U.S. Office of Personnel Management
FERS Election Opportunities

OPM Seal FERS Transfer Model

FERS Transfer Model
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. QWhat information do I need to use the Model?

    AA check list of information you should have before using the Model has been included in the User's Guide.

  2. QHow do I know if I'm using the most recent version of the FERS Transfer Model?

    ACheck the FERS Transfer Model page of this web site. The current version of the Model will be available on that page for download. If the version number you have matches the version number on the web site, you have the most recent version. You will find the version number of your Model on the bottom right-hand corner of the Main Menu screen of the Model. If the version number on the web site is higher than your number (e.g. 1.0.4 compared to 1.0.3), you should download the newer Model.

  3. QWhy do the amounts shown for my FERS and TSP benefits decrease?

    AThe decrease in FERS and TSP benefits at ages 62 and 75 reflects the fact that FERS benefits do not receive the full cost-of-living adjustments and that the TSP annuity option as shown in the FERS Transfer Model provides a level payment that does not receive a cost-of-living adjustment. However, the Thrift Plan does offer payment options that include a cost-of-living adjustment.

  4. QIn my comparison screen (Step 7, Run the Calculation) why is my Social Security benefit showing up as the same number under both ages 62 and 75?

    AThe Social Security benefit shown in the last two columns under Annual Retirement Benefits is the amount of your Social Security benefit computed at age 62. The comparison chart shows this benefit staying the same over time, unlike the FERS and TSP benefits, as the Social Security benefit keeps pace with inflation since it receives full cost-of-living adjustments. The fact that the amount at age 62 is the same as the benefit at age 75 illustrates the fact that the buying power of your Social Security benefit will remain the same because of the full cost-of-living adjustments. In contrast, the buying power of the FERS and TSP pieces is decreasing.

  5. QWhy doesn't the Model deal with early-out retirement?

    AThe FERS Transfer Model offers a comparison based on the earliest date at which you are eligible to receive an annuity based only on your age and service. It is not designed to provide projections for any early retirement benefits.

  6. QIn my comparison screen (Step 7, Run the Calculation), my CSRS benefit is showing up as zero. Why?

    AIf the amounts under "Staying in CSRS" show as zeros, that is because the desired retirement age that you entered does not qualify you for a CSRS annuity at that specific age and number of years of service. For more information on CSRS, see the CSRS section of the FERS Transfer Handbook.

  7. QWhat is the Special Retirement Supplement (or FERS Supplement)?

    AThe FERS Supplement is an approximation of the portion of a Social Security benefit earned while under FERS. For those retirees who are eligible to receive this benefit, it substitutes for the Social Security part of your total FERS benefit until age 62, when most people become eligible for Social Security. To be eligible for this Special Retirement Supplement, you must have at least 1 full calendar year (January 1 - December 31) of FERS coverage and retire after 30 years of service at your MRA, after 20 years of service at age 60, or under certain special retirement provisions. The Special Retirement Supplement is included in your monthly annuity payment as administered by OPM.

    The Supplement does not receive any cost-of-living adjustments (up through age 62) and can be reduced or terminated if you work after retirement and earn more than the allowable amount. At age 62, the Supplement ends, and if you are eligible and apply for the benefit, you can begin to receive Social Security benefits paid and administered by the Social Security Administration. For more information see the Special Retirement Supplement fact sheet.

  8. QI want to retire after I'm 70. How can I use the Model to compare my benefits?

    ABecause of complexities affecting Social Security and Thrift benefits, the Model is not programmed to compute retirement projections after age 70. If you plan on retiring after age 70, please contact your agency for assistance.

  9. QWhat is a PEBES? How do I request one?

    PEBES stands for Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement (PEBES). This is a statement compiled by the Social Security Administration (SSA) which shows your Social Security earnings history and how much Social Security taxes you have paid into the program. It also estimates your future benefits and tells you how to qualify for those benefits.

    Note: the PEBES is not adjusted for the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP). Most CSRS benefits will be reduced by the WEP. For more information on the WEP click here.

    The PEBES is provided to you at no charge by the SSA. If you would like to request a PEBES electronically you may click on the link below and you will be taken to the SSA web site. This browser window will display the SSA's PEBES home page.
    I want to request a PEBES electronically.

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Updated 8 July 1998