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AWC Home > FD Winds > Info
About Forecast Winds and Temperatures Aloft--FD Winds

Winds Aloft forecast periods

6 hour
valid times
12 hour
valid times
24 hour
valid times
~0200 UTC 0000 UTC 0500-0900 UTC 0900-1800 UTC 1800-0500 UTC
~1400 UTC 1200 UTC 1700-2100 UTC 2100-0600 UTC 0600-1700 UTC

Winds aloft are computer prepared and contain forecast wind direction and speed as well as forecast temperatures. The standard FD levels follow:
  • 3,000 feet
  • 6,000 feet
  • 9,000 feet
  • 12,000 feet
  • 18,000 feet
  • 24,000 feet
  • 30,000 feet
  • 34,000 feet
  • 39,000 feet
All levels through 12,000 feet are true altitude (MSL). The levels 18,000 feet and above are pressure altitude. Wind direction is from true north. No winds are forecast within 1,500 feet of station elevation. Also, no temperatures are forecast for the 3,000 foot level or for any level within 2,500 feet of station elevation. Temperature is in whole degrees Celsius and assumed to be negative above 24,000 feet.

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Sample winds aloft text message:
VALID 010600Z   FOR USE 0500-0900Z. TEMPS NEG ABV 24000
FT  3000    6000   9000    12000   18000   24000  30000  34000  39000
MKC 2426 2726-09 2826-14 2930-21 2744-32 2751-41 275550 276050 276547
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Sample message decoded:


Forecast data is based on computer forecasts generated the first day of the month at 0000 UTC.
VALID 010600Z FOR USE 0500-0900Z. TEMPS NEG ABV 24000
The valid time of the forecast is the first day of the month at 0600 UTC. The forecast winds and temperature are to be used between 0500 and 0900 UTC. Temperatures are negative above 24,000 feet.

FT 3000 6000 9000 12000 18000 24000 30000 34000 39000

FT indicates the forecast location, the numbers indicate the forecast levels.

MKC 2426 2726-09 2826-14 2930-21 2744-32 2751-41 275550 276050 276547

This example shows data for MKC (Kansas City, MO). The 3,000 foot wind is forecast to be 240 degrees at 26 knots. The 6,000 foot wind is forecast to be 270 degrees at 26 knots and the air temperature is forecast to be -9 degrees Celsius. The 30,000 foot wind is forecast to be 270 degrees at 55 knots with the air temperature forecast to be -50 degrees Celsius.

If a coded direction is more than "36," then the wind speed is 100 knots or more. Therefore, if the direction number is between 51 and 86, the wind speed will be over 100 knots. For example, a forecast at 39,000 feet of "731960" shows a wind direction from 230 degrees (73-50=23) and the speed is 119 knots (100+19=119). The temperature is minus 60 degrees Celcius.

If the wind speed is forecast to be 200 knots or greater, the wind group is coded as 199 knots. For example, "7799" is decoded as 270 degrees at 199 knots or greater.

Wind direction is coded to the nearest 10 degrees. When the forecast speed is less than 5 knots, the coded group is "9900" and read, "LIGHT AND VARIABLE."

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