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News from Scientists at the USGS Patuxent wildlife Research Center
Monday, October 30, 2000

Patuxent Scientists Attend EURING 2000 Oct 2 - 7

Patuxent staff members Link, Tautin, Kendall, Nichols, Hines, Doherty, and Spendelow, along with FWS colleagues Otto and Royle, and eighty other scientists from 15 countries, attended the EURING 2000 Conference, October 2-7, at Marshall, California. EURING, the European Union for Bird Ringing [banding], periodically organizes conferences to bring together select statisticians and biologists involved with the management and analysis of ringing data. The theme of this year's conference was Development, understanding and integration of new methodologies in the analysis of ringing data. One poster and seven paper sessions were held:

1. Modeling and inference using individual covariates

2. Meta-populations, multi-strata models, dispersal and translocations

3. Formal experiments with ringed birds

4. Bayesian methods

5. Evolutionary biology

6. Random effects models

7. Estimation of realized lambda from mark-recapture studies

Proceedings of the EURING 2000 Conference will be published in the Journal of Applied Statistics. Proceedings from previous EURING Conferences have become standard references for the design and analysis of mark-recapture studies. The prominence of Patuxent in this field of study was clearly evidenced at the EURING 2000 Conference. Patuxent staff co-chaired one session, gave two plenary addresses, led two post-plenary discussions, taught one short course, and authored or coauthored eleven papers and posters. Patuxent and the Cooperative Research Units Program were the major financial sponsors of the EURING 2000 Conference.

Contact: John Tautin 

Spendelow to Attend Roseate Tern Recovery Team Meeting

Dr Jeff Spendelow will attend the Northeastern breeding population Roseate Tern Recovery Team (NRTRT) meeting on 15 November 2000 at the Region 5 US Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Office in Hadley, MA.

Contact: Jeff Spendelow 

Melancon to Attend SETAC

Dr Mark Melancon will be attending the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting from 12-16 November 2000 in Nashville, TN and will be presenting two papers. The invited paper, "Relationship of hepatic microsomal monooxygenases of field-collected snapping turtles (Chelyda serpentina) to tissue contaminant concentrations", will be presented in a session on Reptile Toxicology while the submitted paper, "Evaluating cytochrome P450 in birds by monooxygenases and immunohistochemistry: possible nonlethal assessment by skin immunohistochemistry" will be presented in a Wildlife Toxicology session.

Contact: Mark Melancon

Sauer Recognized by National Park Service

The Inventory and Monitoring Program of the National Park Service recognizes Dr. John Sauer for his important contributions to the Servicewide program and individual parks in the areas of statistical design and data analysis. Dr Sauer has been instrumental in helping the NPS develop guidelines for biological inventories, recommendations to parks for designing park-wide sampling schemes, and recommendations for sampling birds and vegetation at Channel Island National Park, and has assisted with inventories of birds and other taxa at parks in the National Capitol Region.

Jachowski Receives the DOI Distinguished Service Award 

Dr. Richard Jachowksi will be receiving the Distinguished Service Award at the Department of the Interior's Convocation Ceremony to be held Monday, October 30. The Distinguished Service Award is the highest Departmental honor award that can be granted to a career employee. Dr. Jachowski was nominated for this award in recognition of his outstanding personal contributions to the Department of the Interior in the field of research and management of natural resources conservation. Dr. Jachowksi has provided strong leadership to the research and other scientific activities at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, and most recently as Center Director of the Rocky Mountain Science Center. He approaches each assignment with vigor, wisdom, enthusiasm, ingenuity, and compassion and his accomplishments are international in scope. Significant achievements include initiating and supporting partnerships for migratory bird conservation, including establishing the neotropical migratory bird conservation program, Partners in Flight, and serving as the first Co-Chair of the Research Working Group.

See Previous HiLites:
August 31, 2000
September 21, 2000

September 28, 2000

October 5, 2000

October 16, 2000

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD, USA
Contact: Director
Last Modification: 02-November-2000@08:09 (edt)
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