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Daily HealthBeat Tip

Music sends the pain away

From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, I'm Ray Sass with HHS HealthBeat.

Can easing chronic pain and depression really be as easy as listening to music?

A study in the Journal of Advanced Nursing says it can.

Researchers studied groups of chronic pain sufferers for a week. Those who listened to music for an hour a day felt better.

Dr. Sandra Siedlecki of Ohio's Cleveland Clinic Foundation:

"Anyone who used music had decreases in pain, depression, and disability compared to the people who did not use music." (6 seconds)

Her advice:

"You can use music to make you feel the way you would like to feel. So if you're sad, pick music that makes you happy; if you're having trouble sleeping, pick music that relaxes you; if you feel tired and fatigued, pick music that energizes you." (12 seconds)

The study was supported by HHS' National Institutes of Health.

Learn more at

HHS HealthBeat is a production of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. I'm Ray Sass.

Last revised: August 9, 2006


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