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Report of the U.S. Delegate, Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, 13th Session
The Thirteenth Session of the Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CCFFV) was attended by forty-one member countries, one member organization and three international organizations. Hon. Sergio Alejandro Garcia de Alba Zepeda, Mexico's Secretary of the Economy officially opened the Session.

Key Issues

Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Table Grapes
This standard was completed by the Session with the adoption of the minimum maturity requirements and minimum bunch size for table of 75 grams. The maturity requirements were adopted without any provision for exemptions. There was general concern that any provision for exemptions would lead to a long list similar to individual maturity requirements. India and the U.S. expressed reservation to the minimum maturity requirements adopted.

The meeting agreed to exempt Institutional Grades of table grapes from the minimum bunch size requirement. However, since "institutional grade" does not have a uniform international meaning the following statement was added to the relevant section of the standard, "this provision does not apply to packages intended for single servings".

Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Tomatoes
There was no agreement on the sizing requirements in the standard. The U.S. proposal on two sizing approaches in the standard was accepted however, continued disagreements between countries present on size ranges and the sizing of tomatoes by count or weight persisted. In addition, efforts to establish minimum and maximum diameter for cherry tomatoes were unsuccessful due to differences between countries and lack of scientific evidence for a clear demarcation.

Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Apples
The text developed in February 2006 at the physical Working Group led by the U.S. was accepted and some changes proposed. Unresolved issues include the following:

Minimum Size: Most delegations supported the exclusion of minimum size from the standard by indicating that there is no direct link between apple size and maturity and therefore another measure to determine acceptable minimum size should be explored.

Color Requirement: Most delegations supported deletion of Annex I "Apple Color Varieties". However, there was no agreement on how to continue grading apples using uniformity of color without a varietal color list.

An electronic working group was established to continue the work between sessions. There was general consensus that another physical meeting of the Working Group would help advance the development of the standard. The U.S., as leader of the Working Group, will explore the possibility of holding a physical working group and set a date and venue if this would feasible.

Other Key Issues Discussed
Guidelines for Quality Control of FFV: The session agreed to advance the document developed to Step 5 with a target date for completion- the Fourteenth CCFFV session.

Future Work: The CCFFV decided that no new standards or revisions are undertaken until the drafts standards being developed are completed and the standard layout is revised.

The outcomes of 13th CCFFV Session are mixed. The adopted minimum maturity requirements for table grapes are higher than those proposed over the past two years. The focus of this session was more on international trading practices rather than on national or regional trade; this is visible in the manner in which the discussions on the draft apple standard, tomato sizing requirements, and guidelines for quality control took place.

Last Modified: November 9, 2006



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