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News from Scientists at the USGS Patuxent wildlife Research Center
Thursday, August 31, 2000

BLM Top Managers Meet at Patuxent

USDI Bureau of Land Management will hold a Science Coordination Committee meeting at the Patuxent Research Refuge Visitor's Center on September 11-13 and will tour the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Chesapeake Bay, and the eastern shore of Maryland on September 14.

Peter Lowe Attends Major Wetland Conference

Dr Peter Lowe attended the Quebec2000: Millennium Wetland Conference from August 6 through the 11 in Quebec City, Quebec. The conference was jointly organized and conducted by the International Peat Society, the Society of Wetland Scientists, the International Association of Ecology, and the International Mire Conservation Group. Dr Lowe made a presentation entitled " Sources of variance in developing and IBI assessment for restored wetlands in the Mid-Atlantic states" on August 10, part of a symposium entitled 'Wetland Biological Assessments.' Other authors for the presentation included Donald Sparling, Billy Teels and Norman Melvin.

Patuxent Scientist Honored with Membership in the Academy of Ghengis Khan

On June 28, 2000 Dr. P. Davnyam and a small group of other Academicians welcomed Dr. David H. Ellis as the 111th member of the Academy of Ghengis Khan. This honor and the honorary degree that goes with it were bestowed for Dr. Ellis' pioneering work on the ecology of the saker falcon in Mongolia (1994-present) and his conservation efforts (1997-present) to build artificial eyries in an effort to offset harvest of these birds for falconry.

Wildfowl Trust Symposium Set for October

The Wildfowl Trust of North America will sponsor a "Symposium on Black Ducks and Chesapeake Bay Habitats" on October 4, 2000 Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, Maryland. The black duck, as a breeding and wintering Bay duck, has traditionally epitomized the importance of the valuable habitats of Chesapeake Bay as well as the problems facing these habitats. The goal of the Symposium is to bring together some of the best experts on the subject and to share this information with a broad spectrum of individuals interested in black ducks and their Bay habitats. To register for the Symposium or get on the mailing list, point your browser to  or contact Matt Perry if you would like to present a poster dealing with the broader subject of waterfowl or Bay habitat or to learn more about the technical aspects of the Symposium.

John Seginak Continues Successful Field Lecture Series

On Sunday, August 20, John Seginak gave an "in the field" lecture to the Madison County Wildlife Competition Team from Madison County High School in Danielsville, GA. The team consisted of 10 juniors and seniors and were good enough to go to the Nationals last year. John will also give lectures at the High School on Sept 1, 8, and 22. This is the fifth year that John has provided lectures for the school and during that time several of John's students have entered the University of Georgia's Wildlife Program.



Sam Droege ( ) has made reference to an interesting web site on modeling and valuation of watersheds. The Patuxent Landscape Model may be found on the University of Maryland's Center for Environmental Science website at 

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD, USA
Contact: Director
Last Modification: 13-September-2000@14:45 (edt)
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