Struggle over Slavery: The Compromise of 1850

Senator Henry Clay¹s handwritten resolutions proposing the Compromise of 1850 with a printed version of the resolutions, January 29, 1850 (Section One)
National Archives and Records Administration, Records of the U.S. Senate

Senator Henry Clay¹s handwritten resolutions proposing the Compromise of 1850 with a printed version of the resolutions, January 29, 1850 (Section Two)
National Archives and Records Administration, Records of the U.S. Senate

Henry Clay (1777­1852) By John Neagle, 1843
Courtesy of the Architect of the Capitol

Old Senate Chamber
The view from Henry Clay¹s seat in the Old Senate Chamber. Clay¹s handwritten draft of the resolutions that made up the Compromise of 1850 lies on his desk. Photography by Carol Highsmith

"The United States Senate, A.D., 1850"
By Robert Whitechurch, after Peter Frederick Rothermel, 1855
United States Senate Collection

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