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News from Scientists at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Monday, April 15, 2002

Glenn Olsen Presents Seminar at National Wildlife Health Center on Foot and Mouth Disease in England

Dr. Glenn H. Olsen presented a seminar at the National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin on April 3, 2002 on Foot and Mouth Disease in England: Lessons in Epidemiology, Biosecurity, and Bioterrorism. The talk covered the information gleaned from Dr. Olsen's work with other Federal veterinarians and with the British Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs during the recent outbreak of foot and mouth disease in England last year. In addition, numerous photographs of lesions were shown to help inform the audience on what such lesions look like, as the disease does not currently occur in the United States. Biosecurity measures taken during the outbreak were discussed and a video about biosecurity was shown.

Contact: Dr Glenn H. Olsen 301.497.5603

Atlanta Journal Constitution Features Swainson's Warbler Research by Patuxent Scientist Meyers and Univ. of Georgia Graduate Students

Migratory Birds in Danger ---- Migratory bird stories feature scientists and managers in southeastern U.S.: The Atlanta Journal Constitution has again put migratory bird education and outreach to the forefront in an outstanding three-day front page series that has been adapted to the web.

The introduction features "Take the Arduous Journey," which provides a moving tour of migration from South America to Georgia [click in upper right corner]. Full color bird posters which were printed in the paper are also found on the web. On day one, four major articles are featured, many with interviews of managers and scientists working together on migratory birds in the Southeastern U.S. Featured articles on day one are: "Birds stop singing," Bird Watchers" [even politicians do it], " Coffee Farms," and "Hardwood Bottoms," which features Swainson's Warbler research by Dr. Joe Meyers of the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center and his graduate students at the University of Georgia. On day two the stories concentrate on "Homes for Humans" and how our forest bird habitats are being lost for human habitation. The original newspaper articles also featured outstanding charts on managing birds in your backyards. The last day features "Man Made Obstacles," which discusses the problems birds have had in avoiding and being attracted to tall, lighted towers, some at heights of 2,000 feet, during nights when low clouds force birds to fly lower and encounter the towers. The web site is interesting, educating, and fun.

Contact:  J. Michael Meyers, 706.542.1882

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center , Laurel, MD, USA
Contact: Director
Last modified: 04/15/2002
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