01. (FOIA/PA-97-395)

Year 2000 status report dated 8/12/97, record referred by OMB. (FOIA/PA-97-396)

RADIOCAT license. (FOIA/PA-97-397)

IG report 97-53H. (FOIA/PA-97-398)

TMI, incident response center tape recordings 3/23/79 through 4/3/79. (FOIA/PA-97-399)

OI report 2-95-034. (FOIA/PA-97-400)

Office of Human Resources
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997


Office of Public Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

Media Interest

There was press interest in NRC's stance on the remediation of the Utah uranium mill tailings site in Moab.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that a private consultant's study claims NRC's 1984 terrorism assessment of spent fuel containers is fundamentally flawed.

Media Training

Crisis communications training has been provided to Commissioners Dicus and Diaz; the EDO and his two technical deputies; the Office Directors of NRR, NMSS, and RES; and six NRR technical briefers. This training is intended to prepare managers to deal effectively with the media on-camera during an emergency should they be called on as spokespersons for the agency.

Press Releases
97-154 NRC to Hold November Workshop to Discuss Draft Documents on Risk-Informed Piping Inspection.
97-155 NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards to Meet in Rockville, Maryland, November 6-7.
I-97-135 NRC, Utility to Discuss Haddam Neck Radiological Concerns.
I-97-136 NRC to Accept Public Comments at October 27 Meeting Regarding Decommissioning of Haddam Neck Nuclear Power Plant.
IV-97-61 NRC, NPPD to Discuss Apparent Violations at Cooper Nuclear Station.

Office of the Secretary
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

Information Papers Released to the Public
Document Date Subject
SECY-97-234 10/14/97 Quarterly Status for the Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan
Commission Correspondence Released to the Public
1. Letter to Alaska Govenor, Tony Knowles, and Wyoming Governor, Jim Geringer 10/09/97 Policy Resolution adopted by the Western Governors' Association regarding "Private Storage of Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel"
2. Letter to Mr. Jason C. Hu, Taipie Economic & Culatral Representative Office in the U.S. 10/09/97 Expresses Congratulations on Assignment as Foreign Minister
3. Letter to Congress & OMB 09/30/97 Provides NRC's Fiscal Year 1998 - Fiscal Year 2002 Strategic Plan
Federal Register Notices Issues
Docket No. 1A 97-070   Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (Bechhoefer/Lam/Kline)

Magdy Elamir, M.D.

Region I
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

Vermont Yankee

On Monday afternoon, October 13, 1997, about 30 people demonstrated outside the main gate of the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant. The demonstration, which did not disrupt plant activities, was organized by the Citizen's Awareness Network. Licensee security and local law enforcement personnel were notified in advance of the demonstration and observed the activities.

Limerick Unit 2

On October 10, 1997, a fire developed in the exhaust system for one of the four emergency diesel generators (EDG) supporting Limerick Unit 2 operation. The EDG, which was undergoing a routine surveillance run at the time of the fire, was promptly shutdown. The fire was extinguished within 15 minutes. The licensee declared an Alert emergency condition at 11:10 p.m. on October 10 when the affected EDG was declared inoperable due to the fire. NRC Region I and headquarters personnel monitored the event and the licensee's response. The NRC resident inspector observed the event response onsite. The Alert was terminated about 4 hours later, after electrical systems inspections confirmed the reliability of the remaining electric distribution systems. Subsequent investigation revealed significant internal component damage primarily focused on one seized piston and cylinder. The root cause investigation for the fire is continuing with diesel vendor support onsite. The licensee expects to repair the EDG within the 30-day TS LCO action requirements. NRC Region I specialists are monitoring the investigation and repairs.

Salem Unit 2

On Thursday, October 16, 1997, senior NRC managers arrived onsite to tour the Salem facility and to conduct both informal and planned interviews with selected licensee personnel and management. NRC managers included Hubert J. Miller - Regional Administrator, Region I; Hugh L. Thompson - Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Programs; and Frank J. Miraglia - Deputy Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. These activities followed a tour and interviews held by senior Region I management at the Hope Creek facility on Wednesday, October 15, 1997.

On Friday, October 17, 1997, a Salem Assessment Panel meeting will be held at the site and will include discussion of the status of Salem Unit 1 Restart Inspections.

Mobile Dynamic Imaging

During an inspection on October 16, 1997, at Mobile Dynamic Imaging (in New Jersey), an inspector noted some programmatic problems. Through personnel interviews, the inspector learned that the licensee had injected members of its staff with licensed material in order to perform quality control tests on their camera. This is an apparent unauthorized use of licensed material. NRC Region I is continuing to follow-up on this matter.

Region II
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (NFS)

On October 16, managers in the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) and Region II met with the President of NFS and other licensee managers. The NRC managers were lead by the Acting Deputy Director for NMSS and the Acting Deputy Regional Administrator for Region II. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results of the Licensee Performance Review. The key challenges for the licensee from the NRC assessment were as follows: (1) management oversight of changing operations, (2) development of safety bases and establishment of controls before startup of new operations, (3) improvement in self-identification of deficiencies and implementation of corrective actions, and (4) communication of management expectations to workers and followup to ensure these expectations are met. Licensee representatives discussed steps they were taking to improve in the areas where improvement was needed. The meeting was observed by several members of the media and the public.

Tennessee Valley Authority - Sequoyah

On October 17, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant reported to the NRC that they had discovered several instrument cables damaged in a Unit 2 containment electrical penetration. Sequoyah Unit 2 is currently in an outage, and all fuel was removed from the Reactor Vessel at the time of this incident. The penetration was being replaced, and work had proceeded to the point that the penetration was being re-wired. The licensee continues to investigate the event and has taken compensatory measures.

Carolina Power and Light Company - Harris

On October 14, the Director, Division of Reactor Safety, presented operator certificates to newly licensed Senior Reactor Operators at the Harris facility in an evening ceremony at the Radisson Governors Inn in Raleigh/Durham.

Region III
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

Management Meetings with Commonwealth Edison Company - Dresden

On October 15, 1997, representatives of the regional and headquarters staffs conducted two meetings with Commonwealth Edison Company officials in the Regional Office. The first session reviewed operational lessons learned from a July 28 incident involving control of the water level in the Unit 2 reactor vessel which resulted in a reactor shutdown. The second meeting covered the status and findings of the Dresden Engineering Assurance Group, the effectiveness of corrective actions, and engineering performance improvements.

Meeting on Status of Performance Improvement Activities - Zion

On October 17, 1997, the Regional Administrator and members of the regional and headquarters staffs met at the Zion Nuclear Power Station with representatives of Commonwealth Edison Company to discuss the status of performance improvement activities at the Zion Station. The utility continues to plan for a mid-December startup for Unit 2, the lead unit for startup at the site.

Region IV
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

Cooper Nuclear Station Predecisional Enforcement Conference

Nebraska Public Power District managers met with the Regional Administrator and members of the Region IV staff in Arlington, Texas, at a predecisional enforcement conference. The conference discussion centered around the Power District's failure to identify and correct a significantly degraded residual heat removal system heat exchanger, the failure to identify and correct a single failure that could render the standby gas treatment system inoperable, and eight additional less-significant examples of ineffective corrective actions.

Office of Congressional Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending October 17, 1997

Combs TBA

406 DSOB

TBA Markup S. 8, Superfund Reauthorization Sen. Chafee/Baucus

Environment & Public Works

Gerke 10/21

2322 RHOB

1:30 TBA Utility Deregulation: H.R. 655, H.R. 338, H.R. 1230, H.R. 1359, H.R. 1960 Reps. Schaefer/Hall

Energy and Power


Gerke 10/22

2154 RHOB

10:00 Markup Federal Health & Life Insurance Bills Reps. Mica/Cummings

Civil Service

Government Reform & Oversight

Gerke 10/22

2123 RHOB

10:30 TBA Utility Deregulation: H.R. 655, H.R. 338, H.R. 1230, H.R. 1359, H.R. 1960 Reps. Schaefer/Hall

Energy and Power


Keeling 10/23

366 DSOB

9:30 TBA U.S.-China Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Senators Murkowski/Bumpers

Energy & Natural Resources

Combs 10/24

2123 RHOB

10:00 TBA Superfund Reform Act Reps. Oxley/Manton

Finance & Hazardous Materials


Keeling 10/27

342 DSOB

2:00 TBA Nuclear Stockpile Safety Sen. Cochran/Levin

Intl Security, Proliferation & Federal Services

Governmental Affairs

Gerke 11/04


TBA Markup H.R. 655, Electric Consumers' Power to Choose Act Reps. Schaefer/Hall

Energy & Power
