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Admin Rules

Administrative Rules for Airports Division


Present Rules


Chapter 19-11 Airport Site Approval, Airport Licensing, and Airport License Renewal
 Chapter 19-12 Airport Zoning
 Chapter 19-13 Aircraft Operations at Public Airports
 Chapter 19-14 Public Conduct at Public Airports
 Chapter 19-15.1 Operation of Motor Vehicles at Public Airports
 Chapter 19-16.1 Airport System Fees and Charges Applicable to Non-Signatory Carriers
 Chapter 19-17.1 Small Plane Hangar Units and Tie Down Spaces at Public Airports
 Chapter 19-20.1 Commercial Services at Public Airports 
 Chapter 19-26.1  Distribution of Literature, Solicitation of Contributions, Demonstrations,
and Public Opinion Surveys at Public Airports
 Chapter 19-30 Baggage Carts, Dollies, and Other Similar Devices
 Chapter 19-31.1 Aircraft Registration
 Chapter 19-33 Control of Hazardous Materials and Waste at Public Airports
 Chapter 19-34 Tour Aircraft Operations at Public Airports
 Chapter 19-35 Transportation use Special Fund
 Chapter 19-36 Passenger Facility Charges
 Chapter 19-37 Fuel Handling Procedures at Public Airports
 Chapter 19-38.1 On-Demand Taxi Service at Public Airports



Proposed Rules

None at this time.


Notice of Public Hearings

None at this time.



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