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The images below are created from data that is archived and distributed by the GES DISC DAAC. For more information about any of these images or dataset, please contact help-disc@listserv.gsfc.nasa.gov.

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Global Browse Image

The global images in this gallery are created from data collected daily by the AIRS instrument on the Aqua satellite.


AIRS calibrated Vis/NIR radiances. This hurricane Isabel image is a false color composite using 0.71-0.92 µm, 0.58-0.68 µm, and 0.40-0.44 µm bands. The nadir pixel resolution is 2.3 km.

TRMM image of Hurricane Isabel path

As Hurricane Isabel intensified and weakened on its way to the East Coast, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) observed Isabel many times. The TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR) is the only instrument in space that can provide detailed three-dimensional rainfall measurements.

SeaWiFS false-color image

SeaWiFS false-color image of chlorophyll concentration data for the east coast of the United States. In the upper right area of this image, the boundary between higher (yellow and green) and lower (blue) chlorophyll concentrations marks the position of the Gulf Stream.

TRMM image of Hurricane Charley

Rainfall image, observed by TRMM at 21:05 UTC on 08/13/2004. (Image courtesy of TRMM Project).

Hurricane Isabel off the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

SeaWiFS image of the east coast of the United States, acquired on September 18, 2003, as Hurricane Isabel was about to make landfall on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Earth Probe TOMS Total Ozone on Sep. 11, 2003

TOMS-EP measures the second largest ozone hole! The Antarctic ozone hole reached its maximum on September 24, 2003, slightly larger than the North American continent, but smaller than the largest ever recorded, on September 10, 2000.

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  • Last updated: August 06, 2008 17:39:51 GMT