Reconstruction: The Impeacment of Andrew Johnson

Order to Senate Sergeant of Arms George Brown to serve a "Writ of Summons" on Andrew Johnson, signed by Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, March 7, 1868
National Archives and Records Administration, Records of the U.S. Senate

Impeachment Ballot recording votes of senators in the trial of Andrew Johnson, May 1868
National Archives and Records Administration, Records of the U.S. Senate

The House of Representatives managers of the impeachment proceedings against President Andrew Johnson. Taken in Brady¹s Studio on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC. 1868. Shown standing (left to right) James Falconer Wilson, Iowa; George Sewel Boutwell, Massachusetts; John Alexander Logan, Illinois; seated (left to right) Benjamin Franklin Butler, Massachusetts; Thaddeus Stevens, Pennsylvania; Thomas Williams, Pennsylvania; Thomas Williams, Pennsylvania; John Armor Bingham, Ohio.
By Brady Studios, 1868
National Archives and Records Administration, Records of the Chief Signal Officer

"Mr. Geo. T. Brown the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, serving on President Johnson, at his office in the White House, Washington, DC, the summons to appear before the High Court of Impeachment"
After James E. Taylor, for Frank Leslie¹s Illustrated, March 28, 1869
United States Senate Collection

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