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Responsibility For Security in Three Northern Provinces Transferred to Iraqis


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See Multi-National Force – Iraq press release
      Armed Forces Press Service News Article on Handover

The goal of U.S. security strategy in Iraq is to develop the Iraqis’ capacity to security their country while carrying out a campaign to defeat the terrorists and neutralize the insurgency.

  1. Coalition Forces Continue to Transfer Responsibility for Security in Provinces to Iraqis.
    On June 1, 2007, responsibility for maintaining the security of Erbil, Dahuk and Sulaymaniyah Provinces in northern Iraq was officially transferred to the Kurdistan Regional Government. It is the seventh of eighteen Iraqi provinces where security control is now principally in the hands of Iraqis, with Coalition forces standing ready to provide assistance if needed. Iraqi authorities first assumed responsibility for provincial security in in Al Muthanna Province on July 14, 2006. The most recent transfer occurred in Maysan Province on April 18th. Several other provinces are close to meeting the criteria necessary for security independence.

  2. Iraqi Forces are Increasingly in the Lead.
    In June 2004, no Iraqi Army units were in the lead, capable of coordinating, planning, and executing security operations independent of Coalition forces in their own areas of responsibility. By September 2005, 11 Iraqi battalions participated in Operation Restoring Rights in Tal Afar, controlling their own battlespace, and outnumbering Coalition forces for the first time in a major offensive operation. As of June 2007, 95 Iraqi Army battalions were in the lead in more than half of Iraq’s territory, with Coalition forces providing assistance in certain key roles such as logistical support. As shown in the included maps, the growth of the Iraqi Army in 2006-2007 has been significant.

  3. Iraqi Forces Continue to Grow in Number.
    In September 2004, there were only 96,000 trained and equipped Iraqi Security Forces. By November 2005, there were more than 212,000. As of May 30th, there were nearly 350,000 trained and equipped Iraqi Security Forces.

The Selection of a Province for Transfer to Iraqi Control is Based on Four Criteria:

Threat Level: U.S. and Iraqi commands examine the threats to the security of a province. If Iraqi Provincial authorities can ensure security and domestic order through the normal use of local police, the province is ready for transfer.

Iraqi Security Forces: The Iraqi Security Forces in the province are studied to determine if their training, equipment and capability are capable of protecting Iraqi citizens.

Governance: The governor must be capable of overseeing security operations. A Joint Operations Room must be capable of coordinating activities. An Iraqi Ministry of Defense and Iraqi Ministry of the Interior intelligence structure must support the Iraqi Police.

Multi National Force - Iraq: MNF-I must be capable of reinforcing Iraqi Security Forces if necessary. Coalition Forces will continue to help coordinate civil reconstruction projects. MNF-I will conduct activities in conjunction with the policies of the Iraqi Ministry of Interior and Iraqi Ministry of Defense.

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